Sex: Female
Age: 19
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black (though she sometimes dyes it red)
Height: 5'4
Weight: 122
Birthday: September 22
Nationality: Japan
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: BlazBlue Central Fiction - YOMOTOSUHIRASAKA
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Akiha is an all-rounder wrestler that is leaning towards a high flyer, able to cope with almost any situation. She is pretty average at everything but doesn't really excel at anything aside from being a high flyer. This means she can easily adapt to her opponent's tactics before then capitalizing on their weakness. If a match isn't going her way, she may resort to cheating to get the upper hand. In addition, she loves to use the ropes, to either escape or to do a brutal move on her opponent.
Style: Pro Wrestling, High Flying
Preferred Matches: Anything but Hentai











Favoured Moves: Drop Kick, Red Mist, Spinning Heel Kick, Shining Wizard, Enziguri, Hip Attack, lionsault, Corner Crossbody, Double Knee Facebreaker, Plancha, Monkey Flip, Leg Drop, Snapmare.
Finishing moves:
Rising Sun (Diving Rounding Moonsault). Getting on top of the turnbuckles, Akiha will jump off and twist her body in the air. She will then have her belly crash on top of her opponent's own belly and be facing the turnbuckle that she jumped off. It might not have all sorts of flips but the move is elegant and tends to end the match.

Critical Finisher:
Plummet: This attack begins with Akiha placing her dazed opponent on the top of the turnbuckle (or in some cases dazing their opponent after they have climbed it by themselves). She then goes to the opposite side of the ring before running forward and performing a dropkick to send her opponent out of the ring from the top of the turnbuckle. In matches that allow tables, she may set up a table behind them to do more damage.
Wrestling Attire:







Personality: Akiha's personality is a bit sadistic when in the ring. As a result, she loves to crush her opponent to a certain degree. She will resort to her underhanded tactics to make her opponent suffer and win the match. Though she still has a code of honour, she will not use outside interference and will not attack before the bell rings. In addition, she does have some respect for her opponent, as she will try to avoid throwing insults at them. Outside of the ring and show, she is very supportive and will act a bit like an older sister.
Past/History: Born in Japan to a wealthy family who ran the Koshia company that was famous for electronics, Akiha was given strict rules when she was young. She was the second oldest born and had an older brother. Deep inside she always wanted to rebel but had no way of doing so. Thus, for a long time, she continued to build up this feeling of rebellion when around the age of thirteen she saw a TV commercial of wrestling and took a liking to it.
Thus, she began to do some research on the side while going to a private school and pretending to live the perfect life that her parents had set up for her. That being said at the age of 15 Akiha began to fully rebel and started to ignore her parent's command, going so far to even dye her hair red. She began to join sports teams and do activities her parents did not approve of.
At the age of 16, Akiha, and her parents were constantly arguing. Eventually, her brother helped them come to a compromise, stating as long as Akiha got decent grades and finish all her work she should be able to do whatever she please as long as she returned at a regular time and didn't do anything too dangerous. Though neither Akiha nor her parents like this, they both agreed on it. Thus, Akiha started to continue to learn about wrestling and even went to a few events and watch some matches live.
At the age of 17, their parent's business expanded to North America and, as a result, they would need to leave the country for a long time. This gave Akiha, even more, freedom and once she became eighteen she decided to become a wrestler as a career. Though her parents didn't approve there was not much they could do, without disowning her and despite everything she had done, they still loved her. Her brother, on the other hand, continued to support her decisions.
Fun Facts: Though Akiha comes from a wealthy family, thus she has a bit of fame. Yet she dislikes it when anyone mentions it when she is in her wrestling persona.
Though she won't admit it, she actually enjoys being dominated despite being rebellious.
She is also very conscious about her flat chest.
It is rare for Akiha to drink but when she drinks, she drinks a lot and can hold her liquor.
There must always be a winner and a loser in a match. Akiha hates it when a match ends in a draw and would rather lose as long as it's not by her submitting.
Akiha hates disrespectful wrestlers. Though she can tolerate it in the ring, she hates it when people are rude out of the ring as well.
The Koshia company makes high-grade technology.
Wrestling Information
Nothing yet
Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0
Tag Team: