Big meets bigger- Jess vs Kiwi!

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Re: Big meets bigger- Jess vs Kiwi!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

"Awww, izzat what ya'll really think of me?" *Jess inquired while loosening her otherwise unwavering grip against her colossal foe. She pondered on how she'd rectify this negative opinion Kiwi had of her, before finally concocting a brilliant strategy to leave her breathless!*

"Well, if that's the truth, then whaddya say we kiss and make up?"
*She tugged Kiwi closer, refusing to allow her any say in the matter as they engaged in a passionate meeting of their mouths, the ginger titaness's body quivering from the tactile stimulation.*
"]Holy shit! Holy shit!" *The dumbfounded audience chanted, unable to fully process what was transpiring before them. It was difficult for them to discern if Jess was genuinely trying to redeem herself for being so abrasive earlier, but regardless of her intentions, she had sparked a sincere interest from the audience due to her impulsive nature!*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Big meets bigger- Jess vs Kiwi!

Unread post by MonsterInGreen »

Once Jess loosened up her once solid grip Kiwi stumbled on the stop momentarily, still very much struggling to stand up on her own which made it very difficult to look like a brave warrior in the face of such adversity! Yet she did her best to do so even still, trying to remain tall and put on an expression which said that she wasn't afraid!

If anything Kiwi certainly didn't expect the direction that her currently dominant opponent would take things next, preparing herself for some kind of huge finishing move but instead finding herself forcefully pulled in and locked within the confines of a tongue sucking kiss!

Initially once the saliva trading smooch was initiated Kiwi was having absolutely none of it! Slapping at Jess's mighty shoulders and trying to pull herself away, unable to due to the clear strength difference between the two! Yet as things continued, the mighty giantess would give up in her pursuit of escape, previously pushing arm falling limp as she allowed herself to be made out with!

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Re: Big meets bigger- Jess vs Kiwi!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

"Mmhh..hmhm~" *With a mischievous smirk stretching across her face, Jess was tempted to maintain her liplock until Kiwi collapsed from oxygen deprivation, but the faint retaliation from her subdued victim was enough to convince her to take another route to claiming victory. So, begrudgingly, Jess broke the kiss, a bridge of saliva connecting them as she locked eyes with the enamored rookie.* "Don't take this personally honey, but it's high time I finished this little tussle between us!"

*Showcasing her phenomenal strength for the world to see, and for the bewildered novice to experience, Jess forced the emerald giantess to bend at an angle before wedging her between her knees, giving Kiwi an up close and personal view of Jess's curvaceous thighs. However, she wouldn't linger in that spot for too long, as The Ginger Titan wrapped her arms around either side of the dazed novice and immediately hoisted her high into the sky! The audience collectively gasped before the inevitable transpired, that of course being Jess dropping her against the ground for a massive powerbomb!*
"WHAM!" *Was the reverberating noise that bounced off of the surrounding walls of the packed arena, as Jess loomed overtop of her defeated prey while the referee initiated his count.* "ONE!" *His voice reached every inch of the capacity crowd, and while it was abundantly evident that Kiwi was on the precipice of defeat, Jess refused to stop her tormenting the energetic rookie by slipping in a solitary finger through her jumper and swirling the tip against the outer walls of her vaginal region, quietly reminding her who the dominant force truly was.*

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Re: Big meets bigger- Jess vs Kiwi!

Unread post by MonsterInGreen »

Once the kiss was broken Kiwi was left truly stunned! Still struggling to stand up with a bright crimson blush enveloping her face, her facial expression showing that she was beyond dazed and confused at this point as her eyes appeared to be half open and unfocused! The dribble which had been collecting from the impromptu make-out session continuing to drip from the corner of the taller fighters mouth as this match seemed to be well and truly over!

That point would only become further hammered in as the once dominant Kiwi found herself being bent over, continuing to huff and puff in a limp daze as her world view constantly shifted, eventually feeling the cowgirls mighty muscular arms wrapping around her and forcibly pulling her up into the air! The fruity female knowing exactly what was going to happen just as clearly as the audience but simply not having any strength to fight back or do anything about it!

With one last echoing slam of the canvas and accompanying cry of agony from Kiwi it was practically lights out for the bigger girl, stuck as a wrecked and twitching mess as the referee began the inevitable count! Yet even in this beyond destroyed state Jess refused to stop messing with the girl in green! That singular finger being all it took to increase Kiwi's beaten flinching! Her pussy throbbing as she whimpered out in disbelief!


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Re: Big meets bigger- Jess vs Kiwi!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*The crowd remained eerily silent as they witnessed the otherwise cruel and maniacal Jess act relatively gentle towards the overwhelmed Kiwi. Predominantly, The Ginger Giantess would have elongated the mortifying exhibition to her hearts content, but Kiwi was the exception- She had captivated The Texan Titan to the point that she wanted to defeat Kiwi in the most delicate fashion imaginable. However, regardless of her confusingly pleasant demeanor, she retained her position and continued to finger blast Kiwi's shivering cooter while the official reached the third and final digit, much to the forlorn audience's dismay.*

"THREE!" *The referee exclaimed, and before long, Jess relinquished her immobilized captive before allowing her to flop against the canvas in a confluence of shame and suffering.* "As expected from yers truly~" *She flaunted yet another victory by parading around the ring to the detestation and bitterness of the audience, but just as she was about to exit, she glanced over her shoulder and hatched a delightfully malevolent idea. Sauntering over towards Kiwi, she knelt down and hoisted her over her shoulder, allowing Kiwi's naturally thick body to bounce as she vacated the ring.*
"Now that yer all stimulated and riled up, might as well treat yah to a night you'll nevah ferget~" *And with that, Jess trotted up the ramp and disappeared backstage, Kiwi in tow, as the nefariously sordid ideas of how their evening together would play out began to flood Jess's diabolical brain. Whatever she was formulating, only one thing could be considered absolutely certain- The emerald behemoth was going to be sore for quite some time afterwards!*

Winner- Jess Mcleary.

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