Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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When Karen stood up, she felt very unsteady on her feet. She tried to concentrate, but it would be very difficult because she still felt very bad from the choking. Aaaggghhh...!!!! When the opponent approached Karen, she kicked the German woman's leg.

Karen staggered, raising her hands halfway up as she intended to protect her face and stomach from a potential attack. It seemed as if her back touched the ropes and she was leaning on the ropes, while looking at the enemy with a slightly blurred vision. Wiping his forehead, which had beads of sweat on it. In fact, her entire body was glistening in the spotlight with sweat from the exertion.

It seemed as if she was trying to grit her teeth in anger. She was still breathing heavily, trying to recover and prepare to defend herself against another attack.

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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Karen was on the backfoot now, figuratively and literally, retreating as Ryota advanced on her, closing the distance with powerful steps. The woman was putting on a brave face, defiant against withering odds, but she knew it was little more than a front at the end of the day. The end was closing in, and they could both see it.

Karne wanted space, and Ryota wasn’t going to let her have a single inch. She moved in slow at first, then ducked down, rushed forward with arms up,and pulled her in around the waist, seizing her with what would’ve felt like a bearhug at first - and it was.

That changed, however, when Ryota lifted her foe upwards, arched her back, and transitioned into a belly-to-belly suplex, hurling her foe across the ring and bringing her down hard in the center of the ring.

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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Karen tried to concentrate on the fight while raising her arms to protect her face from a potential attack. She saw that the enemy was approaching and would certainly attack. However, at the last moment, Ryota bent down, wrapping her massive arms around the German woman's waist. Karen felt her feet leave the mat and then her whole body went up at high speed. Karen was still so stunned that she didn't react properly in time. Therefore, this suplex was definitely a success. The German woman's massive body was at the top and then fell with an impact and a crash to the mat. Gggrrrghhh...!!!!!

The crash was terrible. Karen's body twisted in pain, it seemed as if she was trying to touch her back with one hand as it throbbed with pain. Her face, covered with sweat, showed a grimace of pain and suffering. She certainly still wouldn't understand that the fight had completely changed direction. Now she was in the middle, lying on the mat and would certainly have to accept what her opponent had prepared for her. It was possible to observe that part of the audience screamed with satisfaction seeing such a suplex, while the other part of the audience was outraged, as if demanding the return of their favorite Karen to the fight.

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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Ryota tried to sit up immediately after landing the suplex, only to find herself regretting it - her body wasn’t having the effort, took too much out of her and she had to lay down for a second. Even with her durability, this match had put her through the paces, and she had to credit Karen for it. She was a far cry from the wastrels and simps that LAW was rife with, somewith actual talent, and she suspected the woman would have no trouble tearing apart 95% of the roster.

But not her. Not today.

Gritting her teeth, she summoned her reserves and powered up to her feet, shaking off the fatigue as she stormed towards her fallen foe. She made her way to the woman’s head, reached down, and promptly seized her around the neck with a tight hold, pulling her clean off the mat. Her thick biceps clamped down around Karen’s throat, as she stood her up and began to apply pressure with her finishing maneuver - a rear-naked choke, or as she liked to call it, the Sleeping Pill.

Of course, Ryota didn’t want her opponent to sleep, but submit, so she wouldn’t apply enough pressure to knock her out. She’d used this move enough times to gauge the right amount of force to keep someone on the edge of consciousness and make it a waking nightmare, and she’d happily use that expertise to torture Karen until she submitted.

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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Karen was breathing heavily and trying to recover, but it was very short lived, because a few seconds later she felt her opponent grabbing her head and wrapping his massive arm around the German woman's neck. Her neck was already weakened from the last very devastating choke. The opponent seemed to pull Karen upwards because he obviously wanted to make another devastating move Aaaaggghh...!!!!

The enemy's massive arm then tightened even more around the German woman's neck. It was terrible. Karen was breathing heavily, trying to tear away that strong, muscular arm with one hand and free her neck and head, but Ryota pressed even harder and harder. Sweat flooded the German woman's body. But Karen knew she had to get through this, she didn't want to give up. Ryota seemed to deliberately not squeeze the German woman's neck completely, trying to gradually deprive her of access to oxygen. Karen's body was becoming weaker and weaker. Her vision was blurry.

Apparently the audience was shouting something, but it seemed incomprehensible to the German woman. Her legs seemed to go limp and it seemed that her opponent was keeping her in a standing position. Karen would try to endure this torture for a while, but if it doesn't end soon, who knows, maybe she'll have to tap, but she wouldn't want to do that...

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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Ye gods, was this woman stubborn. Karen knew she wasn’t one to talk, but even by her lofty standards, Karen was proving annoyingly resilient. Most women she hit with this move typically tapped out long before they could even flirt with unconsciousness, not wanting to endure the experience of being forced to nap. This woman, however, just kept on keeping on, even as she continued to pour on the pressure.

Ryota could feel her body starting to give way, her muscles relaxing. She knew she had to be careful - she didn’t want to knock her foe out. That wouldn’t end the match - if anything, it would just prolong it or get it thrown out when her opponent needed medical assistance. Neither were the outcome she wanted.

No, she needed that tap, and she would get it. If the hold itself wouldn’t do it, she’d apply it in the worst way she could imagine.

Instead of constant pressure, Ryota would alternate, giving her extreme force, only to ease off. Bringing her to the brink of passing out, only to let her come roaring back to the waking world. Always on the edge, always so close but never close enough to end the suffering. Her own little hell.

She brought her lips close to Karen’s ear as she continued the torture, and uttered her first and last words of the match: ”Tap. Out.”

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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It was something terrible. Such a strong and powerful Karen seemed defenseless now. She wouldn't be able to tear that damn arm off. Her movements seemed to be getting slower and slower, her vision was cloudy and blurred. It was then that the opponent seemed to bring her mouth close to the German's ear and as if she said something, she certainly wanted Karen to surrender. The German, breathing heavily, as if in a broken voice, said. "!!!" Ryota kept loosening and tightening the German's neck alternately. It seemed as if Karen's arms were loosely falling down. It seemed as if Karen was about to lose consciousness in a few seconds.

The referee, seeing what was happening in the ring, quickly ran to the wrestlers and tried to lift the German's arm up, as if he wanted to check if Karen was conscious. The arm fell down. Then he raised the arm up a second time, but the arm fell a second time. If nothing happens, it will be the end. The referee will try to lift the arm a third time. The audience fell silent because they didn't know what was going to happen next....

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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This was extremely frustrating in a way that Ryota could not quite verbalize.

She wanted a tapout. She craved them in normal circumstances, but with this being a submission match, it was a requirement. Any other time, she would’ve admired Karen’s tenacity, even applauded it, but right now it was an irritating impediment that stood in the way of her victory, an unwanted bump in the road. Why wouldn’t this woman just give up?

Fine. Fine. Karen wanted to do this the hard way so that they would do it the hard way. Gritting her teeth, Ryota ramped up the pressure as the referee continued her count, determined to give Karen the sleep she seemed to be begging for. Either she would go to sleep, and Ryota would continue the beating when she woke, or the referee would call it off and give her the win. Either way worked for her at this point.

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Re: Submission Match: Karen Adams vs Ryota Ito

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Karen would be exhausted. It seemed that darkness was appearing before her eyes. Sounds were becoming increasingly indistinct. Karen's hands seemed to hang limply down. After two attempts, the referee raised Karen's hand for the third time. That's when Ryota pressed even harder on the German's neck. The hand fell down. The referee quickly stood up and ordered the match to be stopped.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the game. Then the referee demanded the release of the German's body, because the match was over. Karen's body was lying on the mat, soaked in sweat, destroyed and devastated.
It seemed as if the German had momentarily lost consciousness and contact with reality. The hold was so well applied that there was no chance of getting out of it. Although Karen fought until the end, she was defeated. The opponent turned out to be a better wrestler...

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