Diana A. Vs. Trent S. - Cobra's Bite

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Diana A. Vs. Trent S. - Cobra's Bite

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Diana's frame was done in - all strength slammed from it with that devastating adjusted muscle buster. Leaving her near enough out cold, with her sporadic arm flops being the only thing that stopped the referee from sliding in, and calling it there and then. Though she wouldn't be left from doing similar soon enough, as Trent opted for a snappy pinfall on the beaten Italian. One Diana felt every second of, but could not muster a rise to!

Her figure still prone and her head ablaze with agony, as the bell was rung against her favour! The offered hand of Trent going missed by the Italian but not out of rudeness - she simply couldn't bring her gaze upon anything long enough to focus!

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Re: Diana A. Vs. Trent S. - Cobra's Bite

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

"Guessss I took it a little too far." *Cobra muttered to herself, trying to contemplate on where he could have mitigated the damage he had dealt. Regardless, it was in the past, and he was confident that making amends would potentially solidify a strong bond with the strapping Italian. Clasping the edge of her left arm, the triumphant male pulled the model to her feet, transforming himself into a makeshift pillar for her convenience.*

"I'll accompany you out, ssssseeing as how you're a little unsteady right now." *Without a vestige of sarcasm in his voice, Cobra shuffled towards the suspended ropes, Diana in tow, while the audience applauded the exhausted dyad's performance.* "Fight forever! Fight forever!" *Was the crowd's sentiment, something that the victorious viper tacitly acquiesced.*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Wed Dec 02, 2020 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

The Ominous Future
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Re: Diana A. Vs. Trent S. - Cobra's Bite

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Winner By Pinfall: Cobra

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