A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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Re: A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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Chiaki's first priority was stopping the count above all else. This time her shoulders we're down, and she had three seconds before she lost this match. After the ref had gotten to one, Chiaki summoned what strength she could and yanked her hands down below her head. Ripping them out of Shiori's grip and breaking the pin right as the ref was slapping the mat for the second count.

Chiaki had saved herself from the threat of immediate defeat, but her head was still suffocating between Shiori's breasts and her legs were still stretched in a grapevine. Now she really had to think. But Chiaki could feel that her mind just wasn't running as fast as it should be. Especially at a time like this. She wouldn't realize it until a LAW doctor told her after the match, but Shiori's elbow had left Chiaki with a mild concussion.

Chiaki did have one idea, but she really didn't want to do it to Shiori. But as she grew shorter and shorter on breath, and her mind refused to give her anything else, I-I think I have to go for it, she thought. In spite of what she had told Shiori earlier, Chiaki was probably going to end up apologizing to her after the match for what she was about to do. And that was the blatant and complete exploitation of Shiori's jitteriness and nervousness over intimate physical contact.

Chiaki would let out a moan as she rubbed her head back and forth in Shiori's cleavage, and then she would take her hands and push up on Shiori's chest. Her fingers gripping underneath and on the sides of her bust as she did so. If Chiaki could push Shiori off of her, then she would try to push Shiori all the way onto her back and then roll on top of her. Then Chiaki would fully reverse Shiori with a breast smother/grapevine combo of her own. Chiaki didn't pin down Shiori's shoulders, instead wrapping her arms around the back of Shiori's head to pull it as deep into her cleavage as possible for maximum smothering.
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Re: A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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Shiori continued to press down onto Chiaki's face, even resorting to puffing her chest out. Unfortunately, though, she wasn't able to sustain that leverage for very long, as Chiaki quickly broke the pin by yanking her arms away. Scrambling after Chiaki's wrists would probably only end in a slap fight that loosened her smother.

"Rrrgh... pleeease tap!" No, Shiori was gonna have to either put Chiaki out or force her to submit... using her breasts. "Pleasetappleasetappleasetap!" The Fangirl stuffed her boobs into her opponent's face as hard as she could! For a second... then two... then three... then...!

"Haaah--?" Then a telltale vibration rocketed through Shiori's chest as Chiaki suddenly let out an erotic moan! Then the pinkette rubbed her face all across Shiori's cleavage, effectively motorboating her! "Uhhhhhh...!" Her already fatigue-flushed face erupted into a scarlet flame of embarrassment. Instinctively, she pushed herself off of Chiaki... only to be helped in that regard by a sudden pair of hands roving onto her chest! "Yeaaaargh!"

Shiori flinched bodily, all but allowing herself to be rolled onto her back. "Y-Y-Y-You promised...!" True, she wasn't scandalized as she might have been; after all, they'd spent much of this last bit of their match putting one another into smother after smother. But even if Shiori wasn't particularly hurt by Chiaki's actions, they still sent her brain into a nosedive.

It wasn't long, though, until Chiaki rolled as well, covering Shiori's face with her own bra-covered breasts. Her grapevine smother had been reversed -- right into another one! Only this time, she could tell, a three-count wasn't possible, based on how Chiaki was clutching her by the back of her head. Which meant she'd have to escape.

"Mmmph! Chffkff, gdffff! [Mmmph! Chiaki, get off!]" Shiori pressed insistently on Chiaki's shoulders, but she was gassed. Dead tired from all the fighting she'd been doing... and of course, the smother didn't help either. "Pvvvvvszh! [Pleeeease!]"

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Re: A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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It had worked. Chiaki's plan had worked. And now she was back on top. But Chiaki was tired, out of breath, and hurting. With her head removed from the darkening and deafening effects of Shiori's chest, the bright lights of the arena stung her eyes, and the rabid roaring crowd made her head throb. Chiaki was red faced and panting, her chest heaving up and down on Shiori. It wasn't intentional, but she'd take it.

Shiori was absolutely freaking out underneath Chiaki's body. But she had already pulled off one last gasp of desperation, it wasn't something that could just be done on repeat. Shiori's resistance was already pretty weak, and Chiaki didn't need to put any effort into to keeping her there. She just had to stay still and keep lying down. Something she was more than happy to do right now.

Chiaki heard Shiori start screaming underneath her. Chiaki was too loopy to even try to figure out what she was saying, but she could tell Shiori believed she was in big trouble. Chiaki had to end here. She just couldn't keep going if it didn't, her body passed its limit when she took that elbow to her temple.

"It... ends here... Shiori," Chiaki labored out. "I'll just tap if... if you break out. I'm... so tired. And my head hurts. That elbow... hurt me. So I gotta... win... HERE!" Chiaki cried out as she put every last ounce of everything into her hold. Spreading her legs as far apart as she could force them to maximize the grapevine, and clutching Shiori's head as tightly as she could until the rookie tapped or stopped moving.
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Re: A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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"Mmmm…!" The debutante continued to push against Chiaki, who was now slowly rubbing her chest all over her face. Unlike Shiori, Chiaki didn't have a school uniform, undershirt, and bra on to separate her breasts from an unfortunate smotheree's face. All she had was a fairly revealing bra, which meant Shiori was pressed right against the bare skin between Chiaki's breasts! Opening her mouth would be tantamount to kissing Chiaki's cleavage, especially given how she'd likely be sucking for air. Keeping it closed, though, would cut off one of the only two ways she could get the life giving oxygen she so desperately needed.

Every second, her situation grew more dire. When pushing against Chiaki's shoulders failed her, Shiori couldn't help but helplessly flail her arms instead. But then Chiaki said her piece, and despite the direness of her situation, Shiori felt compelled to listen. The Gamer Girl's word were slow and somewhat slurred, and when she said that her head hurt from the elbow, Shiori felt herself winced. She'd have to check to make sure later, but her opponent may have been concussed.

Admittedly, Shiori had considered another strike to the head as a potential escape route, but now she knew that doing so might risk further harm to her opponent. With that last option closed to her, Shiori couldn't see another way out. As the seconds ticked by, her lungs, which were already working overtime due to all this physical exhaustion, were positively on fire. Besides, the sheer embarrassment of having been motorboated, half-fondled, and then smothered out in her debut match was starting to get to her... even if she did somewhat enjoy being between Chiaki's boobs.

Either way, the Gamer Girl had her beat. It was over.

Shiori stopped waving her hands out of fear that she might accidentally hit Chiaki, instead giving her a single reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before tapping it rapidly and signaling her submission.

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Re: A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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Chiaki was squeezing and stretching as hard as her depleted body was able. She was desperate to put Shiori away. As she already said to Shiori, there was no way she could keep going in her condition if Shiori broke free of her breast smother. But fortunately for her, Shiori seemed to be slowing down. Especially after Chiaki spoke to her.

Shiori kept fighting for a little while longer, but soon enough, Chiaki felt a squeeze on her shoulder, and then tapping.

It was over. Chiaki had won.

Chiaki loosened her leg's grip on Shiori's legs, and lifted her chest up off of Shiori's face as she held herself up with trembling arms. Her eyes glazed as she looked down at her submitted opponent. "G...G," Chiaki said as she let herself roll over and fall onto her back next to Shiori. Holding her head as she wished for a dark room she could fall asleep in.
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Re: A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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Soon after she tapped, Shiori felt the soft, pillowy weight atop her start to loosen. She gasped for air, finally able to take a breath. After a moment, she opened her eyes to meet Chiaki's... only to find a blank, glazed-over stare fixed to her former opponent's face. The Fangirl was soon faced with the bright lights above the ring as Chiaki all but slumped over, cradling her head.

"Oh, frick..." Shiori looked at the referee, locking eyes for a brief second before both of them simultaneously crossed their arms in an "X" shape above their heads: The classic signal that one of the wrestlers was injured and may need assistance. Granted, Chiaki wasn't in a particularly dire state -- a bit of rest and recovery time would likely do the trick, if Shiori's past self-inflicted concussions were anything to go by -- but she'd at least need some help getting backstage.

"Eep! I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry!" she muttered. Chiaki probably wouldn't be able to hear her above the now-quieting din of the crowd or the ringing inside her own head. Still, this was her first time fighting someone, competitively or no, and she'd not only lost but still somehow managed to leave her opponent on a stretcher with a massively inconvenient (if still fairly routine) injury.

Just her luck...

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Re: A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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Chiaki had won, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. Looking back on the match, she had really been in control for nearly all of it. She only really took the two smothers and the elbow. But that elbow was all it took to have her head swimming. She hadn't seen it coming at all, and it caught her flush in the side of her head. And now she was still trying to recover.

Soon enough, medics were there, helping Chiaki onto a stretcher to escort her to a medical room. She wasn't hurt beyond the concussion, but the medics didn't want her trying to walk as she was. Chiaki was still aware enough of her surroundings to be able to cooperate with the doctors, she couldn't answer their questions too well, but she was able to get herself onto the stretcher with a bit of help.

Chiaki gave a thumbs up to the crowd, before the medics began taking her away. But she just barely managed to remember something in time, asked the medics to pause for a moment, and turned to Shiori, "I can't do it now but... I will get you that auto... autograph."
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Re: A Starstruck Debut!: Shiori Takeda (D) vs Chiaki Nanami

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"Um..." It was pretty obvious that Chiaki was gonna be okay. After all, she was good enough to stand and to guide herself onto the gurney; her concussion was minor, it seemed. That being said, seeing an opponent stretchered out was always gonna be a disconcerting image, the rational side of her brain be damned.

But then she heard Chiaki's parting words, and everything hit her at once. The flash of the lights, the appreciative applause from the crowd, even the ring crew milling about to set up for the next match on the card. All of it confirmed what she'd already knew but hadn't really internalized: She'd made it. Just a few weeks ago, she was writing fanfiction while browsing LAW's streaming services 'til 4 in the morning.

Now... well, she was still doing all of that, but she didn't even have to pay for the streaming anymore! Because -- and this was the big part -- she was a wrestler. A LAW wrestler, standing among her idols and, as of today, wrestling against them. Sure, she'd lost... against a jobber... but the match was a lot of fun! She'd gotten to see maneuvers like Chiaki's Tick Throw and her newly-invented Genesis (Dreamcast?) Hold up close and personal. Not to mention, she'd finally felt what it was like to stand in a ring -- in this ring, no less -- and be a professional wrestler. Because no matter what else she was, nobody could take that away from her.

Most importantly of all, Chiaki was going to gift her a permanent and one-of-a-kind memento of the occasion in the form of a personal autograph!

"W-Wait... Really?!? YAHOOOOOOOO!"

And everything else was promptly forgotten in a sea of fangirlish excitement.

Winner by Submission (Grapevine Breast Smother): Chiaki Nanami

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