Betsy Lincoln

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Betsy Lincoln

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

”Hi! My name’s Betsy. I’m-a deck ya in the schnoze!”
Name: Betsy Lincoln
Nickname: The All-American Girl, Mrs. USA, Knockout Queen, Lady Liberty, the Princess of Punch, the Baroness of Bruises, the Sultana of Swat
Age: 28
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5”4’
Weight: 120 lbs
Nationality: United States of America (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Entrance Music: American Woman by Lenny Kravitz

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Speed. Greasy, fast, speed. Betsy is extremely light on her feet, moving around the ring with ease and delivering a variety of punches and kicks, overwhelming her opponent with blows and giving them no room to breath. She might not be able to do much damage with any one strike, but they add up, and the relentless pace she runs can just leave her opponent exhausted, causing them to open up so she can land her heavy hits.
Style: Swarmer
Type: Agile Striker

Preferred Matches: Standard, Hardcore, Cage Matches

Attitude to Hentai: “Uuuuuuuuuuh maybe? I’m all for free love, but having sex with random people might be kind of, you know, bad for my marriage, so…”

Endurance:★★★ - Tough, given her size, with great stamina to help maintain her speed.
Strength: ★★ - Stronger than she looks, but she looks like a toothpick in a hood, so that’s not saying much.
Speed: ★★★★★ - What Betsy lives and dies by.
Defense: ★★★★ - Can be extremely difficult to hit, thanks to her phenomenal footwork.
Technique: ★★★ - Has a good volume of strikes to work with, but is a so-so grappler.

Wrestling Statistics

Strikes:★★★★★ - Can strike from nearly any angle at any time. Win or lose, her opponent will need an icepack afterwards.
Submissions: ★★ - Has a few in her backpocket, but doesn’t often use them. Just the barebones basics.
Powerhouse:★★★ - Can bust out some suplexes every now and then. Not her forte, but if her opponent is light enough...
Aerial:★★★ - It’s not an active part of her style, but she was a cheerleader. Has a lovely Shooting Star Press.
Counters:★★★ - A slippery foe, she can worm her way around attacks and hit where you least expect it.

Signature Moves:
Shooting Stars
Betsy’s natural speed was always her claim to fame as a fighter, and the cornerstone of her success was her insanely quick jab. Unlike most jabs, hers comes straight from the shoulder, like a bullet fired from a gun, allowing her to pull it back and fire again in rapid succession, with a high amount of force. Despite her short size, it can be difficult to get in on her without taking hard hits to the face.
Tornado Alley
Betsy pulls her opponent in by the wrists, gets them close, push them out, then yanks then back fast as she leaps up and hits them in the face with a knee strike.
Flying Peach
Betsy is a big Rainbow Mika fan, and likes to use this move to help pay homage and show off her own impressive assets.

Finishing Moves
Rocket’s Red Glare
When she sees an opening, Betsy ducks down, gets low, then leaps up as she fires a powerful left hook, hitting her opponent in the chin with a Gazelle Punch, a move that brings her full leg power and weight into a single blow.
All American Shooting Star Press
While her opponent is rising, Betsy gets up on the turnbuckle, leaps off as she does a backflip, and lands with her knees on the back of their head, smashing their face into the floor.

Light, bubbly, carefree, Betsy is a ray of sunshine wherever she goes. She talks fast, maybe a little too fast for her own good, and doesn’t hold back in her opinions, saying the first thing that comes to her mind regardless of the consequences. She can come off as a tease sometimes, but it’s never meant in poor taste - she just loves to have fun, always striving to get the most out of every moment that she’s awake.

She has a short attention span and often has a rather simplistic, ditzy way of talking, which often leads people to thinking she’s an idiot. While she’s no genius by any means, she’s a lot smarter than she often leads people to believe, and you can tell that she kind of knows it, too, taking pleasure in catching people off guard when she turns out to be more aware than they realize.

This works in great contrast to her husband, Troy, who has a more reserved nature. Her effervescence pulls the energy out of him, and his stoicness reigns her in when she’s going too far.

From an early age, it was clear to Betsy’s parents that they needed to do something to keep her under control. The girl was a boundless fountain of energy, constantly getting into every little bit of trouble, always talking, hyperactive to an insane level. After dabbling a little in music and art, they enrolled her into a ballet class and she took to it with relative ease. She was a natural athlete and a quick learner, and was one of the best, most celebrated talents in her class within a year, winning some competitions and gaining a small measure of local fame.

But being good at something doesn’t always mean you like it, and she grew bored of ballet when she reached high school, skipping practice and blowing off her schedule. Under the threat of her once again growing restless and uncontrollable, they pressed her to something new - cheerleading. This was a little more of her style, loving the theatrics and the showmanship of it all, well suited for her loud, bombastic personality. She still felt like something was missing, though, and a part of her always wished she could be the one on the field, not on the sidelines.

It was here that she met her highschool sweetheart, Troy Lombard, the star quarterback for her high school and a bit of a wrestler in his free time. The two clicked rather well, with her loving his quiet, reflective nature and calming presence. Him being a good looking tower of muscle didn’t hurt things, either.

The two went steady all throughout high school, and even into college, but Troy’s burgeoning football career was stopped short by a serious concussion that put him on the shelf for the better part of a year. He did recover, but when he came back, he felt like his love for the sport was gone. Wanting a new path in life, he decided to give pro wrestling a try, and Betsy followed him every step of the way, helping him train and moving to Japan in order to take advantage of the greater opportunities there.

It was during this training that Betsy ran afoul of a female wrestler, one who didn’t take kindly to a non-wrestler hanging around all the time and seemed to have it out for the pair from day one. While Betsy wasn’t a violent sort, even she could only be pushed so far, and one day the two came to blows.

Betsy knocked her out before Troy could even pull them apart. It took her less than five seconds to down a trained wrestler.

As it turned out, training with Troy all the time had taught Betsy quite a bit about fighting. While she had never been in a fight herself, she had picked up the fundamentals, and combined with her athletic body and natural speed, she had all the right ingredients for a lethal fighter. What was more, she enjoyed it. The fight, short as it was, had awakened something in her, something thrilling. That was the moment she found her missing piece.

Since then, she went into proper kickboxing training, and improved by leaps and bounds. Within a year, she was experienced enough to join Troy in the ring, and the two formed a tag team, becoming one of the few male/female tag teams on the circuit. It was, perhaps, only a matter of time before they caught the attention of LAW’s scouters…

Main Attire
Original Outfit
Second Original Outfit
Getting Dressed
Fun Facts:

-As mentioned before, Betsy is a big Rainbow Mika fan, and owns her action figures, posters, and even a cosplay outfit.
-She speaks fluent Japanese, though people often assume she can’t because of her ditzy demeanor. One of her favorite little tricks is to let people who think she can’t understand her prattle on for a bit, thinking they’re having a private conversation, only to pipe in with their language and surprise them.
-Has a bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy.
-Yes, they’re real.


Friends: Troy Lincoln
Allies: Troy Lincoln
Crushes: Troy Lincoln, Rainbow Mika, Gisele LeBlanc
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:34 am, edited 4 times in total.

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