Marzia Servelli vs. Alizeh Midori - Submission Match

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Alizeh Midori - Submission Match

Unread post by CaptainL »

"Yeah..." Marzia listened to Alizeh's words, and she stared off into the distance. A smile crossed her face then. For just that moment, Marzia was calm. The presence of Alizeh so close to her barely registered any more, even if the two girls had grown closer than Marzia typically tolerated from others. It didn't matter. All that mattered was what she knew now - that even if the match had ended in a tie, even if Marzia hadn't technically been the victor, she had still proven herself worthy of standing in the ring. She'd shown the dedication she was truly capable of showing when she was pushed to her limits, and none could deny that. In that moment, Marzia Servelli was truly proud of herself.

All the same, however, she was quickly brought back down to reality when she felt Alizeh close in and kiss her. Though their lips had only made contact with a few short seconds, it was still enough to send Marzia crashing back down into reality. Her eyes went wide and her face flushed red, and she jerked back from Alizeh, stammering. "S-Sweet..?! Dinner..? a date..?!" Was Alizeh...into her? She didn't know what to think of that!

But she also couldn't deny that she was...grateful to be considered. If Alizeh thought she was this worthy of being considered for at least a friendship, she felt she could trust her. "I-I does sound like it might be nice. And...I'd be happy to face you again..."
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