Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Aaliyah had gotten one over on Cleo with her change to grappling but Cleo wasn't about to let it go unanswered. As such she moved in close to her opponent, to duck low and catch her foe's leg to send her tumbling forward.

It was small, but it was a bit of a win. Albeit a win that was mitigated as Aaliyah caught herself and rolled forward. Even so this allowed Cleo a brief window to try and do something to the woman. Darting towards her Cleo would leap up and swing her leg out to try and drive her heel into Aaliyah's face the moment she turned around to try and land a big boot on her!

If it worked and knocked Aaliyah back into the corner then Cleo would try and move closer to her, lifting one of her long legs up to try and press her foot just under Aaliyah's jaw, extending her limb out while leaning forward to grab onto the ropes using them to steady herself if successful to try and perform a corner foot choke for as long as the ref would let her get away with!

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Okay, she was fine. Aaliyah had this. She just needed to be quick - roll through, get to her feet, lock on Cleo, and-

Her opponent was too quick on the draw this time. She wound up eating a boot to the face before she could figure out what was happening, a solid shot that sent her reeling into the corner, her back slamming up against the pads. She slumped forward, only to have Cleo’s foot crash against her windpipe and pin her there, choking her as the referee started her count.

Not the most pleasant situation…for Aaliyah. On the floor, Yo-Yo was enjoying the view she got of Cleo’s butt in those leggings, and she even took a step to the side for a better view.

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Cleo smirked softly as she looked over her shoulder and saw Aaliyah's cousin getting in better position to see her ass propped up while digging her foot into Aaliyah's neck. Heh perfect, she had both women around her fingers, or in the case of Aaliyah, around her toes would be more accurate. Regardless the ref would soon get involved, starting a count on Cleo which she let hit the three, getting as much as possible with this before taking her foot off of her foe's neck.

Not one to let her breathe though Cleo would push down on Aaliyah's shoulders to insure she was in a seated position before turning and running to the opposite corner. Once there Cleo would turn and rush back towards the hopefully still seated Aaliyah, leaping up as she neared and grabbing the top rope, using it to lift herself up into the air before dropping her bodyweight down to bring herself down for a massive single bronco buster on Aaliyah's chest!

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Aaliyah kicked and squirmed, struggling in the hold, desperate to get a spare breath in as Cleo kept the pressure up, her foot digging into her throat. It was only for four or so seconds, but that time seemed so much longer when she couldn't breath. She supposed it was good that the woman didn’t have on shoes, that was a rare mercy, but everything else was agonizing.

When she finally let go, all Aaliyah could do was flop down on her butt and cough, as she wheezed, she looked to her side towards and Yo-Yo, and…

…was her cousin checking Cleo out?

It was hard to be sure, but she seemed damned focus on the woman as she came rushing across the ring, and she couldn't shake the impression that Yo-Yo wasn’t admiring her form. She had scant time to ponder, though, as Cleo came rushing in, went up high, and dropped down to drive her hips into Aaliyah’s chest, knocking the wind out of her with the bronco buster.

Retreat time, needed a breather. Aaliyah tried to push her way out from underneath Cleo and roll, flopping off the apron and landing outside of the ring on her back. Not the best position, either, but it might buy her a few crucial seconds, especially if Cleo didn’t give chase.

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Cleo was having too much fun right now. Not often was it the chance that she got to simultaneously beat on someone in the ring while also flirting with a cutie on ringside but here she was doing just that and she was making it look effortless. Especially after coming down hot on Aaliyah's chest with a massive bronco buster. Sitting smugly on the woman's chest and about to do something spicy if not for Aaliyah pushing her off to roll out of the ring.

"Tch killjoy." Cleo muttered under her breath in slight annoyance before rolling out of the ring and to the floor below, coincidentally ending up right in front of the girl she had been flirting with since the match had started. "Hey there." She said softly, placing her hand on Gheedora's cheek and running it down, tracing the girl's skin with Cleo's nails as she did so.

"Come see me after the show ye?" Cleo asked suggestively before pulling her hand away and turning her full focus on Aaliyah's form. "Not done with you yet." Cleo said, bending down to grab Aaliyah by the hair, pulling her up and, assuming she was interrupted, would turn to try and send Aaliyah running head and shoulder first into the barricade!

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Aaliyah hated running away, made her look like a little bitch. Probably one of the few things that she and Yo-Yo really had in common, but the big difference was that, when she did a tactical retreat, she actually was retreating tactically, not just running away because she couldn't back things up.

In this case, it worked as planned, giving her a few moments to recoup. More than she expected, actually - what was Cleo doing? As Aaliyah got to her feet, she could see her and her cousin talking about something, but they were too far away and she couldn't make out anything from behind her opponent’s back. She supposed she should’ve been grateful for the extra time, but now she was curious…

She had no time to ponder, at any rate, as Cleo came back her way, looking to follow up on the opening she’d made. Aaliyah groaned as she was forced up and forward, but she wasn’t as defenseless as she must have appeared. As they marched towards the barricade, she took her chance - instead of getting pushed forward, she spun about, let Cleo slip past her, grabbed her by the waist, and shoved forward with all she had, attempting to ram her foe’s body into the barricade instead.

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Cleo couldn't help herself as she flirted with Aaliyah's cousin prior to turning her attention on the older woman. Yo-yo was just too cute, like an innocent little puppy that she couldn't but tease a little every time she passed. Besides, she had the time with how stunned Aaliyah must be, so it was fine... So she thought at least.

But Cleo would get proven wrong as she moved to heft Aaliyah up and start to throw her forward, only for the woman to pivot and push Cleo forward instead, sending her crashing into the barricade instead!

"Gah!" Cleo cried out in pain, her back especially flaring up as it hit a pronounced metal ridge that was making itself known before Cleo fell to elbows and knees, one hand holding her spine with a wince of pain on her face from the reversal!

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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After Aaliyah tossed Cleo into the barricade, she allowed herself a moment to catch her breath, dropping down and bracing on her knees. For a skinny girl, Cleo was a damned sight tougher than she looked at first glance.

But Aaliyah had managed to get the drop on her - for now. No way of knowing how long that would last, but she was going to make the most of it until then.


She looked over her shoulder, back up at the referee, as she continued the count. It was tempting to just drag Cleo back into the ring and continue things from there, but she had a better idea. A way to even things up.

Reaching out, she grabbed hold of the woman’s head and shoved it under her shoulder, securing a front facelock. Aaliyah took a couple of steps back, pulled Cleo’s arm over her shoulder, then proceeded to lift her up and over with a vertical suplex - one that would have the small of her back crashing on the edge of the ring.

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

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Ok in hindsight maybe stopping to flirt with Yo-yo wasn't the best idea in the world since it led to her opponent getting a second wind and reversing her attempted Irish whip, causing Cleo to get launched into the barricade instead! "Shit.." Cleo groaned out, trying to push herself up but not being able too in time before Aaliyah came back on the attack.

"Ngh!" Groaning as she felt her head grabbed and pulled upright Cleo would weakly try and hit and slap at Aaliyah's body but it wouldn't amount to much before Cleo found herself getting hauled up and into the air before getting slammed down onto the ring apron back first with a vertical suplex!

"GAHHHH!" Cleo screamed out in pain, bouncing off the apron and back down to the floor, holding her back the whole way down which was now in excruciating pain!

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Re: Passion and Fury: Cleo Hulbury vs Aaliyah Jackson

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Yeah, that scream sounded about right. Aaliyah had some minor experience with the sort of pain Cleo was going through, having crashed on the edge of the ring once because of a botched tope suicida early in her career, so she could say from deep, personal experience: It sucked—big time. It hurt to get out of bed for a solid month after that, and she was a little bit heftier than her opponent was. A light frame like Cleo’s wasn’t meant for hits like that.

Sucked for her, then, because Aaliyah had every intention of keeping the hits coming.

However, she would have to keep them coming in the ring as the referee’s count was getting a little too high for her tastes. She likely could’ve slid back in and just taken the win, but that had never been how she wanted to do things - no, she liked her victories clean and indisputable. So, after taking a moment to catch her breath, she reached down, gripped Cleo by the hair, and forced her to stand. ”In we go.”

She rolled Cleo back in under the bottom rope and pursued close behind, sliding in right behind her. She doubted it would work, but she felt obliged to go for the win, and she gripped her opponent’s leg, pulled it in pressed against her chest, and went for the three count.

The referee slid in and started slapping the mat. ”`1…!”

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