Strong Words, Stronger Fists (for BG)

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Re: Strong Words, Stronger Fists (for BG)

Unread post by Bare »

Alizeh hadn't fully expected the raw power and durability of her opponent in all honesty. Sure she was big but she wasn't thinking it all translated to her physical ability in all honesty, and now that was all coming back to bite her in the ass as she was reversed and took a tray to the face from her opponent, leaving her stunned and unable to respond as she was slowly lifted up by Louise, pulled up into the air by the woman and positioned just over the table... "GAH!" Before screaming out in pain as she was swung down right into it, or rather though it as Alizeh crashed through the table, falling in between the broken ends, food falling on top of her and leaving Alizeh motionless in the wrecked remains of where they had once been eating! Groaning weakly in pain it was clear Alizeh was totally out of it after the beat down from the bigger and more powerful Louise!

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Re: Strong Words, Stronger Fists (for BG)

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Louis slams Alizeh against the table with all her strength and the table breaks in two from the shock. All eyes were no longer focused on the two wrestlers but only on Louise who had, once again, won a brawl. Despite her victory, the Frenchwoman still looked as angry as ever. All she wanted was to be eaten and obviously an arrogant slut, according to her, had to come and bother her.

"Tsk. What a waste of time."

She looked down on her opponent one last time and hesitated to trample her but she had already won this duel, she didn't need to add more. She looked at the people around her who immediately turned their heads, not wanting to meet the French woman's gaze. The self-named Goddess walked to the nearest table, grabbed a sandwich from a random person, and walked out of the canteen, giving everyone the finger.

“See ya, bunch of randoms.”

While Louise was leaving and had just left the room, members of the staff arrived following calls from certain people but it was already too late. They were obviously going to come to Alizeh's aid to help her get up and go to the infirmary if she needed it.
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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