Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Near enough everything after the first few pumps of that long, Ducky-given bearhug was somewhat overkill on the amazon now flat to her back. Then again, that could be said about so many moments in this impromptu, violent encounter thus far. Possibly even the very first face-sit that Karen had committed to!

And now, victim to her own medicine, Karen's hands could but push weakly on Ducky's lower back. Groaning surprisingly loudly for someone with absolutely no air in her lungs, Karen tried as she could to fix that issue, given what was about to come. Not that she succeeded, of course, not with Ducky's simply enormous rear crushing down on her breasts, ribs and lungs. She was lucky she hadn't passed out entirely from the squeeze, if not this predicament at hand. Though where they had failed, the infamous Ducky Williams smother would surely succeed.

Face soon victim to the warmest of smothers, Karen's whimpers died out near instantly. Her hands patted away, before they too fell to the amazons side; a sign of Karen's monstrous fatigue, given right now all she could even think about was passing out. If Ducky was to even give her that, as the amazon could but coo and cry into the warm cheeks of her blonde nemesis, with her legs sliding flat after a brief, pointless struggle.

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Back and forth the duo had gone, but with Karen down on the floor of the gym, Ducky saw an opportunity to keep the amazon down with a form of offense that was surely a staple of the blonde known by many at this point, that being her rear! Ducky's plump rear end weighed down on Karen's chest, the blonde seated comfortably on her opponent's chest, slowly sliding back so that her ass would cover Karen's face, wedging the amazon in her rear end as Ducky looked to smother her foe!

Little struggles came from Karen, but aside from weak pawing at her thick cheeks, the amazon was largely far too weary to stop Ducky from smothering her silly, the blonde wiggling her hips and grinding her ass on Karen's face!

"This is how you really smother someone, Karen!" Ducky hissed at the woman underneath her, keeping Karen's face buried as she ground her hips down, looking to smother the rest of the fight out of her foe!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Little was needed to put Karen out of it, but given the heat of their rivalry, it was hardly a surprise that Ducky opted to give a lot. Karen had absolutely no chance on breaking free now, for all the energy in her limbs faded. One final spank to Ducky's sides was all her arms could muster, where as her legs had failed outright moments before. Completely flat now, Karen's body was lithe and straight across the ground, as Ducky saw fit to grind down on the amazons face.

The sweat from the encounter on its own was generous to say the least, and now with nothing but warm flesh straight across her cheeks, Karen was a human sauna. The amazon continued to perspire even as she didn't move; her breathing as low as it would go, before it was stopped outright by Ducky's legendary ass. Even had the amazon had her full wits about her, she'd need to put them all to use on simply acquiring air. Needless to say at this stage in their spar, breathing simply wasn't happening, as Karen's eyes fluttered once more before she faded yet again.

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Karen's struggles were far from strong or intense, and a light smack at Ducky's sides was the only thing that the amazon could muster anymore as Ducky ground her thick rear end on Karen's face, wedging her between her large cheeks to keep her deprived of air! Sweat dripped off of Karen, and Ducky gave a few heavy breaths as she made sure that Karen was feeling the most possible humiliation that Ducky could dish out, the few others in the gymnasium watching as Karen passed out underneath the blonde's ass!

"Ah, there she goes... right where she belongs!" Ducky sighed with a smirk as Karen went limp underneath her, giving one final wiggle atop her foe's face before sliding back and freeing Karen. The blonde would slowly stand up and brush herself off, catching her breath now that Karen was once more out of it, Ducky once more swaying the backstage fight in her favor!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen's body moved as many would expect even when free of the facesit. Or rather, as motionlessly as one would expect, as it was only the eyes of the amazon that showed any sign of life beyond her rapidly rising and falling bosom.

The air was rushing back into Karen as quickly as it could, but refilling her lungs would not be enough to compete against the fatigue of this long, sweaty brawl on its own. Either woman had taken holds much longer than they usually would, even if they were near enough in the same boat as to who took what hold. Karen had favoured the use of her rear against the wide bottomed Ducky, and the blonde had favoured an attempt to squeeze Karen lifeless. Naturally both women had resorted to their favoured holds after the initial moments of humiliation, and it was now Karen who was suffering after enduring a lengthy, facesit from Ducky.

A lowly splutter soon broke the rhythm of Karen's breathing, as the amazon slowly tried to stir awake.

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Removing her thick, round ass from Karen's face, Ducky would slowly pick herself up and catch her breath, recovering from the massive scuffle that her and Karen had partaken in, as she left Karen down and out, the blonde deciding to take her leave! With a hand on her side, panting hard and in quite a bit of pain, the blonde would stumble her way out of the gym, leaving Karen in her wake, with the amazon no doubt stirring and looking for revenge against the blonde!

It would seem that even though the altercation between the two of them had ended, they would soon be at each other once more, this time perhaps in a more official fashion!

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