A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Samus move just worked out perfectly, she hit Alison with everything she wanted and smashed her body right into the body of the woman with the darker hair. Slowly Samus would start to struggle a bit before she would fall out of the corner and onto the stomach. The American woman would raise her look to see into the face of her opponent with a smile, before making her way back up to her feet. She would stumble around for a moment and then look right back down to Alison, before reaching out with her arms trying to grab the arm of her opponent and pull her back up to her feet. So both woman were standing in front of each other again.

But Samus wouldn´t let her stand there so simply. Instead the big woman would bow forward and would try to reach between the legs of her opponent to pull her straight up onto her own shoulders in a fireman carry. Samus would lift her opponent up and then start to walk a few steps backwards with her, before turning around and walking some steps through the ring. The steps would turn into some rounds, while the big woman was showing off a bit while trying to humiliate her opponent. After finishing the second round, Samus would walk right into the center of the ring and would start to spin around there a bit with her opponent still on her shoulders.

After she was done showing off the big woman would start to run forwards a few steps before letting herself fall backwards, trying to bring Alison between her shoulders and the mat and smash her that way.

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Alison moaned and groaned in the corner after being sandwiched in it, dazed and dazzled as Samus grabbed her by her wrist she was pulled out of the corner and back to her feet. Alison would need much support in standing without staggering, but luckily Samus had her covered. Actually it wasn't very lucky at all for Alison, feeling an arm slip between her legs and in a fluid motion being brought up on to the shoulders.

Moving around on Samus' shoulders she felt herself being carried around the ring on top of Samus' shoulders, giving Alison time to recover. And when she did, she did not like the situation at all. How dare Samus think that this was it for her, where she could be able to parade around the ring like she was some deer she hunted and killed with no complications!

It angered Alison, as she brought up her elbow and started raining down blow after blow into Samus' side of her face and jaw, looking to try and get herself back down to a standing position on the mat!

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Maybe Samus over done it a bit with her show boarding, because without wanting to she gave her opponent some time to recover and regain her strength, so when Samus was just about to start performing her high impact move she get a elbow smashed right against the side of her head. The big woman would try to keep her opponent on her shoulder and not let her go, while stumbling to the side. But after another elbow strike the big woman had no other chance to let go of her opponent while screaming out a loud horrible scream of pain.
The blond woman would stumble away from her opponent holding her head for the moment. Samus would do a big mistake by turning her back to Alison while bowing forward. The elbow strikes have done some pretty bad damage to the head of the big woman. The room was spinning around her and she had some problems standing on her feet.

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Elbow after elbow crashed into Samus' jaw, Alison found sanctuary on the mat as her feet managed to reach the mat as she slipped off of the back of the strong blonde. Seeing that her hits had weakened Samus, Alison was going to pick apart the blond now that she was given a chance. Advancing on the back of Samus, Alison would lift an arm up to club the upper back with her forearm.

Using that moment to open up Samus, she would spin the blond around so that she could wrap her arms around the waist, their large busts pressing up against each other as Alison lifted her up into the air. But she was not going for a bear hug, simply looking to gather as much momentum as possible as she would lower Samus back to the mat before exploding backwards, trying to belly to belly suplex Samus over head!

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Samus was trying to get her head straight again. The big woman wasn´t getting what her opponent was up to right behind her and so the forearm strike took her by surprise and drove a scream of pain right out of her while she was pressing her back now forwards and tried to stumble forwards away from her opponent. But Alison wasn´t going to let her get away that easily.

The American woman turned around and suddenly grabbed by her opponent and pulled very closely to her. The body of Samus was a bit squeezed between the arms of her opponent and the power of Alison was put to display once more when the American was suddenly lifted up from the mat and hold in mid air. Samus would try to struggle a bit and fight free but without any success. Suddenly Samus felt how her opponent was throwing her backwards with a belly to belly suplex. The big woman was flying through the air and after a flipping in the air she would come crashing down onto her back and arch her back a bit while crying out loudly.

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Clenching her arms tightly around Samus, pressing their toned fronts together as she felt their muscles on their stomachs grinding against one another, along with their breasts mashing into each other with the two layers of thin fabric between them. Sneering to herself, since the blonde in her arms was too busy with her crushing arms, she was going to show that Samus did not have the strength advantage just because of her size alone!

Popping her hips as she leaned backwards to toss Samus off of the mat and over head for the suplex, Alison landed on the mat with a lot less impact than her larger blond opponent, looking up at the writhing blonde as she rolled over on to her fours. With a intent look in her eyes combined with her sneer, Alison was feeling pretty good about herself and the current situation as she rose on to her knees. Looking to keep the pressure going, keeping Samus down as she slipped her arms around the waist of Samus, coming from behind as she attempted to pull her up into a seated position and start squeezing down with a rear bearhug, compressing the sides of Samus while pressing her breasts into her bare back!

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Samus was a bit dizzy after she landed on the mat. She would hold her head and moan out a bit. her opponent had power, much power. this will be so much fun!
Samus was just about to put her hands against the mat to make her way back up to her feet when she suddenly felt two strong arms warping around her from behind and “helping” her back up. Samus was torn upwards into a sitting position from her opponent and then she felt how the arms body of her opponent was pressed right against her back. At first it felt nice having getting a hug from such a beautiful woman like Alison.

But then the hug became tighter and tighter around her and would start to press the air right out of her making her moan out loudly in pain. Then it was getting even tighter until it was really painful. Samus would start to struggle before she would scream out loudly “AHHH”. She was caught in bear hug from her opponent and had no way to go from here. She would try to grab the wrist of her opponent trying to push the hands of her apart… but without any success.

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Alison squeezed on Samus' stomach from behind, looking to squeeze the breath out of Samus. The large, strong body of the Blonde had muscles that were defined, Alison could feel them in her breasts against the back as she scowled out. It would make things difficult when Samus would use all of that muscle against her. Powerful and Beautiful, what an opponent for Alison to crush.

Samus grabbed at her wrists, trying to break the hold but Alison wasn't ready to relinquish it just yet, jerking from side to side to rattle Samus and shake those arms off of her hands. She would then attempt to stomp on her feet, pulling Samus with her to a standing position, squeezing her from behind before attempting to arch back and lift her off of the mat for an elevated bearhug! Looking for all the leverage to squeeze the fight right out of Samus!

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

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Samus was still trying to simply pull the arms of her opponent apart with brute strength… but that wasn´t doing any good against her opponent. Instead she suddenly felt how she was lifted up form the mat. Her opponent was arching backwards and lifting her up like a giant doll. Samus was slowly lifted up from the mat and then when her opponent was standing again she hold her up there like it was nothing. Samus was hanging in the air. She didn´t know if it was a strategies of her opponent, if it was to humiliate her or if it was simply a show of from her opponent… either way Samus was slowly feeling the effects of the lack of air. The head of the Big americam woman was getting heavier and she felt how it was slowly tending to lean forward… So Samus would try something more brutal to get out of this… the woman would reach out with her arms before throwing her elbows back trying to smash them right into the side of Alison.
She really hoped she would make Alison let go that way

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Re: A brawl to remember: Alison Seong vs Samuela Healtway

Unread post by TheManVan »

In a show of strength, Alison lifted Samus off of the mat and squeezed her. Looking to squeeze the blond silly, Alison began to jerk from side to side increase the pressure on to her opponent as she smiled sadistically, throwing around a larger woman like this was a sure fire way to fuel her already massive ego.

But ego leads to bad decisions, lifting Samus off of the mat allowed her to have easy access to smashing into her face with back elbows. Crying out, she released Samus, letting her drop to the mat as she brought her hands up to her head, nursing it from the vicious impact of the elbows as she shook her head, trying to keep on her feet.

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