The Authorities of the Commish

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Re: The Authorities of the Commish

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

When Robin would accept the offer to be the special enforcer for the match between Grace and Korra she knew the trap was set. As she had stacked the odds against the bitch who had dared to assault her a few days ago , and with Rita as the referee their was no way that Grace was walking out of that ring the winner. So as she faced the crowd she would just smile as she said ''well since everyone agrees to the condition of the match it seems we only need to book an day and time. Well since I bet you two are eager to fight how about we do this next week'' as she then whispered so only Grace could hear her say ''that way you can make arrangements for what hospital you want to go too after your body is destroyed bitch''.

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Fairy Dragon
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Re: The Authorities of the Commish

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Grace felt set up and vulnerable. Grace wasnt going to get any kind of fairness here by Celeste and instead was almost certaintly going to have an uphill battle just wrestling a match with Rita as the ref, no doubt being watched by her boss and Robin, no doubt trying to kiss up to her boss. It was going to be hell not helped by Celeste's last jab at her.

"You can keep going after me all you want. I wont be the one who stops or break over something like this." Grace said staring at Celeste who was happily mocking her away from the mic. She would endure this no matter who she was thrown at.

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