Meeting Your Fans (for Lederface)

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Re: Meeting Your Fans (for Lederface)

Unread post by CaptainL »

With a grin on her face, Astrid leaned closer to Yukari, moving into place to line up the shot. She held her belt in her lap with one hand, making sure it was in the shot, while her other arm wrapped around Yukari's shoulder and pulled her close against her side. Her smile was a warm one - even if she'd only known Yukari for a little while, she was sure she had the potential to go far, and she couldn't wait to see what she might achieve.

After the two broke away, Astrid nodded her head to the lightweight, straightening herself to her feet. "And you, too," she added. "It's been a pleasure to meet you, and I have nothing but the best to wish you in your career going forward. I'll be thinking of you going into the big match, okay? I'll be sure to win it for you!"

Before Astrid knew it, Yukari had run off. But she stayed back, the smile not fading from her face as she thought back on her encounter. No matter what challenges she faced, Astrid would always remember there were people like Yukari out there, people who counted on her and would always cheer her on. She sought to defend her title for what it meant to her, but she also couldn't deny what it meant to everyone who believed in her, and who supported her every step of the way.

Standing in the locker room, she unfurled the piece of paper Yukari had left her, looking over what it said. But she smiled nonetheless; what this day had proved to her meant so much more.
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Re: Meeting Your Fans (for Lederface)

Unread post by Lederface »

what the note said: I really can't wait to see you triumph and prevail against cyberwidow, and if for any reason you lose, you will always be my champion regardless, good luck and may your will be strong!
Last edited by Lederface on Tue May 11, 2021 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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