Crude Oil - Isis Arafa Vs 'Drifter'

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Re: Crude Oil - Isis Arafa Vs 'Drifter'

Unread post by thesteedman »

Drifter stumbled to her feet, but clearly struggled to keep her footing as her bare feet slipped a little upon the oils. None the less she kept her footing, noticably favouring her back as a low groan escaped her lips. The tight bodyscissors had clearly done a number on her spine and her core. Isis was already circling her, like a predator...

Drifter took up a guard, breathing deeply, thankful that she was able to take in some much needed air again after being near constricted. She advanced upon Isis again, looking to try and secure her in a tie up, looking to try and gain dominance. She winced however once she locked up with Isis, feeling her back and her core give her a little trouble.

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Re: Crude Oil - Isis Arafa Vs 'Drifter'

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

While looking for an opening she notice that her opponent was breathing deeply as she suspected that the Drifter was getting tired. Which would give her an opening to take advantage off as she moved towards her. Which was mirrored by her opponent as they locked up once more in an tie up as she tried to push her down. Still the problem of doing an tie up while wrestling in oil was that at any moment someone could slip , and fall which would allow the other to take the advantage as she tried to make it be the Drifter who would take the fall.

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