Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

With a sudden rush of motion, even despite the hit he just suffered, Kyle rushed at Kate to anil his knee into her stomach. With her body exhoused as it was, the blow would strike deep, making the woman bent over and caught up some blood onto the man's arms as he then grabbed her and pushed her towards the cage wall. Her abs still aching and her breath short, she knew she had to do something but her position limited her options.

With her opponent still close, she'd send a single blow to his side before trying to force a clinch, from there her aim would be to push away from the cage, just for a brief moment as after that she'd turn, attempting to trap the man there instead, letting her have a free reign of him and possibly finish this right there!

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