Sandra vs. Ryuko

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Re: Sandra vs. Ryuko

Unread post by Highfly »

In a sense Ryuko had succeeded. She did hit one of the most impactful clotheslines of her career on Sandra, sending her painfully over for a hard landing at the feet of the fans! However, she also toppled over and Sandra managed to grab hold, spiking the skull of Ryuko off the concrete! "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ryuko howled as she rolled to her side, her arms cradling her head while she rolled back over onto her back weakly kicking at the ground as she was laid out in agony!

At least Sandra was right there with her as things just kept getting worse for the thunder empress.


The bell rang and the fast but hard hitting brawl of a match had just ended in a double count out solving essentially nothing between these two women.

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Re: Sandra vs. Ryuko

Unread post by xalex »

Sandra would roll over onto her rear end and would lean against the barricade with her back. She would look at her opponent with an angry look on her face. “you stupid bitch screwed this match up for me!” would she scream angrily at her opponent. She was so beaten up right now that she couldn´t go after her opponent, no matter how much she wanted.

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Re: Sandra vs. Ryuko

Unread post by Highfly »

Ryuko groaned and looked over at Sandra. She heard footsteps coming and figured that the two would be separated before they could summon the energy to go back at it again. "You screwed yourself. You could have just realized you were overmatched and lost but you got lucky and took me with you!" Ryuko shouted as she was helped up by staff and pulled immediately away from Sandra. Ryuko was upset and wanted to conclusively show the world that she was the better wrestler!

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Re: Sandra vs. Ryuko

Unread post by xalex »


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