Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Pain.... That was the only constant swirling in her mind. Being thrown off of an attitude such as the apron back-first onto the hard floor was one thing, but being flung from the top with such power as demonstrated by the Kaiju was on different level altogether. Allison was finding it difficult to keep her eyes open, having her head bonked against the surface during the hard fall and leaving her vision all hazy. The miniscule movement of her legs and sprawled about arms, coupled with the raggedy undulation of her body painted a pretty grim picture for the people to see, who could only wince and gasp at the sight before them.

Allison may have been in deep trouble, unable to move, but she could still make out some of the whisperings and commotions, as well as the heavy stomping of boots growing louder with every passing second and all of a sudden, ceased. Before she could react, a giant foot was just drilled into her unprotected gut, the crushing blow taking all the air away from her already struggling lungs. But that was just the beginning. What followed was a ruthless, macabre demonstration of the mean streak that the blonde powerhouse seemed to possess, who continued to go to town on her abs, which were now giving in with every stomp."Aaagh! Gugh! Augh! Khhah!Gaah!...."Patches of light red started to form around the areas where the feet dug in, with her lungs feeling the burn from lack of intake of air, forcing her to gasp in between the cries to try and gulp any air molecules about, but there wasn't much on offer. Her abs were trying their best to put up a fight, but fighting a losing battle and giving in little by little...

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Akira would smirk as she stomped Allison into the floor. Completely focused on beating up her opponent, the kaiju would reach down and slowly try to pull the woman off the floor. Tuning out literally everything else, neither the roaring crowds nor the ref’s shouts could get the blonde beast’s attention. “Heh…you know…besides your mouth…you’re pretty fun to fight” Akira would tell the avalanche. It’d probably be a nice moment if the kaiju wasn’t currently putting Allison’s head between her massive legs. Then, reaching down to wrap her arms around the woman’s waist, Akira would attempt to lift her opponent up and onto her shoulders for some prime power-bombing position! That way the muscular colossus could try to slam the avalanche down straight onto the edge of the ring apron!

Meanwhile, the ref girl was STILL trying to get Akira’s attention as she continued to count. “…Three! FOUR! …FIIIVE! …hey!? Ugh! …SIX!!!!” the official would shout as she continued to try and fail to get the ladies back in the ring.

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Akira seemed to be intent on stomping on Allison's abs for eternity, not breaking a sweat at any point. Her feet just plowed through the raven-haired woman's defenses, caving in her belly finally and now it was just jelly at this point. Allison's midsection was certainly sturdy and durable. But when facing the likes of Akira and getting crushed under her giant foot, it wasn't the question of IF, but rather, WHEN her belly would give in completely, which it had, at this point, leaving Allison struggling to breathe and a bruised midsection.

"Hhaaah....Unngh....Ack!...Gnnn..."Allison wasn't able to form words, only able to mumble incomprehensibly and whimper, when she was pulled up, like a sack and then got her head shoved between the Giant's legs. Akira seems to be talking to her, muttering something, but Allison was too enveloped in her own woes to pay heed to it, only making out a few words. Her responses would get a bit more pronounced as she was lifted up into a Powerbomb Carry, which was obvious considering nothing good ever came out of such a hold, ever, except for the person executing it.

With a wince, Allison tried to hammer at Akira's head to try and wiggle out, but was futile. Her energy was looking sapped from her body, from the merciless bludgeoning her midriff had just underwent, and so, she was slammed against the edge of the apron just like that, the force and the impact of the slam so sudden and powerful, that not a sound escaped Allison's lips, her eyes looked stunned and glazed over, mouth agape, and a cry caught in her thoat! Her back had been almost cut into two from the sharp edge and the loud smack was audible to almost all of the arena. Allison lay crumpled on the floor, eyes partially open, on her back and breathing irregularly, with a whimper in between the breaths...

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Akira was ready to smash her opponent into a thousand pieces as she lifted the woman onto her shoulders. To Allison’s credit, the woman was still fighting. Desperately she would punch down on the kaiju’s head to prevent what was coming. As a result, Akira would grunt from each impact. Slowed for the moment by the avalanche’s resistance. However, the blonde woman wasn’t going to be stopped now. Even as the ref girl continues to count in the background as she reach seven and then eight!

Swinging Allison full force, Akira would bring her opponent down onto the edge of the ring with all her power. Causing a loud THWACK to echo through the arena as the woman’s back crashed into the apron. Allison couldn’t even make a sound she’d been hit so hard. Leading to the avalanche collapsing onto the ground, looking much more like car wreckage than a person as she laid out unmoving. With her opponent stunned to oblivion, Akira would finally take some time to breathe. Panting heavily, the kaiju would wipe the sweat off with her forearm. However, as she took this moment to collect herself, the referee would reach nine…and then…

“…TEN! RING THE BELL!” the official would shout, followed by the bell ringing out loudly. Caught by surprise, Akira would look around in confusion. Not sure what was going on. However, as the announcer started to declare that the match was over…and that the result was a draw by double count out… the kaiju was pissed.

“What!? No!!! I’m still fighting!” Akira would scream at the ref girl. Who, wisely, made her way out from the other side of the ring. And ran away to avoid the big blonde’s wrath. “FUUUUUCK!” she would curse out before going over to the announcer table and beating on it. Akira would pound on the thing with her fists so hard, over and over, that on the fifth or so hit the whole thing would suddenly cave in and shatter. Clearly the woman was not happy with the end. And soon enough security came out to calm her down. Not that it did anything to help the situation as Akira threw all of them into barricades whoever they touched her. One guy was particularly unlucky as he tried putting her in a choke hold. Only for the kaiju to put him in a torture rack while screaming fuck over and over.

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Allison lay plundered on the mat, her body barely moving. Minute twitches and occassional shudders lying about were the only tells that indicated she had dozed off. Her eyes, glassy and disoriented looked on above at the spots that were the ring-lights and the juxtaposition of bright hues with the dark cloak loooming above the audience seating arrangements. Ears seemed to only interested in half-assing their jobs, only muffled whispers and the drowning commotions heard, but that too as a messy cluster of random frequencies, which she was in no capacity to decipher.

Actually, even though her body wasn't in any shape to move, let alone try and get up, Allison actually half-expected expected Akira to continue to push on her advantage and attack her, here or inside the ring. She had heard the referee counting to two and raising her fingers earlier, but soon it was knocked to the back of her mind, when Akira began to stomp her abdomen, intent on squishing her insides and then almost breaking her back from the apron Powerbomb, thus reducing Allison to a mere dummy for her brutal and devastating tendencies.

What stirred her awake from her partially open-eyed slumber was a sudden booming voice cussing out and apparently pissed off over something. The raven-haired woman's arms twitched, legs started to drag about shortly followed by strained wheezes and uneasy groans. She quinted her eyes to check her vison before blinking multiple times to adjust it and then tried to roll to the side; when the pain, which was till lingering in the depths and stayed dormant from the abrupt loss of reponse of the raven-haired woman after being slammed, surface back up in a mighty surge, eliciting a harsh cry out of her mouth.

Her eyes were squeezed shut and teeth reflexively began to grit, as the pain started to make its's presence known. But, Allison had to get back up, somehow, because she could now hear a large commotion near the announce desk and Akira seemed to be really upset. Something about "count" and "stopping the match" could be made out by the raven-haired woman and then it struck her— The Match had Ended Via A Double Countout!! Akira seemed to have not paid much heed to the referee and therefore wasn't able to get to the ring. Allison, managing to get into a seated positon, one arm caressing the back, shook her head.

She expected this match to be a hard-fought affair and it was living upto to that, only to be dashed by the most unexpected of the outcomes. The draw wasn't the issue, but rather the means by which that happened bothered her. "Ugh..Way to ruin the fun..."Allison shook her head, face etched in disappointment and wrestling with the seething pain in her back. Shortly, Allison's head whipped to the side, brows furrowed quizzically from a crashing noise. Scrambling to get back up, Allison latched onto the ringpost and then the apron to support herself, seeing as her spine was not in the best of shapes, she pushed her body to the scene of the action.

What she saw just straight up left her flabbergasted. There was Akira, looking like a raging bull, looking to snap a poor guy like a twig and throwing profanities over and over while doing so. More people lay splattered around like mere dolls and it looked like a warzone at the first glance. Allison, supporting herself against the steel steps and the ringpost at the side of the now-broken announce table, just stayed in that position, witnessing the destruction and unable to do anything about it.

"Hey blondie!...He...ain't gonna be able to walk..if you..continue that...."Allison inhaled sharply in between words."For...nngh...all the...power....and...domination you showcased...the bare minimum you could have done...ugh...was to keep count...aargh...but you sure as hell...have shit the bed...with this one..."Her last words were laced with disappointment, as she slumped against the steps, weary and upset...

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

Unread post by Caborn »

Akira was clearly not in a good mood after the match ended the way that it did. Still trying to snap the security guard in half over her shoulders, the kaiju was taking her frustrations out on anyone around her. Acting as if this little rampage would start the match back up again. The only thing that could get her attention…was the woman she’d been fighting suddenly shouting at her. Turning her head, the kaiju would see Allison, barely managing to stand, giving her a lecture about attention. Needless to say, Akira wasn’t in the mood for a lecture. She’d immediately drop the poor man, letting him flop to the ring with a thud, before chasing after the avalanche. Stepping through the ropes and hurrying down the steel steps, Akira would suddenly pick the woman up over her shoulder and start carrying her away!

“NO!” She’d yell in defiance. Literally rejecting reality as she started to leave with the woman over her shoulder. “If I can’t finish this match…I’m getting another one to finish with you!” The kaiju would declare as she made her way up the ramp and towards the back. She had no idea where she was going. She didn’t even know who made the matches up. But damn it she would find a way to get a rematch with Allison here. Honestly’ she would’ve made the woman walk with her but Akira didn’t think that the avalanche would be able to keep up in the state she was in. So the big blonde would carry the woman herself to save time. “Come on! I we’ll check the locker rooms first!” Akira would say, thinking there might be someone there she could force into setting up a match.

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Match Ended VIA Double Countout

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