Skater Girl vs Wrestling Fangirl! Hanabi vs Ashley

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Re: Skater Girl vs Wrestling Fangirl! Hanabi vs Ashley

Unread post by pikazard »

Ashley had offered her hand merely for the sake of sportsmanship, rather than out of pity, but the gesture seemed to have irritated Hanabi all the same as the Japanese Wrestler slapped her hand aside. She then got up to her feet and made a point of telling Ashley that she didn't need her help and that next time they faced off Ashley would be the one to lose. Ashley rubbed her hand where it had gotten slapped, frowning "Fine, be that way." Ashley got the message loud and clear, Hanabi obviously wasn't interested in small talk. Ashley thrust her fist into the air one more time before making her way back up the ramp, leaving the ring to cheers for the first time in her LAW career.
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Re: Skater Girl vs Wrestling Fangirl! Hanabi vs Ashley

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Hanabi would watch as the blond left the ring before her as the fans were clapping and cheering for the blond as the firecracker expected the same to happen when she left. However she would walk to the back in an chorus of boos as the fans were displeased with how she had acted after Ashley had offered her help as she was going to ask for an rematch when the time was right to settle the score.

the end.
Ashley wins by submission

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