Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Mindy would retaliate back with a gut punch as it knocked some of the air out of Christina! However instead of backing down, The Filipina would attempt to repay back the favor by giving Mindy a stiff forearms shot to the chest to knock her down!
Last edited by Weonna on Fri Dec 15, 2023 1:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Christina was almost dropped by the belly punch, surprised by the quick action from Mindy who tried to knock her down again. Mindy reached for Christina's hair to pull her back up but Christina quickly got back up and went for a forearm smash that Mindy's chest before she got her.

"Ugghh!" Mindy screamed, stepping back after the shot to her chest. She was almost knocked to her back, but once again showed some endurance and stayed on her feet despite being rocked. Mindy quickly turned back to Christina and would throw a forearm to Christina's face.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Christina hoped that the Forearm was enough to knock the former Actress down...however Mindy stayed on her feet, suprizing the Filipina as Mindy retaliated back with a Forearm to the head!


The shot rocked Christina as she staggered back, her back turned as she clenched her jaw.

Christina began seething inside herself...her anger boiling as she quickly turned back...her eyes bloodshot red as she came back at Mindy with a series of stiff Forearm shots aimed at Mindy's face!

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Mindy knocked Christina back, leaving her to tend to her jaw while Mindy stood tall and happy with how she had knocked her back down. "You keep thinking those weak hits will bring me down and I'll keep shutting you up, all that anger you have means nothing to me." Mindy said proudly. She started to smile seeing Christina hurt until Christina looked back at her, looking angrier than before. She was still staring at her bloodshot eyes when Christina started to swing more forearms her way.

"Gaagh!" Mindy screamed stepping back when she was hit with another forearm. "AaagghAgghAggh!" Mindy screamed as the next few forearms kept hitting her face, smacking her around before she would throw a few of her own, trying to knock Christina down by hitting her harder than she could hit her and hoping that finally stopped her.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Back and forth forearms shots were being delivered to each competitor! The crowd were in a frenzy as Christina and Mindy traded blows in the center of the ring!

With each exchange Mindy's forearms were getting stiffer and harder, but also slower and when Mi dy tried to deliver a final powered Forearm shot, Christina had enough as she would duck low, grav onto Mindy's waist and go behind her before delivering a quick German Suplex to stop the stalemate of shots!

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Mindy was hitting Christina harder and harder every time she came back with another forearm, she wanted to ruin that pretty face for still thinking she could stand face to face with her and meet her blow for blow. She refused to be beaten in a striking match and wanted to break her nose to remind Christina of that fact for the rest of her life. Mindy started to go slower to aim her forearms better, hitting Christina really hard even when she kept trying to return those strikes and on her last one aimed right for the norse, ready to drop Christina with this one. Christina stopped standing and ducked under Mindy, leaving her surprised when her forearm hit nothing but air and she found some arms around her waist and lifting her up too quickly to stop her.

"Agggh!" Mindy screamed when she was easily lifted and tossed backwards, landing on the back of her head and rolled forward. The stiff fall made her neck feel like it shrunk and her head was ringing while she laid on the mat, stunned from the drop.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Christina successfully Suplexes Mindy and broke the stalemate. Instead of getting up immediately after the German Suplex, Christina goes on her knees and started to collect her breathing for just a sec before slowly standing back up to her feet!

"Come on! Let's go!!!"

Christina yelled out in adrenaline as she would approach Mindy and grab her by the arm to pull the former Actress up to her feet and onto the shoulders of Christina in a Fireman Carry!

Christina was suprizingly strong as she carried Mindy to the center of the ring!

If Mindy is able to wake up she could slip behind Christina's back, but if not, Christina would unleash her Signature Move: Bakunawa Breaker!
Last edited by Weonna on Sun Mar 10, 2024 2:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Mindy was so stunned she lost track of where she was and the time she was down, the near minute Christina took to recover felt like mere moments to her. It was too soon after getting dropped on her head for her to be trying to stand up, and soon after that she was off her feet and hanging on Christina's shoulders as part of the set up for her signature move. Through this Mindy could muster some sense of what happened, and it still came far too soon, leaving her just enough time to understand her situation before she was thrown off her back and dropped forward where a knee was waiting for her.

"AAaggghh!" Mindy screamed, the fall having hurt far more than that suplex and nearly knocked her out. The pain shattered Mindy's awareness and left her loopy on her butt, sitting down and folded forward with her upper body ready to fall over at any second. She looked vulnerable, perfect for Christina to continue her attack or try to finish it right there.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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The set-up is perfect! After connecting Mindy with her Signature Fireman Carry Neckbreaker, the former Actress would fold forward, while looking completely almost out! This was the chance for Christina to finish the match as she would signal to the crowd that it's over while also doing her favorite night pillow taunt which got the crowd to buzz.

"It's over! Nighty night!"
With Mindy folded forward Christina would finally approach her rival and lock in her Finishing Move: The Sampaguita Sleeper!
With Christina securing the Sleeper, she would grit her teeth, as her focus intensifies, viciously squeezing her arms and applying pressure until Mindy either tap or nap! The crowd's energy amplifies, filling the arena with cheers of support for the Fighting Filipina.
Last edited by Weonna on Sun Mar 10, 2024 2:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Mindy was barely moving, while Christina was active in getting her revenge. She was still too wasted by the previous attacks to her head to realize where she was or the danger she was in. Christina pulled her limp body around so she could sneak her arms around her head and pulled her into her submission finisher. Mindy's mind still process what was happening until the lack of air and the pressure from the blood choke finally kicked in and woke her up.

"Aagh!" Mindy choked, in a panic from the lack of air reaching her head. Her struggles were too weak to do anything, she was too slow to react to the choke which now took too much from her. Soon her hands grew weak and Mindy couldn't fight back anymore, leaning into Christina while her mind went dark, and Mindy started to see nothing but the night before passing out.

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