Flying High (For Kookio)

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Re: Flying High (For Kookio)

Unread post by Bare »

If nothing else Alizeh truly respected Reiko's willingness and eagerness to try something new. It was honestly kinda inspiring and she really respected it. "Hehe good, I have a feeling I will, but we'll see." Alizeh said with a wink as she held her fist out to fist bump Reiko to solidify the match up.

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Re: Flying High (For Kookio)

Unread post by Kookio »

Reiko raised her fist in response to Alizeh’s their fists lightly bumping into each other as she chuckled cheerfully as she would hold it there for a while. She was beginning to see Alizeh as a figure to break through. She was still a friend, but there was a sense of competitive fire that burned brightly within Reiko’s stomach. If she was serious about becoming a wrestler, she will need to overcome Alizeh and other wrestlers like her. And regardless of how many tries it took, she would train until she made it there.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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