Ring of Trust

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Re: Ring of Trust

Unread post by Weonna »

Christina couldn't help but notice Alexios's flushed face and the newfound boldness in his invitation. She flashed him a playful grin and leaned in slightly, her tone taking on a flirtatious edge.

"Well, I'm definitely looking forward to that dance exchange,"

she said, her voice teasing.

"Who knows, maybe we'll discover some spicy moves of our own."

With a wink, she returned to her ramen, feeling a warmth spreading through her cheeks matching his own.

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Re: Ring of Trust

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

”I do have a lot of moved in my repertoire. Sounds like you do too. ”
The two giggled and enjoyed the rest of their ramen. After finishing, the two were stuffed and patted their bellies with satisfaction, as one does after eating ramen. He ordered some tempura fried ice cream for them for dessert. Alexios was a chocolate ice cream fan all the way and dug in. Fried ice cream seemed like it should be impossible, yet there it was and it was delicious.

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Re: Ring of Trust

Unread post by Weonna »

Christina's eyes lit up with delight as the tempura fried ice cream arrived.

"Oh wow, this looks amazing!"

she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

"Thank you, Alexios!"

She wasted no time diving into the decadent treat, savoring the combination of crispy batter and creamy chocolate ice cream.

"Today is definitely my cheat day,"

she confessed between bites, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.

"And this is the perfect way to indulge. You really know how to treat a girl, Alexios."

She flashed him a grateful smile before happily continuing to enjoy her dessert.

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