Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
Ragna was sent loopy with another thunderous blow from Rindou, her mangled arm struck him like a bat made out of tungsten. Had it landed anywhere near His jaw would've been most likely over for him as his knees buckled. Trying to support his massive frame from collasping like a pile of bricks.
"Faaacking hell..." He said, shaking his head and doing a series of motions with his jaw to relieve some of the pain while trying his hardest to stay steady on both feet. His mind and body felt they were twisted and turning around. As if though he was drunkly steering a ship inside the Bermuda triangle. His vision distorted and spirally. He only had a very small, vague idea of what the fuck Rindou was trying to convey to him. Probably something about bashing his skull into pulp. Probably.
Without even a second thought, almost out of pure survival instinct. Ragna attempted to shoot his body towards Rindou for what seemed a surprise takedown, instead, Ragna speared Rindou! Nailing her body on the mat and mounting her in a zombie-like state into a full guard if everything went accordingly without a hitch.
"Faaacking hell..." He said, shaking his head and doing a series of motions with his jaw to relieve some of the pain while trying his hardest to stay steady on both feet. His mind and body felt they were twisted and turning around. As if though he was drunkly steering a ship inside the Bermuda triangle. His vision distorted and spirally. He only had a very small, vague idea of what the fuck Rindou was trying to convey to him. Probably something about bashing his skull into pulp. Probably.
Without even a second thought, almost out of pure survival instinct. Ragna attempted to shoot his body towards Rindou for what seemed a surprise takedown, instead, Ragna speared Rindou! Nailing her body on the mat and mounting her in a zombie-like state into a full guard if everything went accordingly without a hitch.
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- pikazard
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
Rindo charged at Ragna with all the speed and power of a rampaging Rhino, cocking her fist back to prepare a devastating punch. Her punch could have potentially been a knockout blow, but they would never know as Ragna intercepted her charge and speared her down to the mat "UUNGH!!!" Unfortunately for Rindo having the speed and power of a Rhino didn't make up for lacking the mass of one, so Ragna was easily able to counter her charge and bring her down.
Having been taken off guard Rindo was slow to react when Ragna mounted her, failing to stop him. In any other context Rindo would have been happy to let a man like Ranga mount her, but she had put far too much effort into this fight to just let him have his way. Even though she was in a very unfavourable position she would still widly fight back, throwing punches aimed at Ragna's torso in an effort to get him to back off "Raah! Get the fuck off!!"
Having been taken off guard Rindo was slow to react when Ragna mounted her, failing to stop him. In any other context Rindo would have been happy to let a man like Ranga mount her, but she had put far too much effort into this fight to just let him have his way. Even though she was in a very unfavourable position she would still widly fight back, throwing punches aimed at Ragna's torso in an effort to get him to back off "Raah! Get the fuck off!!"
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
Sharp inhales and exhales rushed out of Ragna's burning lungs as he remained seated on her new found human saddle. Rindou's wild fists bounced off his iron slabs of meat. To the naked eye, this looked like he was getting weakly tapped. To Ragna, her fists felt like cannon balls hitting his gut over and over again. Yet his expression was calm and mellowed out as he exhaled visible sweat clouds through his nose; his body glimmering with sweat underneath the lights.
Ragna had idea. A very stupid one.
Ragna's eyes traveled down to Rindou's face and blankly stared at her for a lingering moment. His arms resting by his sides. His entire being unmoving as he just--stared.
Ragna had idea. A very stupid one.
Ragna's eyes traveled down to Rindou's face and blankly stared at her for a lingering moment. His arms resting by his sides. His entire being unmoving as he just--stared.
Brandi's bb's:
Uriel: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5865&p=120837&hilit=uriel#p120837
Uriel: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5865&p=120837&hilit=uriel#p120837
- pikazard
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
While Rindo was always wild and ferocious in her matches it was rare indeed for her to actually get angry at her opponent, usually no matter who her opponent was or what happened in the match she wouldn't let it bother them and would still keep up the same flirty and playful demeaner as always. But Ragna was different; the way he seemed to keep shutting off her offense while making it look effortless was really getting on the redhead's nerves, not to mention how much agony her arm was in from the man's earlier submission.
Though despite her channelling that anger into the blows that barraged Ragna's abs they seemingly had no effect on him at all! He just stared down at her with a blank expression as if he was waiting for something to happen! Rindo could feel her face heating up in embarrassment as the man made a fool out of her, though if he thought this would make her give up he was dead wrong! Instead she would bare her fangs in anger and reach up to try and grab him by the hair, if she was able to then she would pull his head down and start throwing punches aimed at his face instead "Let's see if you can ignore this!"
Though despite her channelling that anger into the blows that barraged Ragna's abs they seemingly had no effect on him at all! He just stared down at her with a blank expression as if he was waiting for something to happen! Rindo could feel her face heating up in embarrassment as the man made a fool out of her, though if he thought this would make her give up he was dead wrong! Instead she would bare her fangs in anger and reach up to try and grab him by the hair, if she was able to then she would pull his head down and start throwing punches aimed at his face instead "Let's see if you can ignore this!"
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
Ragna blankly stared down Rindo as if he was staring into a circular mirror inside of a thrift store. His mind was hazy, fireworks of thought going off left and right as the words spun like a roulette wheel: "How do I beat her? do I go for the sub? how? she's willing to lose a limb if need be. Then what-"
Ragna's brows wrinkled as his vacant face morphed into one of a raging bull, hot vapor blowing out of his nose while Rindou laid some heavy bombs to his iron abs even from a grounded position. Ragna dropped his skull on top of Rindo's forehead like a cement block crushing glass. Skipping the setting up process and simply dropping his head like it weighed 13 tons. It was rather uncharacteristic from Ragna. Was he tiring out? Impossible, he's an elite athlete for pete's sake! tip top conditioning and a body as thick as honey. or is the pain getting to him..?
Ragna's brows wrinkled as his vacant face morphed into one of a raging bull, hot vapor blowing out of his nose while Rindou laid some heavy bombs to his iron abs even from a grounded position. Ragna dropped his skull on top of Rindo's forehead like a cement block crushing glass. Skipping the setting up process and simply dropping his head like it weighed 13 tons. It was rather uncharacteristic from Ragna. Was he tiring out? Impossible, he's an elite athlete for pete's sake! tip top conditioning and a body as thick as honey. or is the pain getting to him..?
Last edited by Brandoking21 on Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
Brandi's bb's:
Uriel: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5865&p=120837&hilit=uriel#p120837
Uriel: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5865&p=120837&hilit=uriel#p120837
- pikazard
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
Rindo's intention had been to grab Ragna by the hair and drag him down closer to her so that she could get some shots in at his face since blows to his cheese-grater abs didn't seem to be having too much effect, though as she moved to do that the redheaded man would kindly drop his head for her. Only instead of dipping it down into her punching range he would drop it like a ton of bricks and crash his skull against Rindo's, causing an audible crack to be heard "AAAUGH!!!" Rindo cried out in agony and shock, having not expected such a simple yet effective strategy from a man who had so far proved to be a technical savant.
She was paying the price for her inability to predict his actions in pain, and that pain left her stunned. For at least a few moments her blows stopped flowing and she would just lay beneath Ragna with a face as blank as his, as if she was struggling to comprehend what had just happened. This gave Ragna ample opportunity to take advantage of her dazed state, what he would chose to do with that opportunity was up to him "uuuugh..."
She was paying the price for her inability to predict his actions in pain, and that pain left her stunned. For at least a few moments her blows stopped flowing and she would just lay beneath Ragna with a face as blank as his, as if she was struggling to comprehend what had just happened. This gave Ragna ample opportunity to take advantage of her dazed state, what he would chose to do with that opportunity was up to him "uuuugh..."
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
Ragna pulled his head back after lovingly connecting his skull against Rindo's, sitting up straight again with his head arched back and eyes staring at the lights. His brow was furrowed and his head was aching. Ragna wasn't feeling it anymore. The dastardly Rindo had committed several acts of sexual assault on him that made Ragna internally boil. So much, the thought of it right now--pissed him off. His droopy face now morphed into an intense grit and fiery eyes.
"ASSHOLE!" Ragna scowled, paying no heed to look down on the half-dead Cavewoman as he drove his head like a dart directly into the bullseye. His skull smashing onto Rindo once more! lifting his head up again and dropping it like a brick from a high altitude. Falling and smashing Rindo's consciousness into a million pieces. Briefly looking at her to see the aftermath of his headbutt assault. He didn't feel much pain in his head, if-any. The adrenaline coursing through his veins. As he stared down Rindo with a scornful eye and curled lips.
"ASSHOLE!" Ragna scowled, paying no heed to look down on the half-dead Cavewoman as he drove his head like a dart directly into the bullseye. His skull smashing onto Rindo once more! lifting his head up again and dropping it like a brick from a high altitude. Falling and smashing Rindo's consciousness into a million pieces. Briefly looking at her to see the aftermath of his headbutt assault. He didn't feel much pain in his head, if-any. The adrenaline coursing through his veins. As he stared down Rindo with a scornful eye and curled lips.
Last edited by Brandoking21 on Thu Feb 18, 2021 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Brandi's bb's:
Uriel: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5865&p=120837&hilit=uriel#p120837
Uriel: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5865&p=120837&hilit=uriel#p120837
- Knows The Ropes
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
Ragna pulled his head back after lovingly connecting his skull against Rindo's, sitting up straight again with his head arched back and eyes staring at the lights. His brow was furrowed and his head was aching. Ragna wasn't feeling it anymore. The dastardly Rindo had committed several acts of sexual assault on him that made Ragna internally boil. So much, the thought of it right now--pissed him off. His droopy face now morphed into an intense grit and fiery eyes.
ASSHOLE!" Ragna scowled, paying no heed to look down on the half-dead Cavewoman as he drove his head like a dart directly into the bullseye. His skull smashing onto Rindo once more! lifting his head up again and dropping it like a brick from a high altitude. Falling and smashing Rindo's consciousness into a million pieces. Briefly looking at her to see the aftermath of his headbutt assault. He didn't feel much pain in his head, if-any. The adrenaline coursing through his veins. As he stared down Rindo with a scornful eye and curled lips.
ASSHOLE!" Ragna scowled, paying no heed to look down on the half-dead Cavewoman as he drove his head like a dart directly into the bullseye. His skull smashing onto Rindo once more! lifting his head up again and dropping it like a brick from a high altitude. Falling and smashing Rindo's consciousness into a million pieces. Briefly looking at her to see the aftermath of his headbutt assault. He didn't feel much pain in his head, if-any. The adrenaline coursing through his veins. As he stared down Rindo with a scornful eye and curled lips.
Brandi's bb's:
Uriel: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5865&p=120837&hilit=uriel#p120837
Uriel: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5865&p=120837&hilit=uriel#p120837
- pikazard
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Re: Ragna The Mighty(D) vs Rindo Kobayashi
With her mind still swimming in a pain-filled haze from Ragna's headbutt Rindo would be in no state to defend herself underneath Ragna as the man called her an asshole before lifting his head up again. Even in her haze the redhead's eyes widened in panic, fearing the upcoming pain that she knew was coming but could do nothing to avoid. Once more Ragna would drop his skull like a bag of bricks, smashing into Rindo's forehead once again "Oooooough!!!!"
Rindo's body jerked upon impact, her head would have likely bounced off the mat had Ragna's head not been in the way, her eyes rolled back in her head as the assault to her skull proved to be too much. Rindo is extremely tough and boasts some of the best endurance LAW has to offer, but all the toughness in the world doesn't help when you take such hard blows directly to the temple, as Ragna had so eloquently demonstrated at Rindo's expense. The Barbarian was still conscious, but it was clear from the lack of focus in her eyes and her shallow breathing that she was only hanging on by a thread, and she certainly has no means to stop Ragna from finishing her off.
Rindo's body jerked upon impact, her head would have likely bounced off the mat had Ragna's head not been in the way, her eyes rolled back in her head as the assault to her skull proved to be too much. Rindo is extremely tough and boasts some of the best endurance LAW has to offer, but all the toughness in the world doesn't help when you take such hard blows directly to the temple, as Ragna had so eloquently demonstrated at Rindo's expense. The Barbarian was still conscious, but it was clear from the lack of focus in her eyes and her shallow breathing that she was only hanging on by a thread, and she certainly has no means to stop Ragna from finishing her off.
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