Say My Name- Kieda vs Tina!

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Re: Say My Name- Kieda vs Tina!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*Her aim was immaculate, her timing was flawless, and her ensemble was fabulous. Absolutely nothing was going to prevent her from introducing Tina to her taut, reinforced body after having sailed through the sky and directly into the woman below. However, it appeared as though the golden goddess had alternate plans, as the moment Kieda finally realized her indelible mistake, it was too late for her to rectify the situation.*

"GGNHH!" * The crowd gasped in unison, as she gnashed her teeth once her backside plummeted into the ground, causing her limbs to sprawl out across the unusually cold surface. Her vision beginning to dim due to the anguish crawling up her spine, Kieda refused to go unconscious, yet the crippling pain she was enduring prevented her from regaining her footing anytime soon.*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Say My Name- Kieda vs Tina!

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Tina had Kieda down, and she wanted to make a big statement right here. She smiled as she stood up, pulling Kieda's head up by the hair as painfully as she could! "You are gonna say my name and tell the world who the middleweight champion is.... just need ya to taste the extent of my power n' ability first lass!" Tina said as she shoved Kieda's head between her legs.

Tina was not messing around, grabbing Kieda while hooking her arms. Tina bent down before lifting Kieda up as high as she could! The crowd roared as Tina had Kieda positioned for a tiger bomb, her devastating finisher! Tina knew if this hit it would nail Kieda harder than any single move she'd ever endured. At least that was what Tina was trying for. Kieda was tough as nails, and Tina knew she'd need to do her absolute best to force Keida to say her name!

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Re: Say My Name- Kieda vs Tina!

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*The lights grew dim, as the pervasive cheering of the crowd was the only noise piercing the silence in her head- Kieda couldn't fully comprehend precisely what was transpiring at this point in time, but whatever it was, she knew Tina must have been in control. Suddenly, she felt her entire body lifted, robbing her of the safety she felt while standing upon her own two feet, shrieking from the shock of Tina's horrifying strength.* "L..l..let me go!" *Kieda stuttered, panicking for her life as she feared the worse.*

*However, that was the threshold of what she was capable of doing- Every ounce of vigor had been sapped from her body, and it seemed as though Tina simply wanted this victory more than the cerulean shadow. She had felt this level of fear before, knowing the inevitable that awaited her, and being completely and utterly helpless to prevent it from unfolding. Her legs having retained just enough strength to remain upright, Kieda clinched her teeth to brace for the impact.*

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Re: Say My Name- Kieda vs Tina!

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Tina held Kieda high and sent her down hard! The impact echoed and the ropes shook after the landing that left Kieda laid out on the mat! Tina stood over her and shouted as loud as she could!

"Say it! Say may name! Tell the world who the LAW middleweight champion is!" Tima shouted as she stepped down on Kieda's throat with her boot grinding it in and taunting Kieda by flexing her arms as she loomed over the downed shinobi.

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Re: Say My Name- Kieda vs Tina!

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*A resounding* "THUD!" *Ricocheted off the enormous stadium, sending Kieda into a painfully dazed state of mind- Her body curled up into a fetal position, reduced to a puddle of whimpering anguish. Just as she was about to drift off into the land of unconsciousness and slumber for an hour or so, a sharp, unexpected pain slammed down against her vulnerable windpipe, causing her to harshly cough from the contact.*

"GRRGHHH!" *Tina wasn't relenting whatsoever, and the once energetic kunoichi meekly squinted up towards her triumphant foe. Out of options, out of time, and out of excuses, Kieda begrudgingly muttered through her raspy breathing.* "T..Tina..A.Armstrong..." *The indescribable shame she felt swallow her up at that moment would haunt her for the rest of her days, as her body convulsed from the extreme, dire lack of vitality she had to spare.*

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Re: Say My Name- Kieda vs Tina!

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Tina heard Kieda, as did the referee. They ran over calling for the bell which rang promptly after. As soon as she heard it Tina let go and stepped away from Kieda holding her hands high in victory! She was announced as the victor to the cheering crowd and she did a small victory lap taking in the cheers.

Tina did admire the boldness of Kieda, calling out an inaugural champion the way she did. Tina called for quiet from the crowd and motioned for them to ease up on the noise, and the crowd did once they caught on to what Tina was trying to do. After a moment Tina decided on a good show of respect for her foe. "Kie-da! Kie-da!" Tina shouted, rhythmically chanting her opponents name. To her delight, the crowd echoed back also chanting Kieda's name!

Tina got her title, draping it over her shoulder as she made her way back towards Kieda, offering a hand to help her back up to her feet.

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Re: Say My Name- Kieda vs Tina!

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*She couldn't believe it- Everything she had worked for, bled over, worthless. Regardless of it being a non-title fight, this was a crushing defeat for the otherwise confident and haughty shinobi, and it stung more than any move Tina had executed on her throughout the entirety of their clash. With a disgruntled visage plastered on her face, Kieda shot Tina an irked glare before swatting her hand away, much to the chagrin and bewilderment of the spectators surrounding the outer threshold of the arena.*

"I d.d..don't need your charity, bitch." *A powerful amount of vitriol dripping from her tongue, Kieda returned to her feet while the crowd rained down an inexorable tsunami of boos for her petulant action.* "I'll finish you quickly next time we meet, and trust me, their will be a next time." *And with that, Kieda strode past the befuddled blonde, but not before smacking her face with the tip of her turquoise ponytail, preserving her condescending attitude while slipping her svelte body through the ropes and disappearing backstage, leaving Tina to linger on what she just experienced.*


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