Milan Zerudo

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Milan Zerudo

Unread post by TheEditor1023 »

Name: Milan Zerudo
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Eyes: Cyan
Hair: Cyan
Height: 5'10
Weight: 195lbs
Nationality: Egyptian, speaks English
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music:
Wrestling Style
Milan's entire mindset relies on the heart of the Tarot, but has been rumoured to use a fake deck at times as so to give him the results he wants, no matter which way it turns. The Fortune Teller's moveset is a mixture of hard hitting impact, with his own unique "flair", as he puts it, to keep the opponent on their toes. He'll lull them into a false sense of security one second, right before taking their head off with a lariat the next. Milan doesn't take kindly to those who try to point out his secrets, and will make sure that those who attempt, will fall by his hand.

In the situations that arise where Milan is on the losing end of the match, the blue-haired beauty is not hesitant to use any sort of advantage to even the playing field, whether that be using his cunning wits, his way with words or even, the "sacred" crystal ball.

Path of Fortune: Milan clutches the opponent's neck and bends them backwards, his chest leaning on them as they are arched backwards facing towards the ceiling. Milan then twists his body and falls backwards, driving the foe's head straight into the mat.
Sacred Impact: Milan stuffs the opponent's head between his thighs, and hooks their arms under his, using his hands to also grab and restrain their legs. Once he lifts the opponent up, Milan drops down and spikes the opponents head with a vicious Package Piledriver.
Soul Sleeper: Milan wraps one arm around the back of his opponent's head, with the other around his foe's throat. From there, Milan squeezes with his biceps and pushes the opponent downwards as he keeps his hips lifted, using his body weight and pressure to keep the opponent pinned underneath him whilst he applies a tight sleeper hold, staring into their eyes as they fall unconscious.

Strength: ★★★★★ - Milan's Strength is nothing to be laughed at, being his main way of battering anyone who dares steps in the squared circle with him.

Endurance: ★★★★ - Milan's body has been chiseled from the broken spirits of the people who have attempted to best him previously, and as a result, it can take a lot to keep him down for the three count.

Speed: ★ - Despite his powerful stature, Milan is not as fast as some people in the ring, and may have trouble being fast enough to dodge certain attacks. He combats this by changing the pace to his needs and only speeds up the competition when he wants to.

Submissions: ★★★ - Even though he has perfected the Soul Sleeper, Milan is not a master of submissions yet. He prefers battering an opponent physically, but Milan will switch to a submission hold to keep the opponent at bay such the situation arise.

Visual Appearance
Milan is an individual who likes to keep all the cards at his hand. He will always attempt to lead the conversations, using his self-proclaimed wisdown to sway whoever it may be to his words. He always keep a face of confidence, and attempts to let any would-be insults fly right over his head.

For those who know the REAL Milan however....once the odds aren't in his favour, the egotistical, borderline psychotic side of the Fortune Teller will show itself. In the rare moments this may happen, the once calm and prepared Milan will go full speed to doing whatever possible to shut down any person or thing who attempts to ruin his ambitions, and make sure they regret it. It's in your best intrest to avoid this side at all costs.

Milan Zerudo was born into a family of Fortune Tellers, Pirates and minds of the Occult deep within the sands of Egypt. A travelling life, Milan found himself on the move for most of his life, but spent his days learning the ways of Fortune Telling, Tarot Reading, and other forms of "Mystic Arts".

This was not Milan's only way of spending life however, as from a young age he found himself battling the other members of the tribe in Sand-Wrestling fights, where he quickly became a favourite of the competitions, repeatedly winning match after match until it became clear none could take his place. As Milan matured into an adult, his path in life was clear to him: dominate the arts of wrestling where he saw fit, and educate the world in the ways of his tribe whilst doing so.

As Milan travelled and got accustomed to the western life however, his true motives became clear however, and the more involved the Fortune Teller got involved, the more distorted his goals got. The once educated and knowledgable Milan became cruel and egotistical, adamant in proving that he was destined for greatness whilst feigning his motives behind the mystery of his upbringing. He wants to climb the top of the wrestling mountain, using his unique knowledge of the mystic arts to get whatever he wants, whilst crushing anyone who dares sees themselves fit to stop him.



viewtopic.php?t=14432 - Milan makes his grand debut against the upcoming Lumberjack, Isaac Clarke! (ONGOING)

viewtopic.php?f=27&t=14447&p=293476#p293476 - The Fortune Teller looks to stir up trouble, at Wazy Hemisphere's Trinity Bar! (ONGOING)
Last edited by TheEditor1023 on Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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