Rose Martinelli vs Fauna

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Rose Martinelli vs Fauna

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Rose was soon enough lifted onto her opponent shoulders some how out of energy to fight back already as her opponent carried her to the center of the ring. Rose was them sent down to the canvas with a devastating power bomb and being pinned quickly after while the Referee got down to the mat to begin the count.




Rose groaned annoyed she lost yet another match as Rose rolled onto her stomach burying her face in her arms while she took some time to rest while her opponent celebrated her win.


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Re: Rose Martinelli vs Fauna

Unread post by The460Slayer »

After that succesful and devastating finisher, Fauna goes on her knees to lay over Rose's body and hook her right leg for the pin, she waited patiently for it to end until the bell rings. And after it happened, Fauna gets up and stands on both feet as letting the referee raising her arm. Later, she puts her arm down and goes outside the ring through the second rope, leaving the arena with the back turned to the ring with Rose inside.

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