Momoi Satsuki (d) vs Alice Rose (d)

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Re: Momoi Satsuki (d) vs Alice Rose (d)

Unread post by deezcastforms »

As much as Momoi would have loved to ignore- no revel in Alice's begging and keep her trapped for another couple of minutes, she was a clean, fair wrestler. Despite what Alice may claim. So, Alice was freed from her mother's submission hold as soon as Momoi could get herself untangled from her vanquished opponent. Sebastian would follow suit if he was smart.

"Wow," said Momoi, pausing a moment to take in the last... however long that had taken. So much weird crap had happened that she honestly no clue how long it had taken. "That was certainly a match that I don't thing I'll ever forget. Professional debut or not." If someone had told Momoi before today that she'd fight a no DQ match that allowed her opponent's brother to fight a 2v1 on Momoi's own side, the trainer would not have believed them.

"Well Sebastian," Momoi said, ignoring Alice and turning to her unlikely ally. "I do believe that I owe you a few minutes backstage in exchange for you top notch camerawork." Momoi started for backstage, expecting Sebastian to follow and listen as she talked. "We can go a bit more roleplay-y if you want to be in control. Or if you want, I can give you more of what I gave your sister. Or a little bit of both, your call."

Backstage continuation: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12438
Last edited by deezcastforms on Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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