(D)Lara Toshinatsu vs Akemi Achitaka a Bully meets an alien.

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Re: (D)Lara Toshinatsu vs Akemi Achitaka a Bully meets an alien.

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Akemi felt like this was it this was the end of the match as she dropped down onto her knees and then dropped Lara off her shoulders. Looking over at the girl she seem to be passed out as Akemi smiled and would crawl ontop of Lara putting her in a full body pin as she pressed her sex against lara. Having a mean idea Akemi would hump at Lara's sex while the ref counted.


Akemi was tired but she kept humping at lara as the crowd booed and tried to get the ref to stop counted. but it seemed it would be all for naught. " I win Alien whore.... Keep this in your head you never stood a chance against me..." Akemi whispered to Lara as she was on a high right now.

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Re: (D)Lara Toshinatsu vs Akemi Achitaka a Bully meets an alien.

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Lara quietly laid on the mat as Akemi mounted her in a full-body pin. She could do no more to resist what the bully had in store for her. She had done her best, but in the end, the evil had gotten the best of her. She had been sent into dreamland by Akemi's last move, and wasn't going to be able to get up anymore. Even with all the skin-on-skin contact that the two girls were engaged in, Lara could pretty much feel none of it. For her debut match to end like this, was quite humiliating to the small Alien girl.


The blue haired girl continued to lay underneath the bully's pin as the short-haired girl humped her a second time. A slight moan elicited from Lara's lips after each thrust, but she made no more reaction outside of that. This match was over...

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Re: (D)Lara Toshinatsu vs Akemi Achitaka a Bully meets an alien.

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The crowd booed at Akemi as they hated her guts and wanted her to lose however as much as they booed and cheer for the blue Alien to kick out it looked like it was all for Naught. Akemi would ignore the Crowd awhile she still humped at Lara in the full body pin spreading there legs nice and wide so the camera men could get a good view of there sex's. it was Embarrassing for Akemi to but she didn't care she wanted to humiliate Lara to be ashamed her her self to never fight again if that meant a tiny bit of Embarrassment then so be it, Akemi thought.

"three!" the ref counted as they called for the bell ending the match.

the crowd let out a roar of disapproval claiming Akemi must have cheated or something they hated that the small burnnette had won. Akemi would get off of lara and step on her flexing one arm as she flipped off the crowd with an other. "i am the destined winner !! I won't lose to some stupid loser alien whore!!" AKemi yelled out at the top of her lungs.

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Re: (D)Lara Toshinatsu vs Akemi Achitaka a Bully meets an alien.

Unread post by FinyBoy »

The final count hit and the bell rang, signalling Lara's embarrassing defeat.


The crowd was sending showers of boos in her opponent's direction as the short haired girl got off of the Alien girl and posed triumphantly. To say that Lara's defeat was shameful was to be an understatement. She had this match in the palm of her hand, but ended up throwing it away for petty revenge. Now, as she lay underneath the posing bully, out cold and beaten, there was nothing let for her but bitter defeat.

She failed at everything this match: she failed to win, she failed to prove herself, but most importantly, she failed to make a believer out of Akemi. Lara was a complete failure. She may have won the hearts of many of the fans tonight, but she lost a lot more than she had gained. It would probably take quite a while to recover from this loss, but until then, the blue-haired girl would just have to deal with it. That was all she could do anyway.

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Re: (D)Lara Toshinatsu vs Akemi Achitaka a Bully meets an alien.

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Akemi smiled as she taunted the crowd before looking down at Lara and spat at her. " Pathetic..." Akemi said before she would exit the ring giving the crowd an other fuck you as she flipped them off. she would leave and take a shower since she was sweaty. she didn't want to admit it but she was exhausted and thought that match was very tough. "fuck..." she said to her self touching her nose as it was still bleeding.

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Re: (D)Lara Toshinatsu vs Akemi Achitaka a Bully meets an alien.

Unread post by FinyBoy »

Lara continued to lay on the mat as Akemi made her exit from the ring. Soon, the medical team was out in force to put the Alien girl on a stretcher and cart her off the the back. The crowd clapped and cheered for the little girl who put up a valiant effort against a much more vicious opponent. She may have lost the match and maybe also her dignity, but she won the hearts of quite a few fans tonight.

She may not have realized it, but while Akemi was a lost cause, many others were entrigued by her gimmick. Maybe she did have a few believers after all... maybe.

Akemi Achitaka wins via Pinfall

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