The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella and Chelsea did what they do best and this was ending up in a brawl, punching, slapping and scratching the hell out of each other, had they been grown up together it would have been most likely that their rivalry would have started in school already. Now the crowd was happy to see the half-naked girls getting it on and with Molly getting into the fun, meaning that her breasts came out too, the drunken and excited crowd could only chant more and sing "Rule Brittania" louder.

But Finella stopped them and offered a challenge to what sounded like a much more exciting final round. Foxy Boxing mixed with wrestling, basically an all out brawl and given that most patrons knew their backstory, this was an exciting thing to look forward too.
What was even more exciting was that Molly didn't seem to bother putting another top on which garnered one of the patrons to step up behind her and suddenly pull her in while Finella and Chelsea were changing.
"Say ref, you hanging around here often?", the slightly tipsy voice of her fiance reached Mollys ears as Harmonia gave her a peck on the cheek.
"You sure seem to have fun, darling. Just see that they don't go to far like last time , ok?",she said and then, regardless if anyone saw it, gave Mollys bare breasts a soft squeeze while kissing her over her shoulder, a few patrons whistling and cheering at the sight.
Harmonia smiled and kissed the tip of Mollys nose after they parted.
"That will be fun."

Meanwhile it was decided what the girls would "wear" for the final round and when Chelsea stepped out, only clad in a skimpy thing, George heart skipped a beat as he came closer to put the clover patches on her breasts. As he did, he was coming closer and his body, george was topless right now as he had to change out of his dirty shirt, pressed itself against Chelseas who already wore her gloves.
George smiled and softly pushed her against the wall behind her for a deep kiss, his hands traveling all over the contours of her wellshaped, slim body as their tongues danced around each other.
"Never looked be'ha, lass.", he said as they parted breathlessly. His hard member pressed itself against Chelseas barely clad womanhood and a soft groan escaped his lips. "Will the lady of the pub celebrate her glorious victory with me upstairs, later on?", he said with a smile and kissed himself all over her neck.

And finally the time came for the last and deciding round. Both Finella and Chelsea stood in the middle of the ring looking straight into each other's eyes.
"This time I will take my sweet time with you Chels. Makes it all the more sweeter.", Fin grinned ,their faces only inches from each other.

"Ladiiiies and Gentlemeeen! The final round sees our beautiful ladies partake in a special match. It's Foxyboxing mixed with wrestling! At any point both are allowed to get down and dirty on the mats, every move is allowed. The participants are allowed to switch to full wrestling anytime they want. Victory can be achieved by pinfall, submission or KO!"
The crowd roared in approval as George turned to Molly who nodded.
"Aw'right then. Leeeets get ready to ruuuuumbllleeeeee!"

The bell rang and Finella and Chelsea didnt waste any time in sending their fists flying, every time a punch connected, sent a wet and slapping sound throughout the pub, but Finella wasn't here to play and so she let Chelsea miss a punch by moving her head to the side and then grinning as she put all her power into a massive blow against Chelseas belly that ,if going through, would echo through the pub with a loud smack, hopefully having the right effect and giving finella the first advantage!

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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Already, the bout between Chelsea and Finella had proven to be something truly unforgettable. The Wolf and the Bunny was no stranger to hosting substance wrestling in all its various forms, but no one could deny that tonight was a cut above. Rather than two drunken co-eds who barely had any idea what they were doing, tonight's main attraction would be Chelsea Forster and Finella Edelstein - a couple of trained and well-accomplished professional wrestlers who were known for their fiery spirits just as much as they were known for their long-running feud, and they were willing to carry all the grief and resentment they had held toward one another into this match even if they'd thought they had put it behind them. If that wasn't enough, this final round would see the two of them facing off as God intended. There would be no restrictions on how much force they could use, or how they were allowed to hit each other - they could handle it, after all. They were going to face this challenge to the fullest of their potential, and the action could only heat up from here! The fact that Molly had gotten tangled up into the fray and lost her top in the process certainly didn't hurt either - especially not to one patron in particular.

"Eep-!" With her eyes focused on the scene before her, Molly hadn't noticed Harmonia sneaking up behind her. She didn't realize her presence up until Harmonia had already grabbed her by her breasts from behind, giving them a firm squeeze. At first, her face went a vivid red as she tried to push off the set of hands that were grabbing her - until she looked back over her shoulder and saw it was just Harmonia. "Oh, heh..! Sorry, Moni, I didn't realize that was you..." She flashed her fiance an awkward smile and giggled to herself as she took note of her own nervous energy - even if Molly was still going to go about this topless and even if she had been starting to warm up to lewder competition, she still wasn't used to this sort of flirting. At least, assuming it was flirting. With how drunk Harmonia seemed, Molly didn't know if she was joking around or if she genuinely didn't know who Molly was at this point. Either way, she smiled as Harmonia kissed her, and she nodded her head, vowing to do right by the responsibilities that had been placed on her shoulders. "I'll do my best, Moni..." she said - though, as Molly looked back toward the door to the changing room, she bit the inside of her cheek. If tensions were still riding this high between Chelsea and Harmonia, keeping things contained might be a task easier said than done...

Backstage, as she laced up her gloves, Chelsea grumbled to herself. Leave it to Molly to rope her into something so ridiculous - she'd done it before, and it seemed the boundaries of her foolishness were only expanding. But any embarrassment she might have held was quickly forgotten when she reminded herself why she was really here - after all, she and Finella had unfinished business to settle, and she wasn't going to hesitate. She might have been topless, but at least it was nothing new for her at this point. At this point, if she beat Finella, she was just going to beat her at her own game. And those annoyingly oversized breasts of hers would only make for bigger targets.

Chelsea entered the room to the sounds of cheers, and she faced them with a proud grin, holding a fist high over her head. Any hesitation she might have had was gone. Since she and George had grown more open and confident about their relationship, Chelsea had spent more time face to face with the patrons, and she had quickly become a favorite among the regulars for her good looks and her down-to-earth spirit - though, as several drunks had found out, that didn't mean she was going to tolerate any unwanted advances. The passion she'd put into her performance in the last few rounds had only endeared them to her all the more. But when she emerged clad in nothing more than her gloves and a tiny bottom that did little to conceal her behind, standing tall and ready for any challenge that was in her way, she could have been a triumphant goddess - at least through a haze of drunkenness, anyway!

She smiled to herself as she looked back and forth and took in all the praise and affection she was getting. And she smiled most of all when she turned to George and saw that she, Finella, and Molly wouldn't be the only ones doing this bare-chested. She could see full well how the work he'd been putting in to ready himself for the ring had helped tighten his physique, and her eyes wandered all up and down his chest. Her heart beat a little faster and a blush rose to her cheeks as she looked up so that her eyes would meet his. And when he pulled her into the warm and passionate embrace of a kiss, when she felt his body rub up against hers so closely as to let the two of them feel every inch of each others' forms, and when his hands gently caressed her breasts just enough to affix the pasties she'd wear, Chelsea could only tingle more and more with excitement. Even when they broke apart, Chelsea faced George with a smile and a nod. Being with George stirred up memories in her - she thought back to how Finella had dared to taunt her right in front of her face, and it only made the tension in her body grow tighter and tighter. It was all down to this, now. The score was one to one; whoever won this round would win it all. She needed to show Finella she wouldn't tolerate her nonsense. She needed to make George proud. But most of all, Chelsea needed to prove once and for all that she would come out on top. When she nodded her head to George, it was with a confident, determined look that spoke to how well assured she already was in her victory. "I'll win, all rite," she said. "Ye have me word.." And with that on the line, Chelsea was more eager to win than ever.
The next thing Chelsea knew, she and Finella were back in the ring, ankle-deep in the jello, and with their eyes fixed on one another in an unbreaking glare. Just looking into Finella's eye made Chelsea's lip curl back in a snarl, and her fist coiled tighter, preparing to strike out at a moment's notice. Every part of Finella, to that smug look on her face to her again-ever-so-bothersome endowment, made Chelsea that much more determined to see her humbled. The energy between the two girls was electric, and the bar-goers were cheering even as George began to give the introduction. When the bell rang, no one wanted to so much as blink, lest they miss a second of the action!

As George made the call, the younger Forster abruptly stirred. "Wait, hold on, that's copyrighted-!" Molly blurted out suddenly, looking back and forth at where a few people were videotaping the match. "Hold on, if you upload this-" But before she could finish, the bell had already rung. Chelsea's entire body was coiled and ready to snap, and the very second she was given the leeway to, she lunged forward, hissing under her breath as her fist shot out through the air like a crackle of lightning. Every bit of tension and anger in her body had been leading up to this very moment, waiting to be let loose, and now that she was given the go-ahead, all that energy was about to explode outward, in a punch aimed right to Finella's jaw!

But Finella had meant what she said. Chelsea was going to fall back on her ferocity and aggression - but Finella was willing to play mind games. She had been goading Chelsea into making her move, waiting on this very response. And now that Chelsea had thrown her punch, Finella could swerve out of the way! As her fist shot through the air only to hit nothing, Chelsea's jaw dropped in a gasp of shock. She didn't even have time to contemplate the danger she was in when Finella struck a moment later - and her fist slammed right into Chelsea's stomach!

"GYAAAH-!!" The punch was hard enough that Chelsea was lifted off her feet by a fraction of an inch. She doubled over Finella's fist, wheezing and sputtering as the air was driven out of her lungs. Her eyes went wide and her jaw gaped wide open in a gasp, her scream soon growing hoarse as she ran out of breath. Then, with her balance already compromised by the slick surface of the mats, her footing gave out from under her and she dropped to one knee. She lay there, panting and gasping, clutching at her stomach as she looked back at Finella through eyes contorted in a glare. Her teeth tightened into a grimace as she hissed at her rival under her breath, but for now, she was down. And if she was down...she was vulnerable. This wasn't looking like a promising start to the round for Chelsea. But then...things were far from over.
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

When Finella heard the satisfying smack, the choked scream of Chelsea and felt her rivals bells cave in after the brutal blow, she felt right back in their feud again. It wasn't that they would shed blood again or break their bones but this would be no picknick either. Neither the Austrian nor the Brit would be satisfied if their fists wouldn't fly!

And fly they did as the Austrian sent her gloved hand deep into Chelseas midsection, the sound of Chelseas tummy getting battered echoed through the room and found an even bigger echo in the cheers of the patrons who of course knew Finella and Chelsea and wanted to see them go for it, street style!

Finella on the other hand used this scene to make good on the Brits taunts beforehand. Using Chelseas position she lifted her feet and shoved the Blonde into the jello before her, rubbing her heel into her rivals already sore midsection, while looking down on her with a smug face, her gloved hands at her thighs.

"Thats better Chels. Finally you accepted your place, huh? Seems that today is next Suez Crisis for poor old Britain...", Finella smiled and without a warning she dropped down, sending her full weight with a butt drop into Chelseas punished belly, already having taken a target to batter until her opponent gave up.

When she landed the patrons screamed a loud "OOOOOOOOOH!", while jello managed to splatter around more, the luscious and barely clad behind of Finella dropped down into her rival like a bomb and the Wolf grinned as she lifted her arms and cheered.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Tor für Österreich! 1:0 for Austria!", she grinned and flexed one of her arms, showing of her biceps while her other gloved hand pressed onto Chelseas face, getting Chelseas head deeper into the ankledeep dessert while bragging and humiliating her.
All in all it was a terrible start for Chelsea but the night was young and this legendary rematch of former rivals would be over so quickly...

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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With the floodgates opened, nothing was going to stop Chelsea from unleashing the full brunt of her fury on Finella. There was nothing to hold her back any more. She wouldn't need to lie to anyone. The fiery-tempered, no-nonsense brawler that was Chelsea Forster was able to come out in full force, and the night wouldn't be over until she had silenced Finella's arrogance once and for all - and proven to her that she would always come out on top in their feud. It didn't matter that they had made up ages ago, and that they could consider themselves friends - coworkers, even, given Finella's new job. Now, it was just like old times. Finella was a rival to Chelsea's dominance, and Chelsea had no room to share her position as top dog.

The problem was...Finella had just gotten off a lucky shot.

When the Austrian's fist plowed straight into Chelsea's midsection, it landed with enough force to drive all the air out of her lungs. She coughed and gagged before her voice gave way to a low, tortured wheeze, and she crumpled to the bottom of the pool a moment later, her eyes half-lidded and her head spinning. Her lungs burned with every breath she took. It would've been enough to rattle her no matter what happened, but Finella was far from finished. Chelsea could offer no resistance as Finella shoved at her shoulders, causing her to fall flat as she skidded through the jello to come to rest beside the ropes. All she could do was look up through sunken eyes as Finella stood above her - and as she slammed her foot straight down into her midsection, forcing another gasp out from the Englishwoman's lungs!

Sinking down lower into the jello, a shudder ran through Chelsea's body, and a dark bruise had begun to take form across her stomach. The pain had caused her to tense up, and the fact that Finella just had to so annoyingly rub everything in her face could only stoke that rage inside of her; her hands curled into trembling fists. Chelsea couldn't let Finella dominate her like this. She couldn't concede the victory in a feud that had consumed so much of her life and driven her to such lengths. She had to fight through whatever soreness she felt, and stand up for herself! Right now, she ached too much to mount any meaningful defense, but she could still get out of the way. Sitting up a little straighter, she began to crawl backward through the jello in the hopes of getting a safe distance away from Finella...but she was a moment too late. Finella just as quickly hurled herself back down on top of Chelsea, with an impact that flattened the air out of her lungs!

"GAAH-!!" Chelsea bucked up into the air, her arms and legs flying in all directions and coming down in the jello with the sound of a splash. She coughed and gagged, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open in a desperate gasp for air. It had hit her hard enough to knock her senseless, and the whole world seemed to spin all around her; those who supported Chelsea could only wince in sympathy, and even some of those who favored Finella had to shudder at the thought of what she'd endured. All Chelsea could do was to take slow and shallow breaths to try and get the air back in her lungs when Finella had all but flattened her. And even that arduous task would grow even harder, as Finella pushed back at Chelsea's head, forcing it deeper into the jello.

The blonde's teeth tightened in a snarl, and her muscles went tense. This had gone on for far too long - and Chelsea was beginning to have enough! It was about time she fought back. When Finella had tried to hard to rub in her victory, all it would do was to motivate Chelsea all the more to turn things around, just to deny Finella the luxury of getting the last word. She was being pushed to her breaking point - and eventually, she was going to snap. It was that desperation that would give her the energy she needed!

Hissing through her teeth, Chelsea reached up to grab for Finella's arm. There was nothing to stop her any more, after all - George had allowed wrestling moves, so she'd use everything she had in her arsenal! Putting all her might into her grasp, Chelsea went to pull Finella's arm over to the side in the hopes of compromising her balance. Then, she would buck up hard with her hips and roll to the side, trying to throw her off of her with the leverage she'd attained. If that worked, she'd waste no time in jumping on top of Finella, taking a mounted position from which to rain down punches all over her foe's face! It was a comeback she'd been owed for too long - now, it was time to take matters into her own hands!

"Anyone ever tell talk tew much-!?"
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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When Finella dropped down into Chelseas already bruised stomach, she knee that it would hurt. She wanted it to hurt. Of course she made precautions not to be as brutal as they had been at their PPV match. Chelsea and her were friends now after all, but the little spark of rivalry that still burnt in them was becoming a bushfire again this evening and both were set out to bring the other one under their heel!

And now, freed from all restraints with the exception of a skimpy thong, both women could dish out on one another with all they got. And of course Chelsea didn't spare Finella another round of "Whose the best country?" Well Finella had something to say about that for sure and if Chelsea believed that a little island girl could best someone whose right to reign went far back in time, then she would be in for a surprise!

Fin slammed her fist into Chelseas gut, catching the overeager liverpudlian right in the motion before getting her down and come back onto her with a big butt smash! Finella grinned and showed her biceps, posed at her fallen for while she pressed Chelseas head into the jello with her other gloved hand.
"Where are ya chants now England, huh? Klans Flitscherl!", she grinned and got ready to smear Chelseas head even deeper when Chelsea buckled like a wild bull and got her off of her.

"Gwah!",Finella yelped girlishly and landed right to Mollys feet as Chelsea now lorded over her, getting cheered on by her trusty pub goers who knew, loved and adored the beautiful but tough Lady of the pub. Finella grunted and gave Chelsea a snarl.
"Fuck you ungh-"
More Finella didn't get out as Chelsea laid into her with fists of fury. If it hadn't been for the boxing gloves, Finellas face already would be a mess by now. But she was as experienced a Brawler as Chelsea and so, after pulling herself together, she raised her arms and went with the tempo that Chelsea had started, punching back and trying to get the Blonde into a more neutral position.

She waited her chance and as she had Chelsea trying to block some of her punches, she rolled over and threw herself on top of her!
Finella grabbed both Chelseas wrists and looked down into her rivals eyes, jello and sweat dropping down from her almost naked form and into Chelsea. Both women were already bruised and it would prove to be another heated fight between the two fan favourites.

"You know what? You are right...", Finella said between pants and then grinned, shaking her breasts a little as she came closer.
"So let's stop the talking and let's get ready for bed, hm?", she grinned and dropped down onto Chelsea, again giving her a taste of something she would never least not without some major surgery.

But as Finella came down,she slipped and dropped more sideways, so now the women laid side to side with Chelseas face pressed into only one of Finellas breasts while both their legs and arms got entangled with each other as they started to struggle on the ground, truly a sexy sight to behold which made the patrons cheer and chant even louder.

"Grmpf...don't worry...soon it's nighty night again Chels...George can get you upstairs and hey...maybe he takes a little care of you. After all, you seem so stressed...a nice, good fuck would do wonders for you!", she quipped between panting and struggles against Chelsea.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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Finella had made a strong showing right from the get-go with how she slammed her fist into Chelsea's stomach, all but flattening the air out of her lungs. It had sent her head spinning and rattled her through to the core, leaving her dazed and gasping for breath. While she was stunned, she was vulnerable - and from there, Finella had only doubled down on her offensive by landing blow after blow into Chelsea's midsection. But if there was one thing anyone could say about Chelsea Forster, it was that she wasn't anyone to back down. She wasn't going to let any challenge go unanswered, and the majority of the time she'd do it with her fists. When that challenge was coming from her greatest rival, the woman she couldn't even bear the thought of losing to, she was all the more inspired to go to whatever lengths it took to get the edge on her foe. And like nothing else could, it was that fury that inspired her to fight back, as she bucked Finella clean off of her!

Chelsea knew she couldn't stop there, though. She had unfinished business to attend to. It was going to take a whole lot more to keep Finella down for good, and she was fully intent on delivering! Hot on the heels of her second wind, she threw herself down on top of Finella, throwing fist after fist into her face. One hit wasn't enough - every blow she landed just left her wanting more, growing more and more desperate to see Finella be ground down into the pit once and for all! The punishment she'd taken over the night wouldn't stop her, and neither would Finella's taunts, which she only met with a sneer. "Oi, big deal! Wha' ay ye gon'ter do about it, like!?" she barked. Of course, Finella was just as passionate and just as determined...and Chelsea was only tempting fate.

Sure enough, the Austrian shot back with a volley of punches aimed at Chelsea! "Gah-! Oof..!" The blonde tried to draw back to shield herself, but the punches still came past her guard, jostling her from side to side with each hit that landed against her ribs and sides and leaving her coughing and gasping. Desperate to pay Finella back for everything she was dealing out, she tried to throw some punches of her own back, but at the pace the fists were flying, she couldn't hope to keep up when she had to focus on attacking and defending at the same time. Soon, she had reeled back just enough to compromise her balance...just enough for Finella to roll out from under her!

Upended from her balance, Chelsea went toppling down into the jello, her limbs kicking and flailing. The two girls were soon glistening from the jello that clung to their skin with every time they twisted and turned, but when they came to settle, Chelsea found herself with Finella laying by her side, her breast pushed up against her face and muffling her gasps for air.

Of course she was doing this. Chelsea's teeth clenched in a grimace of pure rage, and she blew an angry snort of hot air out through her nose; the weight of Finella's body against hers was the only thing keeping her from trembling with fury. Every bit of this was an insult. She hated that Finella was actually in the dominant position atop her - a fate she could never allow herself to be subjected to. She hated that she was flaunting her oversized chest yet again, giving the Scouser a constant reminder as it ground up against her cheek. But as she heard Finella talk down to her - talking to her like she never had a chance, and like none of this mattered; like she was little more than a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum - that was the last straw. This might have been intended as a casual outing of holiday spirit, but to Chelsea it meant far, far more. She vowed she'd never be humiliated by Finella again. And tonight, she was fully prepared to keep that promise!

"Rrgh..." Her body rumbling beneath Finella's own as she growled under her breath, Chelsea kicked with her legs, tangling them around Finella's own. At the same time, she tried to pull her arms and her head free, using the slippery surface of the jello to glide out from under her opponent's weight. Even if she did manage to pull herself out from under Finella's breast, though, she wouldn't take a single breath - there was no time to waste! She just locked her eyes onto Finella with a piercing glare, and her face was red from rage as much as it was from lack of oxygen!

"Kekka ye DAMN FOOKIN' CAKEHOLE, ye fookin' sewer-dwellin' wanker of a beaut!" Chelsea roared. Barely anyone knew what she was saying - Molly only shrugged her shoulders to it - but it didn't matter. Kicking her entire body into gear, she attempted to throw both legs around one of Finella's own to scissor it and hold it in place, while her hand lashed out to grab at the Hellraiser's hair as she threw all her weight to the side in a last-ditch effort to roll on top of her. Any illusions of this being a boxing match were now well and truly out the window. But with the action more impassioned than ever before, everyone was cheering it on regardless!
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

The velvet gloves between the two rivals were off a long time ago and all that remained where the green boxing gloves. Tough none of the almost completely naked Amazons in the ring had any use for them, in fact they were more distracting then anything and prevented them from properly beating each other up. Finella owed Chelsea much from last time and even if they were friends now, they had to make a show worthy of their old blood feud and so as they both struggled on the floor like two drunken sorority chicks at a student party wrestling match, she lifted one arm to her mouth and bit into the glove, opening the the strings and getting the thing off her, which was easier said then done when having to restrain a honey badger incarnated, in her grasp.

But finally it loosened and with a few shakes she got it off. "Ja!", Fin cheered and wasted no time in grabbing Chelseas ponytail, pulling her head back forcefully and looking at her with a smug Grin.
"Now let's do this properly, Schatzi~", she said in her thick styrian accent and wrapped the ponytail around her hand like a handle. She then shoved Chelsea away with her legs, while still having hold of her. To keep the bunny restrained she sent down her heel into the already blueish spot on her stomach and then got her up.

But this wasn't enough, oh no, this time Finella would shine and so she got rid of the other glove, shoving it into the jello as she got into her knees, getting Chelsea over her shoulder and then got up again, having caught the Blonde in a torture rack, bending her around her neck and starting to move around the ring with a bug, wolfish grin as she presented her now helpless rival, draped over her shoulders as the crowd errupted into a mix of cheers and boos...

"Hnggh...what do you say Chels? Like the air up there?",she grinned as she paraded the Bunny around the ring until she stopped and then, showing off her impressive set of muscles, started to bend Chelsea around her back with all she was worth, her biceps and back muscles bulged, her abs clearly visible as she looked over to Molly.
"Ask her!",she demanded while gritting her teeth...

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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Chelsea and Finella might have formally made up some time ago, but with spirits as fiery as theirs, all it took was the right push to send the two of them back at each others' throats. And when they had been put up against each other in a competition, it was only a matter of time before the powder keg erupted! Chelsea might have already beaten Finella, but she was no one to accept the thought of being second best. She needed to keep Finella down to assert her dominance; to leave it unquestioned that when things came between the two of them, she was the superior of the two. And she was looking to do just that as she pinned Finella down, rolling over her in the jello as she grabbed at her hair and scissored her legs in a desperate effort to keep her in place!

"Ye insisted on this, ye sorry pansy! So dun come cryin' ter me whun I kick yer fookin' arse here ter Berlin er wherever-!" Chelsea hissed, her eyes still fixed unmovingly on Finella's and her glare as sharp as a dagger. But for all her fury, Chelsea had overlooked one thing. She'd made a valiant effort to keep a hold on Finella's hair, anchoring her in place as she used her other hand to throw slaps and punches along the Hellraiser's side, but her grip was doomed to be a clumsy one when she was doing it with boxing gloves. Finella, however, had already decided to pull her glove off - and, blinded as she was by rage, Chelsea didn't even notice until it was too late. Using all five fingers, she was able to grab onto the Englishwoman's ponytail with a much firmer hold, and when she pulled upward, Chelsea had no choice but to let go of her rival. So too, when Finella kicked at her, the slick jello that coated her legs was enough to force her to relinquish her grip, and she fell back into the pit, now fully wrested from her hold. For a moment, her eyes went wide in shock. But she wouldn't have time to think about it for long - Finella only pulled her up higher, now yanking her onto her shoulders!

At first, Chelsea let out a yelp in surprise - and she immediately regretted it, knowing how unprepared and afraid it surely made her look. But before long, that shock gave way to other emotions. When Finella cranked down on her head and her legs, Chelsea could feel her spine bending into an arc, and she winced from the strain, her teeth locked into a grimace. But there was also the frustration of being dominated by Finella like this - of being at her mercy, and giving her yet another excuse to boast about how much better she was. Which Finella was doing plenty of right now, as she paraded Chelsea around the ring to no small amount of cheers and wolf-whistles!

All of it was making Chelsea quiver with rage. Her body began to tremble, and the heat began to rise up from the pit of her stomach. Being dominated by Finella, and having her rightful position called into question, was one thing. But this was happening in her pub, in front of her patrons. This was her place to be in control, to feel important, and to know she was part of something. And Finella, once again, was trying to push her out of the spotlight. What was perhaps even worse, however, was when Finella went over to the referee - showing off Chelsea's helpless form to her own sister.

To Chelsea, that was a step too far.

Molly knew that Finella wanted her to say. She also knew that Chelsea wouldn't like it. But it was her duty as a referee, and she was in no mood to see her sister get hurt. Clearing her throat, Molly looked back up at the torture rack, and her voice was a hesitant one. "Ahem..! Chelsea, do you give-?"

Chelsea's response, on the other hand, boomed through the room with fervor. "'Molly...I love ye, but wha' do ye think? ELL FOOKIN' NAH I DUN!!" Even more determined than ever to stand up to Finella, she thrashed back and forth as hard as she could, trying to kick her legs free! It would put strain on her back to do so, but that didn't matter any more - it was a small price to pay for putting Finella in her place! Hopefully, the combination of the jello making her slippery, the unsteady footing Finella was on, and the frantic writhing of Chelsea herself would make her hard to hold onto. At the same time, she'd taken note of her opponent's decisions, and Chelsea too brought her gloves up to her face to grab at the laces between her teeth. If this didn't work, she had a backup plan...
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella grinned wide as she came over to Molly, having Chelsea helpless in the air, her body shaking from the pain and then anger and frustration she had to feel, being humiliated in front of her patrons who drunkenly cheered the half-naked women fighting tooth and nail to dominate each other. Not every evening you had two LAW pros in the ring, duking it out and when Finella and Chelsea were involved, things got when spicier as their rivalry was well documented around the pub.

Finella looked at Molly who was a little distressed , seeing her beloved sister in pain and helpless before her. Finella knew that feeling well but this wasn't about sister's or family, this was about domination and settling a score. Finella gave Chelsea an extrabend, flexing her muscles as she wrapped her rival around her neck, feeling Chelseas spine and backmuscles hurting under the strain.
And still it wasn't enough. Still Chelsea fought tooth and nail.

"Grmpf...Kleine Arschwarzn.", she cursed as she heard Chelseas retaliation and tried to hold her tight but Chelsea already worked to get out of her distracting gloves as well and so Finella had to chance tactics. She already was on unsteady footing and maybe she could use it to her advantage. She didn't want Chelsea to get out of them and gaining equal footing and so she got a devious idea, namely using Molly to put even more damage to Chelsea as she suddenly slid forward against Molly, using the force of the momentum to get Chelsea over her head and grabbing her. Seeing Molly tumbling, Finella bit her tongue.
"Sorry Molly...nothing personal.", she said.

"As for you Chels...",she whispered and shoved forware one leg. The crowd gasped as they knew what was about to happen. If Chelsea wasn't able to get out of this she would be sent down for a devastating atomic drop on her barely covered babymaker. But would Chelsea getting out in time or worse...putting Plan B in motion?
"Alright Chels, London Bridge is falling down!", she grinned and lifted her to send her down into disaster...

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by CaptainL »

For Chelsea, the fact that Finella was twisting her around her neck was only the tip of the iceberg. It hurt, yes - with every inch she was pulled, her spine bent further and further into a painful arc, testing the limits of how much force it could take before it gave out. But there was so much more than that, too. There was the knowledge the world was watching her. Sure, a good portion of the crowd was so drunk by this point that they could barely tell who was who, but that didn't change the fact that Chelsea had high expectations to live up to. She wasn't just a patron any more - she was the lady of the pub; she was the one in charge, and she was the one all the regulars had grown familiar with thanks to her short tolerance for nonsense and her willingness to live it up with the best of them. If she lost now, in front of all their watchful eyes, that would be a humiliation too great to bear; it would all but prove she wasn't worthy of her title. What made it even worse was the thought that it would be Finella to whom she would've lost - the woman who was at the center of the fiercest and most pitched rivalry Chelsea had seen yet, and one who would never pass up an opportunity to hold it over her head if she saw any excuse to call herself superior. Chelsea needed to defend her dignity, and when she was in such a vulnerable, compromising position at the hands of a woman who was dead-set on cutting her down, it was more at stake now than ever!

Hissing through her teeth, the Englishwoman pulled at the strings holding her gloves on - if Finella had gotten them off, it would only slow her down to have her blows so cushioned, and now that they had embraced grappling with one another, the gloves would only get in the way. All the while, she twisted her body to and fro, trying to rock herself from side to side as much as she could in the Wolf's ironclad grip. If she pushed herself too far, it would only compress her spine all the more, and she gnashed her teeth and winced from the pain she put herself through - but what was worth far more was the prospect of escape. She could tell Finella's footing had begun to waver in the jello, and the more she fought, then surely the harder she'd be to maintain a grip on. Sooner or later, she thought, with the progress she was making, she'd have no choice to let go!

But then, Finella let herself slip forward. She bumped her body up against Molly's, sending the younger of the Forster sisters stumbling back, and she let out a yelp as her feet fell out from under her, causing her to drop back against the ropes. Chelsea could concede that it had been an accident; the jello did make it hard to control where anyone was going, and she knew that Molly had long tried to mediate things between her sister and Finella, so she was sure there wasn't much in the way of tension between the two. But what stung Chelsea was that, in doing so, Finella was able to push herself up against Molly, steadying her stance and hoisting her opponent up into the air. And when Chelsea found herself high above the pit, and when she heard the roar of cheers coming from all around her, it was enough to make her eyes grow wide - now, she knew, she could come crashing down at any moment, and she didn't even have the leverage to fight back like she had a moment ago. Now, she was at Finella's mercy. She was in danger - and she had everything to loose!

Whatever fear Chelsea might have felt, however, only lasted a fleeting second before she reminded herself she was stronger than that. Who was she to back down when the going got tough? She knew she was stronger than that! And as she reminded herself as much, the panic that had set in, however briefly, gave way to a different emotion - anger. Her teeth clenched, and her muscles grew stiff. Chelsea wasn't going to shrink back in fear. She was angry that Finella could've gotten her into such a position, and that she had the nerve to mock her this way. And she could channel all that anger into fighting back!

"Oh, is dat rite!?" she scoffed, shaking her head in defiance as her eyes narrowed into a glare. "Nah...I think it's time we bombed Vienna!" Just then, Chelsea kicked out with her legs. In hoisting her higher, Finella had put them at just the right level with her own head - so Chelsea had a chance to grab onto it with her thighs, and from there, to throw her weight downward as she flung her body in an arc! If all went well, she could take advantage of Finella's unsteady footing to pull her right off, and send her crashing down with a hurricanrana!
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