Yame Kugisaki vs Svetlana Zynski

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Re: Yame Kugisaki vs Svetlana Zynski

Unread post by Albentes »

Yame decided that was the Moment to end this, She picked Svetlana up and went for a piledriver. This would set up her finisher, a moonsault, but only if the piledriver would hit First... "Time to end this!" Both figthers were tired and time passed, It was only a matter of Who would knock out the other

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Re: Yame Kugisaki vs Svetlana Zynski

Unread post by Highfly »

Svetlana was unable to fight back as she was grabbed and held up before her head was spiked painfully to the mat with the pile driver! She let out a howl of pain and cradled her head in her arms, meekly kicking the mat as she was laid out in agony after taking the pile driver.

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Re: Yame Kugisaki vs Svetlana Zynski

Unread post by Albentes »

Yame went on the turnbackle, trying to set up her finisher: A moonsault! She climbed it up, turned around and launched herself on Svetlana, hoping to land the hit. If she was successful she would try to pin Svetlana and maybe end the match to get a well fought victory!

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Re: Yame Kugisaki vs Svetlana Zynski

Unread post by Highfly »

Svetlana was already laid out and barely conscious after her head crashed to the canvas. She was motionless as Yame came crashing down hammering Svetlana with the moonsault. Sveltana howled in pain as she flopped and writhed on the mat in obvious pain. She looked like she was done for as she was laying there with Yame already on top of her and the official moving into position for the pin.




The bell rang and Svetlana had embarrassed herself losing to the rookie as she covered her face in her arms, laying there still in a lot of pain as the bell rang.

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Re: Yame Kugisaki vs Svetlana Zynski

Unread post by Albentes »

Yame helped Svetlana to get up and got Her to the medicali room "It was a good match, i Hope we can use another in the future!"

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