Debut Match! Maya Lazarus vs Prudence Hall

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Maya Lazarus
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Debut Match! Maya Lazarus vs Prudence Hall

Unread post by Maya Lazarus »

Appearance and Attire
The winner will be decided by pin, submission, or KO.

Maya was standing in getting ready. Her nerves were starting to act up like a storm as she stripped down to change into her wrestling outfit. This was her first match and she had to get used to this feeling. She didn't know how to feel about her debut match. She took deep breathes trying to calm herself down. She started to put on her wrestling outfit getting to try and amp herself.

"Come on... You can do this... It's your first match so you can't make yourself look stupid out there... I gotta do what I can. Even if it feels like I'm losing, I have to keep fighting." She patted her cheeks with her hands. "Right!" She wondered just who her opponent was. All she really got was a name. Prudence Hall.
Last edited by Maya Lazarus on Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My character Maya Lazarus:


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Re: Maya Lazarus vs Prudence Hall

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Prudance was getting ready for her upcoming match as she chanced into her wrestling attire. The blue haired teen's entire consisted of red shoes , white shorts and a blue top which showed her yellow bra as she went over what she knew of her opponent. However what the British teen knew about this Maya was not a lot since like herself the other wrestler was also debuting tonight.

So as she walked towards the backstage area she hoped to meet this Maya before their match would begin. When she got their one of the backstage crew members would tell her it was Maya who walked down to the ring first as she was relieved that she did not have to walk towards the ring first.

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Maya Lazarus
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Re: Debut Match! Maya Lazarus vs Prudence Hall

Unread post by Maya Lazarus »

Maya had taken a deep breath as she prepared herself. It was just her first match and she would have plenty more to fight in. She got up in wrestling attire as she started to head backstage and get ready for her ring entrance.

On her way there she ran into a blue haired girl and greeted her. "Hi there! I'm Maya Lazarus! I was just about to get out and get ready for my first match!" She smiled at the blue haired before she started to turn away and get ready to leave.
My character Maya Lazarus:


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Re: Debut Match! Maya Lazarus vs Prudence Hall

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Prudance would stand backstage when she got approached by this blond girl as she smiled when she heard the other woman mention she was here for her debut match. Seeing the other wrestler was about to walk to the ring she quickly shouted ''well then I hope we can have a good match as I a about to make my debut as well'' as she would wait for the blond to walk to the ring.

When the blond was in the ring the Blue haired girl would follow her down as well as she waved at the fans as she hoped this Maya was as friendly as she seemed.

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