Messhall Melee - Julia Hiroshi vs Brianna Mendez

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Re: Messhall Melee - Julia Hiroshi vs Brianna Mendez

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While Hiroshi did succumb and suffer a defeat when the referee intervened, there was something positive to be said about the girl for literally fighting until the last breath of the match. While many LAW staff and wrestlers who were observing the match were disappointed to see Brianna come out on top, there were some who had a newfound respect for Hiroshi, including Mendez, herself!

After the referee intervened and had Brianna peel her heavy chest from Julia's face and free the lightweight's head, the official raised Mendez's arm high to signify that she had won 2 falls to none. Julia was looking delirious and out of sorts. What followed after was an unexpected display of sportsmanship!

"Hey, you still alive down there?" Mendez would say in a joking down as she knelt down to pull Julia up into a seated position.

"Hey, I may have said a few things....and gotten carried away. You've got a lot more spunk than anyone else in this place." Brianna would say with a smile, hoping that her seemingly random display of friendship would be well-received.

"I'll split the prize food with you...if you're still cool with that or whatever..." The heavyweight would with a slight tinge of blush on her face. She avoided the contact as she did.
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Re: Messhall Melee - Julia Hiroshi vs Brianna Mendez

Unread post by Noob »

With Julia thoroughly smushed, The referee finally called the match in Brianna's favor. As they finally pulled themselves off of the Bluenette, Julia would finally gasp for air. She was left panting as she stared up at the ceiling, her hair a mess and her vacant expression indicating she was still very much out of it. As the cool air hit her face though she would show some signs of life. "Hmmm? I...yeah..." She'd mumble. At least she she was able to answer.

Now brought to a seated position, the gymnast would lightly shake her head in hopes of no longer seeing stars. She'd look back up at Bri and finally flash her a tired smile. "Uh huh, uh huh. No hard feelings and such." She'd respond. Aside from being disappointed about the prize not belonging to her, Julia was rarely actually concerned about how her matches ended up unless her opponent had made an effort to be nasty.

With the offer of a split prize though Julia sprang back to life. "Woah really!?! That's super cool of ya! It's a deal then, you're taking me to lunch tomorrow!"
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Re: Messhall Melee - Julia Hiroshi vs Brianna Mendez

Unread post by winner3 »

It seemed no amount of flattening could crush Julia's hunger. Brianna smiled when she saw that the girl was just about as chipper and as she was even before the match.

"Haha! Sure, buying is the least I could do." Mendez would laugh as she say next to Julia. Thankfully the two were able to wrap up on amicable enough term, and even had a lunch date later where they could talk about the match!

Winner: Brianna Mendez
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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