Legends Clash: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Misaki Toyoda

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Re: Legends Clash: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Misaki Toyoda

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Alaina brought Misaki down, the ace unable to prevent the amazon from using her deadliest move in the ring against her. Alaina waste no time in laying across Misaki's chest, going for the pin to hopefully show the world that she wasn't washed up. She was back and gunning for that heavyweight title.


The first two counts came and Alaina nodded her head with each one. "If beating a woman as tough as you doesn't show that I'm still in it I don't know what will...." Alaina said quietly, holding her breath as she waited for that third and final count to come. Misaki was an amazing wrestler and Alaina knew never to take anything for granted against a woman like her.

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Re: Legends Clash: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Misaki Toyoda

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Misaki was on the mat, barely aware of her surroundings after taking Alaina's deadly finisher, the Amabuster. She could barely feel her opponent placing herself on top of her, and she let out a groan as she heard the voice of the referee counting for the pin. She tried her best to muster her strength to kick out, but the finisher was simply too much for her. At this point, she had nothing left in her.


And with that, the match was over, with Alaina soundly defeating the Ace of Berserk. Misaki sighed. Despite her talent and reputation, she still couldn't defeat the one with experience like Alaina. "...I lost." Misaki said in resignation, though she didn't actually feel bad about it, considering that she thought that she was beaten cleanly by someone who had shown herself as a powerful adversary.

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Re: Legends Clash: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Misaki Toyoda

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"If you kept rolling there is no telling if I would have been able to stop you. You really are just as amazing as advertised." Alaina said as she offered a hand to help Misaki to her feet.

If Misaki accepted, Alaina would hold her opponents hand high to acknowledge her and get some pop from the crowd for Misaki.

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Re: Legends Clash: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Misaki Toyoda

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Misaki smiled as Alaina helped her back onto her feet, feeling happy to be acknowledged by someone like her. Then, Alaina also raised her arm, and Misaki listened to the crowd cheering for her despite her loss.

"Thank you so much, Alaina..." Misaki said, bowing slightly to the Amazon. "Next time, I'll do my best and beat you. And congratulations." She would give Alaina a brief hug before she decided to make her way out of the ring, making her exit.

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Re: Legends Clash: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Misaki Toyoda

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Alaina smiled and nodded to Misaki. "I look forward to facing you again and if you ever want to train sometime you know how to get in touch with me." Alaina said as Misaki left the ring leaving Alaina to take in some more of the crowds cheers. After another moment Alaina herself would leave the ring and walk back up the ramp, happy with her bunch-back victory over one of the best women in LAW regardless of weight class.

Winner via pinfall: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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