Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Widow is taking as much time as possible to recover. She is more frustrated at herself that she is at a point where she is nowhere near the levels she feels that she needs to be at to defeat the top tier wrestlers in the heavyweight division. Even her shot at the title ended in failure due to not hitting the champion hard enough to keep her down for the three, but what almost broke her was the champ was able to kick out of two of her finisher moves before the count of three. And now Karina took one of her moves and wasn't knocked out at all, she would need to keep training to feel that her strength is considered at the top.

Taking a deep breath, Widow turns to look at the ring ropes on the other side of the ring, before taking a look at her opponent that is slowly getting to her feet. Nodding her head in agreement at what she is going to do next, as she runs to the other side to bounce off the ring ropes before running back and leaps over the ropes. She is able to clear the ropes as she plans on crashing right on top of her opponent with a dive to the outside move.

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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Karina was starting to get back up and looked at the woman who was preparing something in the ring. She had a hunch what was about to happen since Widow didn't come down with her or waited for her to get back inside, she made it look like she was ready to catapult herself onto Karina, which would have been a dreadful things if Karina wasn't ready for it or was still laying on her back. Karina stepped back for a moment when Widow bounced from the ropes and headed straight towards her, leaping over those ropes to come crashing down like a kamekaze pilot!

She was prepared for it though, spreading out her arms as the woman came down towards her with speed and an attempt to collide with Karina.. Which she did! However, it was not going to be the way Thereisa would actually hope for as Karina would not only hold onto her in a form of a hug, which had her back pedaling quite a few steps since even with her strength, an injured back and a heavy opponent was not going to go to well for about anyone.. But Karina would quickly twist around and would aim to use that to transition it into a belly to belly suplex!
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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Thereisa went airborne going for a high risk, high reward move to keep the momentum going in her favor. Her plan was to crash down and Karina with her move and take the fight to her opponent on the outside, it was simple and with her body weight would be the difference in taking Karina off her feet and onto her back. But to her surprise and shock, her opponent was able to catch her with ease like this, but it felt like she just rammed into a brick wall and stopped all of her momentum cold. Unable to stop what about to happen as she is slammed into the padded floor back first by a suplex 'uuuggghhh' she screams out clutching the small of her back that has taken the brunt of the impact.

Pain is the only thing that is going through her mind. As she arches her back off the floor stunned by the brutal slam that Karina just did to her, as she is kicking the floor with her feet, most of the fans watching can't believe that one of the most dangerous women in wrestling is getting woman handled by Karina. The ref, seeing what is taking place outside the ring, walks over to the side of the ring and starts to count.



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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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To say that she had been fortunate to have a battle hardened body and the attention of a fox was an understatement. She knew that the moment Widow didn't force her back into the ring was the moment that a aerial move would be used and it was even more luck that she managed to turn it around to the point where she could counter the jump into a suplex! It still did some of what Thereisa wanted though as Karina landed onto her back once more, quite sweaty and a bit exhausted while the referee began to count them out, though all that came from Karina was a grumble.

She would begin to turn herself onto her stomach and push upon her feet to work herself up onto her knees. She gazed over at the fallen giantess but figured she didn't have to risk getting counter attacked and instead rest up. She pushed herself back up onto her feet and would make her way to the edge of the ring, climbing onto it and rolling under the bottom ropes so she could get inside the ring first. She would move to the furthest corner so she could sit up and recover, rubbing her side and just trying to lessen the pain in her head while she kept a close eye at the side where she had left Thereisa.

" Three! "

" Four! "
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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Letting out a low groan as she slowly rolls over onto her stomach. Thereisa weakly reaches out and grabs the top of the barricade to pull herself slowly to her feet, hearing the fans start to cheer her on as she turns to face the ring, spotting her opponent in the corner waiting for her to come back inside and fight. Debating to decide to get back into the ring and fight or just take the DQ loss and get it over with, letting out sigh thinking if she can really beat this woman or not.

'Damn it... nope, not even going to try and get back into the ring.' Thereisa says with a smug look on her face. Waiting on the outside, knowing what she's doing, is going to piss some people off, but it is all a part of her plan to lure Karina out of the ring again. Also, she can use the time to recover more and get her second wind going, or the drive to keep fighting her foe.

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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Karina was not often a patient woman, especially towards opponent who were trying to outsize and dominate her in the ring! Yet she was holding all the cards for the time being and she knew that if she would make a mistake out of the ring, it would surely come back to bite her much, much harder than she had done in the ring. The barbarian queen finally straightened up, rolling one shoulder and rubbing it with the other hand while she looked over at Cyber Widow, whom seemed to have quite the smug look on her face and was waiting like she was trying to bait Karina in closer.. But Karina was going to play it smart, a predator didn't need to run into traps when she knew her prey would have to come back to her.

" Ooh? " She finally let out once she realized that Thereisa was not getting back in yet, which aided in letting the girl recover.. Yet the same would go for Karina. Taunting however, was more than appropriate for Karina, who had the higher ground and was inside of the ring. " Licking your wounds already? I thought you were going to.. What was it?.. Kick my head off? " She would cross her arms underneath her bearclawed chest, stepping to the center of the ring and simply waiting for Widow to get back inside, though the smirk never left Karina's face. " By all means, stay there for the full twenty.. But I expect you to get back inside after and properly worship my abs. "
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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Planning on what she is going to do now. She knows she has been taken by surprise and dominated more than she cares to admit against Karina. Almost any move she has done, her opponent was at best rocked a little but would still be moving around before getting to her feet, or being able to be one step ahead of her when it came to beating the other to the punch literally. As she rubs her cheek from the blow she took to the face that is starting to swell a bit from the force behind it, there is a small bit of doubt that is creeping into her mind on what can she do to keep her opponent down for the three.

Thereisa takes a deep breath before sliding back into the ring, breaking up the count. ' The only thing getting licked is you when I beat you in front of everybody.' She says in return, stepping forward, not backing down from this fight. Holding her hand out and with one quick motion, she slaps Karina across the face with an open palm slap, deciding to see what the woman is going to next. ' Unlike you, I have been the most dominant force in my Era and I be damned if someone like you tries to take it from me,' she shouts out. She already has a plan to lure Karina back to the outside, but she hopes that it would work.

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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Karina was proud at her work, which had turned her misfortune into a new, taunting place of authority! She placed her hand down upon her hip and waited for Thereisa to join her, which took a moment before the woman stepped back into the ring, ready to be tormented by Karina once more since the overly long haired barbarian queen was ready to once again lay the hurt upon the mighty Widow.. Yet instead she got a slap across her face! The sound of that hand clapping against her cheek echoed through the ring and it had managed to turn Karina's head to the side, silent at first..

..Yet Karina was not about to let Thereisa get away with that, narrowing her eyes as she reaches up to grasp the clothing just below her cleavage and would try to use it to pull the Widow closer.. Just so she could launch her other hand upwards in a arc, with fingers curl against the palm and created into a strong fist, which quickly made it known that Karina would try to uppercut Thereisa to not only as vengeance but also to try and stun her!
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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Thereisa put almost everything she had into that slap. She can feel her hand doing numb from how hard she swung it at Karina face, as she shakes it to get feeling back into the limb as she is grabbed by her younger opponent and yanked forward. She has only been woman handled like this a few times and once again shows that her level of strength is no where the other woman in terms of brute force. As she is rocked from taking an uppercut to the chin, the impact sends her head upward looking into the lights as she staggers backwards from her opponent before falling onto her backside.

Feeling the tangy taste of copper inside her mouth, Thereisa turns her head to the side and spits out blood from a cut inside her mouth. Staggering slowly to her feet, punch drunk but not out of the fight yet, as she beckons her opponent to her. ' That it? If you spent more time striking instead of trying to get people to lick your abs, you would have knocked me out." She taunts, spreading her arms out with that smug look on her face. ' Or you keep saying that cause you like the fact that I bit you and made you like it, you damn freak.'. Not holding anything back, calling out Karina and rubbing in the fact that she is still standing and not beaten.

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Re: Battle at the Top: Karina Rine vs Cyber Widow

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Karina's gaze lowered the moment dropped onto her rear, lips curling into a little smirk as the woman spat out blood and seemed dazed from the blow, yet she was not surprised when the woman started to get back up and taunted Karina like she wanted more of it.. And Karina could always oblige. " It's kind of hard to take your seriously when you fell down, but I suppose masochists come in all shapes and forms, even tall ones. " She ignored the other part, though it was a call of action which Karina would answer, who was she to deny a masochist after all?

Smacking her right fist into her left hand, she implied that it was going to be another fierce punch and soon enough she took her step forward, putting herself in range of melee combat and would once again aim for Thereisa's head. She rear her arm all the way back, folding the forearm and getting ready to send that punch like a rocket, launching it straight towards the side of the Widow's forehead, aiming to send that head into a rattling daze from it!
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