An teacher's second excursion into the mixed division. Minerva vs Ivan

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Re: An teacher's second excursion into the mixed division. Minerva vs Ivan

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Minerva was getting annoyed with how the other wrestler was acting as it seemed like the male wrestler did not consider her much of an challenge . As he kept talking trash to her as he raised his arms to defend himself. Her shins colliding with his forearms as she tried to push him back or take him down as she went for an kick aimed at his chest.

However that proved to be an mistake as she would feel Ivan's hand on her ankle as she was pulled towards him as she was thrown off balance by the man.Landing on her back as she was forced to turn over until she was onto her stomach as she tried to crawl towards the ropes as she refused to answer the man's question at the moment.

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Re: An teacher's second excursion into the mixed division. Minerva vs Ivan

Unread post by MR. Q »

Ivan's grip proves unyielding as he wrenches Minerva's ankle, forcing her into a painful submission hold. His thighs clamp tightly around her torso, restricting any movement as she thrashes futilely against his iron grip.

"Ah-ah, don't be rude now," Ivan scolds playfully, even as he continues to apply unrelenting pressure. "We're having fun here, and I'd hate for you to miss out." He leans back, stretching Minerva's body taut against the mat.

The Q
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