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"Fools! You DARE to challenge the Crown Princess of Death!"

Name: Countess Isabella Caramelita Dante
Age: 22
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'4 / 163 cm
Weight: 110 lbs. / 50 kg
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Alignment: Jobber the DEADLIEST and most TERRIFYING heel known to man - and WITHOUT EQUAL!

Entrance Music:
Stan Bush - Fight to Survive ("It's about a REAL Black Dragon alum and kumite champion!")

Ring Gear


History: Born to an upper-middle-class family in the south side of Chicago, Amy White was your average girl next door. She went to school, she studied, she hung out at the mall, she liked movies and had a guilty pleasure for corny daytime soap operas, and like many of her friends, her biggest dream in life was succeeding her classes, getting asked out by her crush, and achieving a successful and satisfying job.

Little did she know, everything she knew about her life was a LIE!

As part of an assignment for a high school class, Amy was tasked with researching her family history to present on an important ancestor of hers. What she found shocked her. She had been led to believe, all her life, that her family was nothing special, and that she was part of a long line of boring office workers that she would some day join. But as she would soon find out, she had a distant relative who was a feared and renowned martial arts master in his heyday! Not only was he descended from a line of nobles displaced during the Spanish Civil War, he had also trained in the WORLD'S DEADLIEST Fighting Secrets, becoming a master of the secret and forbidden techniques of the deadliest Oriental fighting arts and an 8th degree black belt, amassing over 1000 trophies and awards in international competition and proving himself UNDEFEATED against the world's top Masters in JUDO, BOXING, WRESTLING, KUNG-FU, KARATE, AIKIDO, etc. in Death Matches throughout Southeast Asia, as well as being the grandmaster of the BLACK DRAGON FIGHTING SOCIETY, a world-renowned Fighting Arts Organization for which many world famous champions have been unable to meet the strict requirements and have failed to gain entrance or admission into the forbidden society sworn to the arts of DEATH!!



Okay, everyone else claimed that Amy's great-uncle was just a charlatan trying to use sensational advertising in order to sell tickets to carnival-sideshow-tier events and cheap and ineffective martial arts manuals from the backs of comic books. But they didn't know the FORBIDDEN TRUTH of the DEADLY POISON HAND TECHNIQUES!! Amy had made up her mind. Not only was she, by virtue of her noble blood, a bona fide Countess, she was also going to follow in her family's legacy to realize her destiny as the DEADLIEST WOMAN WHO EVER LIVED!!

As soon as she had the opportunity to, she legally changed her name to Isabella Caramelita Dante to reflect her true heritage and claimed the title of Countess. She also trained in the martial arts for four years, including karate, judo, kung fu, aikido, and above all else, the UNBEATABLE fighting art of Dan-Te, the Hand of Death - INCLUDING the lethal Death Touch of DIM MAK (the most advanced form of Kung Fu) and the forty-four Poison Hand Weapons, as well as establishing a new dojo for the Black Dragon Fighting Society.

Now, looking to prove the superiority of her style, the Countess seeks to test her skills against the most accomplished fighters in the world - who, of course, are NO MATCH for her incredible Prowess!!

Personality: A loudmouth and a shameless self-promoter, Isabella wants everyone to know exactly how tough, strong, and unbeatable she is the moment she walks into the room. She likes to posit herself as the ultimate expert on martial arts, and insists that her style is the ultimate and most powerful fighting system in existence. As such, she isn't willing to admit defeat, and she can be downright foolhardy when it comes to trying to prove herself, charging into challenges far beyond anything she can conceivably measure up to in an attempt to make a point.

On the flip side, Isabella never admits that she ever loses a match due to being beaten fair and square. She always makes excuses that she "had to hold back to protect her opponent's life" or that "if she faced her opponents with her full potential she would be arrested for homicide." Or that she just wasn't feeling well at the time. As far as anyone knows, she really does believe everything she says about herself.

  • Due to her slim and petite build, Isabella regularly gets mistaken for being 14. This annoys her.
  • She has never seen Cobra Kai and doesn't take kindly to people implying that she ripped her style or gimmick off from it. In fact, she insists that it was Cobra Kai that ripped off the Black Dragon Fighting Society. Technically, this is true.
  • Isabella does have a few students back in Chicago. This mostly amounts to people who come to her "classes" at a rented out bingo hall, mainly to laugh at her and play along with her antics. She's convinced of their sincerity.
  • She hopes to extend membership in the Black Dragon Fighting Society to other wrestlers in LAW, if they are willing to join her.

Fighting Style: Coming from a background in karate, Isabella is primarily a striker, focusing mainly on quick punches and hand strikes, with her kicks primarily being thrown below the belt line (in the style of Chinese karate, of course!). While she does have a respectable command of counters and throws, Isabella truly excels in her use of the Murderous POISON HAND WEAPONS - a number of strikes to weak points such as the eyes, jugular, face, and groin, with various configurations of finger and hand positions to land her blows with crushing force. Considered by many as Evil and Cruel, the lethally savage RIPPING, TEARING, SLASHING, CLAWING, AND GOUGING TECHNIQUES which comprise the POISON HAND ARSENAL are used to attack (by strike, touch, or pressure) the nerve centers, pressure points, major blood vessels, and vital organs of the body and have been used by oriental terrorists and assassins to MURDER! Together, her techniques and skills form a truly terrible fighting art; its MAIMING, MUTILATING, DISFIGURING, PARALYZING, and CRIPPLING techniques known by only a few people in the world. As an expert at DIM MAK, Isabella could easily kill many Judo, Karate (Okinawan AND Mongrovian), Kung Fu, Aikido, Puroresu, Keijo, and Gung Fu experts at one time using only FINGER TIP PRESSURE.

...of course, she wouldn't actually do that in a match. That would be illegal. But she totally could if she wanted to.

What this translates into, essentially, is that she fights dirty. She's willing to go for eye pokes, low blows, and other cheap shots in order to win an easy advantage over her opponents. Not only that, she actually considers this to be a superior way of fighting, insisting that playing by the rules is actually a watered-down form of combat that wouldn't work for anyone if they actually had to defend themselves in a street fight. After all, "Karate is for sissies."

Despite all of her boasting and bragging, Isabella is actually a highly skilled martial artist. Training so intensely for so many years has genuinely honed her skills to a respectable degree, and she can easily hold her own in a fight if she doesn't get too caught up in trying to make herself look like a badass. The problem is, she does that more often than not.

Favored Match Types: Isabella is willing to partake in any matches that allow her to demonstrate her TRUE and LETHAL potential, which means that she tends to favor street fights and hardcore and no-holds-barred matches since they allow her to utilize her signature moves. In addition to competing as a wrestler, she's also open to managing other wrestlers who wish to join the Black Dragon Fighting Society.

Signature Moves:
The moves in this section are illustrated by excerpts from the book World's Deadliest Fighting Secrets by John "Count Juan Raphael Dante" Keehan. Please note that many of these descriptions describe using these moves to kill or maim one's opponent. Isabella will not do this in her matches (nor is it likely physically possible for her, or anyone, to do so), although she may believe she can. Please refer to my descriptions for how she will use them in practice.
Eagle Beak Strike
An eye poke, performed with the fingers held together.

Monkeys Stealing A Peach
A low blow. Typically performed by her slapping her opponent in the groin from an underhanded position.

Hidden Technique
Isabella uses one hand to feint before using it to simultaneously block her opponent's attack and rake their eyes before using her other hand to perform a Poison Hand Technique.

Finishing Moves:
Hand Scissors
A one-handed chokehold.

Heart Punch
Kata Dante
Otherwise known as the Dance of Death, this is a combo in which Isabella grabs her opponent's arm as they move to punch or grab her, then delivers a series of slaps, pokes, claws, and strikes to her opponent's face, throat, and groin before shoving their face into her knee to drop them on the ground, and then hitting their head on the mat, stomping on them, and performing more strikes to the face.


Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
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