Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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The collision came out even, and even was good for Tiki right now. In addition, it also looked like the veteran wrestler may have won a psychological battle through her defensive prowess. Raina wanted this fight to be over, and she was getting frustrated that it wasn't. The Heavyweight yelled at Tiki, before breaking into a headlong charge at the veteran wrestler.

"Do you think I'd have stuck around this long if I was fragile?" Tiki called back at Raina. The veteran had a feeling that Raina wasn't going to be attempting another fake here either, and this time she was much more confident in her assessment. Tiki was ready to commit to attempt countering Raina's attack at face value. Then the Heavyweight leapt up into the air. Once that happened, Tiki knew that she was right.

There was so much less you could do in the air than you could with your feet on the ground, and punishes on a failed aerial tended to be on the bigger side. It was why Tiki usually stayed away from aerial attacks unless they were either incredibly safe or practically guaranteed to succeed. Raina's aerial was neither of those things, and Tiki was ready to pounce on her for it.

Since Raina was soaring high, Tiki would instead roll low. Getting down to the mat, the veteran wrestler would combat roll herself underneath Raina, getting behind the Heavyweight and evading her attack. Tiki would then quickly pop up. Then as Raina landed. she would stick both of her feet into the Heavyweight's back with a dropkick. Unless Raina managed a miracle to dodge the attack, the momentum of the match would be back in Tiki's favor.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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Raina was frustrated. That much was obvious at this point. No matter what she did nothing seemed to keep Tiki down and it was starting to bug her! Of course the irony of her being the one frustrated at this point, when she had been the one wanting to make Tiki frustrated at the start of the bout was not lost on her, and actually only made her even more annoyed.

Regardless of her frustration however Raina wasn't done just yet and she would send herself flying at Tiki, believing her defenses had to have been chipped away with Raina's big offense so far. Entering the air Raina would attempt to pull her leg up and go for for a major pump kick to take Tiki off her feet and hopefully set up Raina to end this match for good!

Unfortunately as she neared the woman would duck forward and roll under the attack leaving Raina to hit nothing but air! 'Shit!' Raina thought to herself as she landed with a near stumble, the lack of contact and her extended leg owing to the rough landing. Of course it'd only get worse for her as a dropkick would then blast into her back from behind!

"AGH!" Raina yelled in pain, already unsteady on her feet from the awkward landing and with the dropkick she was sent flying forward. "Guh!" Gaping Raina would land even more awkwards, her neck bouncing off the middle rope with her arms slinging over it, leaving her there hung on the middle rope while her lower body curled under her, leaving her defenseless!

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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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As expected, Tiki's counterattack worked. There was just no way for Raina to get back down to the ground in time to adequately defend herself from the attack of the veteran wrestler. The Heavyweight was sent flying the rest of the way across the ropes, with Raina landing of the ropes in a pose that looked almost reminiscent of an old timey pillory (commonly and incorrectly referred to as stocks) with her hands and head hanging over the ropes. A prime situation for Tiki to take advantage of towards securing victory.

Of course, Tiki would move to take advantage of Raina's vulnerability. The veteran would grab her opponent by the ankles and drag her out on her stomach towards the middle of the ring. Tiki would then drop one of Raina's legs as she kneeled down onto her back to keep the larger woman pinned down. Then the greenette would pull the leg she was still holding back behind her neck and around her shoulders, locking Raina into a Stretch Muffler. "Can you survive this one?" said Tiki, some shortness of breath betraying minor fatigue finally appearing in her voice as she spoke.

Once Tiki had gotten the hold locked in, she would stop pulling on Raina's leg, instead hooking her arm over Raina's ankle by the crook of her elbow and pushing down on it. Doing so to put as much force into stretching and straining Raina's knee and thigh as possible. Furthermore, Tiki would slightly turn her body in the direction that she was pulling Raina's leg to get just that extra bit of mileage out of the hold. It was little optimizations like these that made Tiki such a master of technique that she was.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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Raina groaned and gagged softly as she laid on the ropes, the pain in her back along with the strain of her efforts thus far keeping her from lifting herself off the rope,s leaving her stunned and weak, totally vulnerable. A fact that wasn't lost on Tiki as the woman immediately pounced on Raina, grabbing her legs and pulling the heavyweight off the ropes and across the mat towards the center of the ring.

Naturally Raina did try and resist, at least somewhat by pawing at the mat and trying to hold onto the ropes. But it was for naught, Tiki just had far too strong of a grip on her to let the LAWless champ do anything against her actions! "No ah let go!" Raina yelled out, desperate knowing that whatever Tiki must have had planned that it wouldn't be good for her at all!

Sure enough, just as she expected it was bad for her. Tiki would drop down, pulling up on Raina's leg while digging her knee into her back. "Shit wait! Hold on! Hold Aghhhh!" Reduced to literal begging Raina was unable to do anything as her leg was pulled and stretched to its absolute limit, feeling like it was about to get torn off by the older woman! "Aghhhhh dammit no!" She moaned out, shaking her head negative when asked if she wanted to tap.

Despite the agony of the submission Raina wasn't willing to surrender just yet. Although admittedly there wasn't much she could do in her current position. Stuck under Tiki and not really able to drag herself forward, all she had to work with was the feeling of Tiki's weight shifting a certain way. Giving Raina the idea to attempt and turn on her side, trying to unseat the woman from her back!

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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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Tiki smiled when she heard Raina's response to her Stretch Muffler. The veteran had held the advantage for the majority of this match, yet this was the first time that the LAWless Champion had truly panicked. Raina knew that she had no real response to Tiki's attack, and her reaction to that fact made it so that Tiki now knew it too. And if you don't have a response when you're locked into a submission, well there's only so many ways that the situation can go.

Raina at least tried to find something to save herself. Refusing to give up, she tried to turn with Tiki's own shifting weight to upset the greenette's balance enough to make her fall. But Tiki was a wrestler beyond errors such as that. The veteran simply drove her knee down hard into Raina's back, forcing her back down flat onto her stomach. The Heavyweight's weight was no longer her own to control. It was Tiki's now.

That said, while Tiki could probably hold this until Raina couldn't take it anymore and surrendered, the veteran knew that wasn't going to be a finisher that would win her a belt. Before the match had started, Tiki had thought that if she was going to go out of her way to do something for the highlight reel, that it was going to be the finisher. A Stretch Muffler was certainly visually appealing, but it was short of a true highlight reel maneuver.

Luckily, Tiki knew exactly what move in her arsenal would take the finish to the next level. But it would take a bit of maneuvering to get there. She'd start by using her arm draped over Raina's ankle to instead grab hold of the Heavyweight's neck, while keeping her other arm holding onto Raina's leg to keep it in place. From there, Tiki roll onto her back, pulling the LAWless Champ into a one kneed Bow and Arrow, but only for a short moment. Tiki was simply using this to better position Raina's body for her true aim.

Next, as Tiki began to stand, she would slide one arm down to wrap around Raina's lower back and grab her hip, while her other arm went from grabbing the Heavyweight's neck to her shoulder. Once Tiki was upright, she would lift Raina, upside down onto her own shoulder with a grunt of exertion. Raina's weight didn't make it easy, but Tiki had already shown that her strength was enough to handle the Heavyweight. The finisher Tiki had set up for looked like a Muscle Buster, but anyone who knew Tiki also knew that this was going to be much more than that. And that if Raina didn't somehow stop Tiki before she dropped down, then she had no hope of surviving the attack.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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Raina was in total agony, without a clear way to escape. The stretch muffler Tiki had locked on her was painful as hell and restricted her movement immeasurably with her leg so far up to the point that her hips were nearly off the mat. Likewise with the knee digging into her spine it kept Raina's upper body pinned to the point that she couldn't do much to drag herself away towards the ropes.

Really the only option that Raina found available to herself was attempting to use that knee in her spine and unbalancing it, turning over to try and let the offending limb off her back and onto the mat rather than her back. It was a desperate and honestly half baked idea, but it was the only thing Raina could do to even try and get free from under Tiki's control.

Rather predictably though Tiki was just too smart to fall for such a trick and had managed to turn her back around and dig her knee in, forcing Raina down once more and making her cry out in pain again as her hand wavered, very close to tapping out. But Tiki as it seemed didn't want to win that way. Rather before she could Raina felt a shift on her leg as the older woman began manipulating it back and pulling her along with it!

"Wha?" Raina asked in shock as she was pulled and shift along, a hand coming upon her neck and pulling her as for a moment she was a bow and arrow, pain spiking through her back before getting pulled up from there and having her neck rest on something hard and narrow, something that Raina realized far too late was Tiki's shoulder. "Wait hold on!" Raina gasped out as she looked down and realized she was upside down from a far off height, legs grabbed and pulled apart in a rather embarrassing position that she was unable to do anything about aside from wiggling and struggling weakly!

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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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Dragon's Fire. One of Tiki's two ultimate finishers. With Raina helpless in her grasp, Tiki dropped down hard from her feet to a knee. The impact of a Muscle Buster would shoot through the already battered body of the LAWless Champ. But even after such a heavy impact, Tiki would still keep her grips on Raina and hold the Heavyweight up on her shoulder.

To complete Dragon's Fire, Tiki would next drop from her knee to a sitting position, which freed up both of her legs. And it just so happened that Raina's head was in a perfect position for those legs to attack it. Tiki would wrap her thighs around Raina's neck, headscissoring the Heavyweight as the veteran held her upside down. Once Tiki was using her legs to help keep Raina in place, she was free to shift the hand securing the Heavyweight's upper half to her leg instead. With each of Tiki's hands now gripping one of Raina's thighs, the greenette would start pulling down on the legs of the LAWless Champ. Stretching and immobilizing them both to preempt any desperate swinging kicks that Raina may have tried.

A confident smirk appeared on Tiki's face, because she knew she had won, and would do so exactly in the kind of way that she knew would impress. There were only two questions left to be resolved at this point. One was short term; would Raina tap, or would she pass out? It didn't matter too much, but it was the only thing in this match left in any real doubt. The second, long term question was of course; would this be enough? There were two chances for Tiki to win, the Openweight and Middleweight Championships. To her, it didn't matter which one she got, just that at least one of those belts was hers by Apex's end. Tiki had made her case. The only thing that would bring the answer to either question now, would be time.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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Raina was helpless as she was lifted upside down in a precarious and dangerous position, totally helpless and vulnerable at the hands of Tiki which meant that all she could do was try and brace herself in preparation for.. whatever was coming next for her from the older woman. However as strong and durable as Raina was, nothing could prepare her for the drop that came and the following shockwave that shot up up and through her body, making her go stock still once her body stopped vibrating from the impact, her eyes going wide while her face contorted into a tight grimace of pain.

Things wouldn't end there however. Once again the innovativeness of Tiki was something beyond what Raina expected or knew as before she could even process it, Raina would find the legs of Tiki coming up from below, wrapping around her neck like a pair of pythons constricting around their prey! "Guackkkk!" Yelling and gagging in pain simultaneously from the painful squeeze enveloping her, stopping any air from traveling either way down her air passages, her eyes immediately drooping and fluttering from the sudden amount of pain and subsequent lack of air entering her system.

While she tried to writhe and struggle against Tiki's grasp there just wasn't much of anything Raina could do. Not without any leverage or position, let alone a lack of air or and with pain wracking her body. Even tapping out seemed like a far off and difficult option for her to achieve since her brain was so hazy and discombobulated, meaning that Raina for lack of better word, was screwed. Forced to merely allow Tiki to do as she liked, choking Raina out until she finally passed out, prompting the referee to move in and check on her, raising her arm three times only for it to fall limply each time and finally prompting the referee to call for the bell, officially ending the match!

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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Raina Jaeger: LAW Apex Main Event Match

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It kind of looked to Tiki like Raina was so utterly out of it from the punishment she had taken over the course of the fight, that she was unable to tap out regardless off whether or not she wanted to. As the Heavyweight' movements slowed to a standstill, whether by her stubbornness or inability to do otherwise. the ref came in to formally put an end to this match. Just three drops of Raina's arm without her stirring. Then Tiki's victory would be sealed.

First arm drop: nothing. Tiki kept her thighs tight around Raina's throat, and her grip firm on Raina's legs. The only thing she'd let up for now was the bell. Second arm drop: still nothing. Tiki knew it was over, yet she couldn't keep herself from being anxious. If there was one constant that LAW seemed to embody in Tiki's mind, it was that anything could happen until the bell rung. The veteran couldn't wait to hear that ding. Couldn't wait for victory to be truly hers. The third arm drop...


"YES!" The cheer was through Tiki's lips before she had even thought of it. She let Raina fall down, crumpled on the mat, beaten. There were cheers from the crowd urging Tiki to now pin Raina to claim the LAWless Title, as the division's champion now lay hapless at Tiki's feet. But that belt was the furthest thing from Tiki's mind. If Raina wanted to keep living an everyday life where some random psycho on the roster could come after her with a crowbar for the LAWless Belt, then let her. More power to her.

Tiki Lowell had different titles in mind

Winner by Knockout: Tiki Lowell
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