Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by TheManVan »

Thalia let out a grunt as she was now flat on her back, shocked at how Madeline found a way to break free and turned the tables around on her in one fell swoop! Her attempts to recover and defend herself in the new vulnerable position was too slow against the nimble and decisive choice of Madeline, who fell on top of Thalia and sat her chest right down on her bare chest! "Mmmmmmph!" Thalia moaned out with Madeline's fine rear planting down on her mounds while Madeline wrapped her waist, prying it off of the ground and into the air right into the waiting ravenous mouth of her opponent!

"Hiiiiiiiiiii!" Thalia let out, her head pushing back into the grass as she arched into Madeline as she was folded up into a tight pin. Her legs were wrapped and tucked tightly underneath Madeline's arms and taking away much of her leverage, quickly undoing the string on her bottoms to expose her pussy and free to begin eating her out! Twisting and turn, Thalia continued to moan out in pleasure with the combined efforts of Madeline's tongue and butt, swiveling around and digging into her breasts onto her erect nipples for even more pleasure!

The crowd's excitement began to rise with the increase in sexual action, watching as Madeline ravenously ate out the Blue haired Greek with the cries of Thalia echoing out from the grassy field.

She gritted her teeth, trying to calm herself down as the tongue lashed about within her, her juices leaking out onto her groin and Madeline's face, knowing she had to fight back. Her first order of business was to undo Madeline's bottoms in return, not allowing anything to block her retaliation pleasure as shereached up and over Madeline's hip, she shot her hand down into plunging her fingers into the folds to pleasure her opponent back!
Last edited by TheManVan on Sun Aug 25, 2024 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by Lightman »

Wherever it was adrenaline or womanly pride, Madeline was driven. The young girl was proving to be quite the challenge, not just with the oil making things harder to keep her still, but the way she grappled was impressive on its own. An orgasm was oh so close, just begging to find release, sexually frustrating the brunette to where even she was pulling off risky manoeuvres to get any competitive edge on the bluenette. The Greek was no doubt close and Madeline sought to return the favour after pleasuring her so well.

A lot of things could have gone wrong, but Madeline was now in the best position. She was sitting on the proud girl’s breasts and ate out her pussy! It tasted much more delicious than usual. The possible victory was setting in with how she had pulled off the spectacular transition into this reverse matchbook pin. She felt those hard nipples poking into her butt, giving her the perfect idea of where to ground down her butt cheeks, looking to deliver as much pleasure as she could to her grappling rival.

Madeline’s tongue swirled around and around, digging into Thalia’s sex as she tried to find that sweet spot where it would possibly bring her into a beautiful orgasm! The Briton licked in long, sweeping lines, drawing vicious circles as if creating a whirlpool to suck Thalia into the waters of euphoria. She pressed her lips to her rival’s and engaged in a deep, intimate kiss. Her tongue scoured the bluenette, exploring and tasting everything her body had to offer, working against the succulent flesh of Thalia’s flower.

As much as that was going well, Thalia was busy removing Madeline’s bottoms. Madeline was super focused on succumbing Thalia to the throes of passion and bliss. But the moment Thalia's fingers shot deep into the folds of Madeline, she couldn't ignore it any longer. "Ohhhhhhh, you!" She let out a deep moan, one that paused her cunnilingus. Thalia was still fighting back. And that cannot do, in her mind.

Still having a hold of the bluenette's legs, Madeline shifted back, slipping away from those lovely breasts, to instead plant her butt all over Thalia's face. While this does mean that Thalia's mouth and nose would be right up her now bare pussy, Madeline's strong legs will also add the challenge of wrapping around that head in a figure-four headlock! "You want me so bad..." Madeline panted, tightening the grip of her legs and Thalia's. "...Then earn it!"

She would resume diving into that pussy of Thalia's, upping the pace of her licking and sucking, greedily feasting upon her clit and folds. Her tongue lapped around, furiously tapping all the spots she could think of that will bring that orgasm soon enough!

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by TheManVan »

Thalia wasted no time in plunging her fingers in and out of the hot lower folds of Madeline, fingers pushing through the warm inner walls and plunder the sensual garden while Madeline's tongue lashed away within her. The bluenette Greek knew she had to keep fighting, fighting against the wave of momentum from Madeline to match the sexual pressure that the beautiful brunette was exerting on her, to prevent herself from being swept up in the sexual whirlwind! Freeing the bottoms of Madeline, how both women were fully naked to the delight of everyone watching and especially for the two involved as Madeline began to shift on top of Thalia, sliding up Thalia's body away from the breasts and planting down onto her face!

Thalia moaned with the damp pussy right on her face, allowing Madeline's legs to wrap around her head, one hooking around the other for a tight headscissors on top of the pleasure! Thalia was quick to feel the pressure beginning to collapse around her head, with her own legs hooked underneath Madeline's arms she would be able to reciprocate. Another cry muffled out from underneath Madeline as Thalia's groin was continued to be pleasured upon, the leaking juices oozing out of her folds as Madeline's tongue lashed about her lower half!

But she was not a woman to be dissuaded, shifting her shoulders on the grassy battlefield to adjust herself to tuck her legs even deeper into Madeline's grasp to hook them inwards, wrapping them behind Madeline and around her shoulder blades region to lock in a high body scissors!

Her hold wouldn't have a sharp effect like Madeline's but tying them in a deeper knot and attempting to hamper the deeper breathing of her opponent, Thalia quickly reengage sexually on her opponent, shooting her tongue out and plunging into Madeline's lower folds to truly begin a 69 duel with her dangerous opponent!

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by Lightman »

The grip that Madeline had around Thalia was secure. Even if she tried to buck her way out of it, especially with the oil to aid her, it would be difficult at this stage to slip free from the English Rose’s clutches. Madeline knew Thalia was close. How that pussy throbbed and contracted, the space getting tighter to work around. Many signs showed that the Greek grappler was so close to burst. The pressure of her steel thighs coiled around her opponent, Thalia’s face pressed deeper and deeper into the wrestler’s taut derriere.

"Yessss...like that...every...last...inch...~" Although it would have been a death sentence to allow any sexfighter worth their salt to have free access to that pussy like that, Madeline was counting on it. There was no greater way than to pit her pleasuring skills with Thalia’s, letting two women settle how good their sexual prowess was with a duel on equal terms.

Well, as close to equal as you could get. Despite Thalia’s legs tightening around the Englishwoman like a constrictor, making her gasp in sharp pain, Madeline had that and the smothering effect. She had the better case of mixing pain and pleasure, adding the lovely cunnilingus skills to make Thalia go insane.

But then the pussy eating began, and Madeline almost fell back with how she arched her back. Closing her eyes, she sucked her lower lip between her teeth. This was it. This was the battles she lived for. Her thighs bucked upon Thalia’s face, with every thrust causing the vice-like choke to tighten. Squeezing the struggle out of her and making it easier to swallow the Greek Grappler whole. And Madeline was enjoying every single second of it. The English Rose could feel the loving moans reverberating against the burning hot flesh of her bare womanhood. Thalia would no doubt feel her clitoris, hard and needy, against her face, the way her sopping wet pussy twitched in response to the stimulation. Intentional or not. She was close. Very close.

But will Thalia break her in time?

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by TheManVan »

Locked in a sensual struggle with the two of them lapping and sucking away on their most sensitive areas, with Thalia trapped underneath the hot and oily body of the brunette, doing her best to make up the deficit with tightening her legs around her torso, squeezing right back on Madeline as she burrowed her face deeper and deeper into Madeline's moist groin! The juices of Madeline oozed onto her face, the harden clit of Madeline poking her face, her opponent was just as determined as her and unlike her, she had the superior positioning to leverage her sexual aggression!

And what sexual aggression it was, feeling all of Madeline's eat away between her legs, pleasure shooting throughout her body that made it shake with delight, her breath waning with Madeline's weight on top of her and her powerful legs coiling around her head, rushing the blood to her head and enhancing the danger and pleasure she was caught in!

But Thalia was not a woman who shied away from such extreme sensations, diving right back into Madeline, tightening her legs around her opponent as she nuzzled her features into the wet set of pussy lips before latching her lips onto the excited clitoris! She eagerly sucked, rubbing her lips on both sides of the nub! She could taste it, how close Madeline was to cumming!

Despite her best attempts to fight back, giving all the pleasure she could with her lips mashing down on the bare pussy lips with her own sexual prowess, her lower lips spurting out her juices! More of her juices spurted out with more frequency as she was having difficult holding herself back, her body's squirming intensifying as her orgasm came closer until she couldn't hold herself back any more!


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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by Lightman »

It was a game of inches, especially when you have things as equal as the two could get. As much as Madeline’s expertise is showing, feeling every tingle, shudder, rumble and throb that Thalia’s body gives, the Greek grappler was not far behind. Their tongues can only go so deep, and they lapped around inside, prodding, poking, grinding against the most sensitive parts of that organ inside, sending their bodies ablaze with a ravenous need.

Not even the tight squeezing of Thalia’s legs was enough to deter the brunette. Though it’s not as if it would take long, once Madeline sees her prey drawn blood, or in this case, sex nectar, then she goes in for the kill. Their orgasms were building for so long, so the end was in sight. Thalia’s legs squeezing against her body also caused her inner walls to contract further, adding to what Madeline could work with. And she knew her facesit would have the effect of depriving air from the bluenette. And once there’s lack of air, the sensations and senses get heightened. Which would cause even greater heights of pleasure delivered unto Thalia’s body.

It would seem like Madeline held all the cards regarding this duel. However, Thalia showed no signs of residing in her fate, she fights hard to change it. And although Madeline couldn’t voice her thoughts, she can respect the fight from this younger grappler. Her body ached to grind her crotch against her face, but Madeline fought against such instincts, believing that to be an insult and letting the bluenette work for the orgasm herself. Thalia will indeed have a glorious future ahead of her, especially if this kind of tenaciousness remains.

Despite those praises, Madeline trusted her expertise and her experience, resulting in a mighty orgasm from the Greek grappler. Orgasms won by tough competition like this are always the surefire way to please the English Rose, and despite the volume, Madeline dived in with her lips, taking all the liquid goodness that came out of her in such a sapphic showing! And it would have been a delightful part of reaping the results and enjoying the fruits of her labour. However, something about that deep, loud moan from the pleasure-sundered Thalia set something off.

“MMMMRRRRMMMPPH~!” Her orgasm came, and she showered the bluenette with her womanly juices. What made things difficult was that her open mouth had to take in Thalia’s juices, Madeline opting to retreat her head back so that she didn’t choke on it too much. She sat up straight, flicked her hair back, and moaned in sexual triumph; her face still dripped, caught in the line of fire. The Englishwoman would let her hand smack upon Thalia’s pussy, before giving it a rub upon her fingers. No doubt that very moment is where the pussy is at its weakest. Rubbing that particularly minor victory in as that hand lowered to those light blue locks, gripping it as she rose her derriere off her face, forcing Thalia to look at her. “Well, then…got more in you left? Or is this a one-and-done ~?”

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by TheManVan »

Thalia's body tensed as her orgasm ripped out of her and spraying into Madeline's lips, her gushing lower lips only getting a reprieve as the rushing juices forced Madeline's mouth to pull away. The geyser of juices gushed and sprayed into Madeline's face to give her a coat of cum upon her face, but what stopped this moment from a complete defeat was the fact that Madeline was also unable to hold back her own orgasm. Thalia felt the hot rush of juices spraying into her mouth, tasting the sweet victory before she had to pull off, letting the juices spray onto her face in kind.

Their first outing against each other in their sexual duel ended with a draw, the Greek woman still trapped underneath the beautiful visage of the Englishwoman on the oiled grassy field, with the oozing pussy juices being all she could see and feel! The battle was shaping up to be everything that the bluenette wanted and she was going to get more as Madeline's hand traveled between her legs again to pat at her pussy.

Post orgasm was the most sensitive a woman could be and Madeline's finger grazing across of her lower lips again sending shocks of sensual pleasure throughout her body in her blissful post orgasm glow. "Mmmmmm..." she moaned out, arching her back off of the grass as Madeline continued to place the sexual pressure on her. Thalia was not ready to throw in the towel, not by a long shot, twisting into Madeline to roll her off of her!

Once she was freed, she would also rise up to her knees, flicking her blue hair back out of her face and show off the cum coat Madeline had left on her. "Ha...you wish." she would gasp out, sending her hand right back into Madeline's groin and planting it there to stroke on the opposing set of pussy lips, leaning into mash their breasts together as she faced off with her rival!

"You're not going to beat me that easy...So come on. Let's keep going."

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by Lightman »

Much as Madeline would curse the fact that at the end, the two would still be at a level playing field, the tenaciousness and skill of Thalia was enough for her to forgive the Greek Grappler. Releasing the sweet nectar upon the bluenette’s face, giving her all the tasty reward for her efforts. The only thing that Madeline could take away from it all was that Thalia was technically the first to cum. However, that wasn’t the conditions to this match.

Pettiness aside, the brunette’s body relaxed upon feeling the waves of pleasure wash all over her, letting it roll by. It’s not her first rodeo and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. After basking in the afterglow, the English Rose sat up, giving Thalia the grace to breathe air. No doubt with her face sitting, she probably had little grace to enjoy the taste, what with the rubbing and the lack of oxygen. Her fingers gently grazed upon those pussy lips, enough that even a slight touch would set that flame alight.

Madeline led with a question that she already knew the answer to. Well, considering how long it has taken to reach such a climax, it would have been mightily disappointing for it to end. Just when these two have only just begun, in Madeline’s mind. Thankfully, Thalia answered in a way that had Madeline admire the spunk of the relative novice. Thalia shoved the English Rose, rolling her onto her back before pouncing on top of her. A position that’s quite familiar, but a welcome feeling, especially for these two ladies. Madeline would moan out in pleasure once that hand reached between the legs and stroked against her crotch. “Ahhh!” Her back arched, feeling that fire set ablaze once more, hearing how the bluenette wanted to continue.

“I was counting on that…!” Madeline gasped, leaning her head forward, seeking to bring her lips to connect with hers for a deep kiss. All the meanwhile, her hand sought to grab at the wrist, seeking to pull that hand away from her crotch. Which would make sense, normally. However, Madeline’s hips would slide downwards, getting in prime position to dock their pussies against each other. A brazen approach. Perhaps one that Thalia would accept. “But I think we're well past stage of just playing around. Give me all you got!”
Last edited by Lightman on Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by TheManVan »

Plunging her hand between the legs and smacking their breasts together in another face to face battle, Thalia was ready to go at Madeline once again as her opponent's juices oozing down her body much like the same with her own juices on Madeline's body as the crowd around their sectioned off ring amongst the field. Wasting no time to keep their battle of pleasure going, Thalia rubbed and rolled her fingers on the lower lips to press her advantage on her opponent, but Madeline had other ideas.

Her hand was seized and pulled away, but not without offering an alternative of even greater stakes!

"Aaaaah!" Thalia moaned out, the shock of having her sensitive pussy lips shoved against their opposites, her body seizing up for a brief moment as the messy pair of lower lips kissed upon the oiled up grass! "Nnnnaaaaaaa!" another moan left Thalia's mouth, but as her body adjusted to the pleasure her lips curled into a smile. Such a brazen dare from Madeline was enough to stroke Thalia's own competitive nature and was not going to back down from the womanly duel!

"Ha! You're on!" she let out, moving her caught hand to grab onto Madeline's arm as she shifted her position, pulling on Madeline's arm to rise her off of the grass so they would be on even footing so to speak, adjusting her leg to be over Madeline's in an over and under position to assume perfect scissoring and boldly looking her right in the eyes before their trib fight would begin in earnest!

Swiveling and rocking her hips, she slid and smacked her lips upon Madeline's, keeping a firm and unbreakable eye contact with her rival!

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Re: Spring Time Oil Wrestling (Thalia Kallis vs Madeline Christiansen)

Post by Lightman »

Madeline’s breath came hot and heavy, her chest rising and falling in sync with the rapid pounding of her heart. Every inch of her body was alive with sensation, slick with sweat and arousal as she stared into Thalia’s fiery gaze, their bodies locked in this shameless, unrelenting duel. She had expected resistance, had known Thalia wouldn’t back down, but the sheer fervour of her rival’s response sent an excited shiver rippling down her spine. The moment their folds met, grinding together in raw, unfiltered friction, Madeline couldn’t stop the moan that spilled from her lips—a sound swallowed by the roar of the surrounding crowd.

God, the heat.

It was suffocating, intoxicating, the slick wetness of their bodies only amplifying the sensation as Thalia moved against her, hips rolling, pressing, demanding. It was a battle unlike any she had fought before—not one of strikes or holds, but of dominance through pleasure, of wills tested through the art of seduction.

And Madeline would be damned if she let herself falter first.

Thalia was eager. Competitive. Reckless in a way that would be her undoing. Madeline could see it in the way she lunged into the contest, the way her hips rocked with a fervour that lacked discipline, the way she so eagerly sought to claim dominance. It was precisely what Madeline had counted on. She let out a slow, luxurious moan, deliberately drawn out, laced with something sultry, something taunting. Her emerald eyes—glowing with wicked intent—locked onto Thalia’s, unblinking, challenging.

Madeline tightened her grip on the woman’s arm, her fingers digging in just enough to remind her she would not be tamed. With a sudden, deliberate shift, she adjusted the angle of her hips, letting her clit drag against Thalia’s in a slow, devastating stroke before grinding down with purpose. She felt the tremor in Thalia’s thighs, the way her rival’s breath hitched ever so slightly, the telltale sign that she had struck gold.

“Is that all you have, darling?” Madeline’s voice was a sultry purr, velvet like temptation itself, her lips parting as she leaned in, so close that their noses brushed. “I thought you would be more eager for this~.”

Suddenly, Madeline slowed. Rather than match Thalia’s frantic pace, she moved against it, her hips rolling in a controlled, agonisingly deliberate rhythm. Instead of a delicious shockwave, she pressed, grinded, teased, forcing Thalia to feel every aching second of it. The English Rose knew it would cause frustration, and she was counting on it. "Or I suppose you wanted to savour this properly~"

Madeline’s lips curled into a knowing smirk, her breath ghosting over Thalia’s parted lips, close enough to kiss but never giving it. The crowd’s cheers only grew, their enthusiasm feeding the fire between the two warriors, urging them on. But to Madeline, there was no one else in the world at that moment—only Thalia, only the intoxicating battle waged between their bodies, only the desperate question of who would surrender first.

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