Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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Re: Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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It looked as though Lady Rhea's ruse was working well enough. Hiromi was drawn towards Lady Rhea without attempting to weaken the saint. Getting raised to her feet, Hiromi would grab Lady Rhea and lift her into the air. Lady Rhea would allow Hiromi to hoist her up, letting her think that she would land such a strong move on Lady Rhea.

Just as Hiromi was going slam Lady Rhea onto the canvas. Lady Rhea fought and jockeyed to get released from her position, hopefully getting released and being put down behind Hiromi. Now that her ruse was over, it was time to go on the offensive. Lady Rhea would push Hiromi to the ropes, hoping that she would rebound. Only to meet a Lady Rhea in full sprint hoping to impale Hiromi with a spear by tackling her.

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Re: Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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When Hiromi was about to slam Lady Rhea down with a side slam, Lady Rhea suddenly fought through her grip, thwarting her plan to slam her down. Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Hiromi tried to salvage the situation by attempting to do the move for the second time, but this time, Lady Rhea had decided to push her towards the ropes, and Hiromi was unable to stop herself.

Rebounding from the ropes, Hiromi returned to where Lady Rhea was before she was hit by a spear. "AARGHHH!!" Her eyes widened as she was tackled down by her opponent. She wheezed out, breathless after being tackled in the spear. For the time being, she was stunned and unable to do anything, which would allow Lady Rhea to continue with her own momentum.

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Re: Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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Hiromi was taken down by Lady Rhea's spear. Upon landing it Lady Rhea would pop herself up on one knee for a prideful yell. One that resonated with the people in the audience cheering along with it. Looking back down at Hiromi, Lady Rhea smiled at her downed opponent. This has been quite the bout. But I think it is time I end this Lady Rhea said as she grabbed Hiromi's hair to raise her opponent up.

Once they were both standing Lady Rhea would grab onto Hiromi's waist pressing her close to Rhea's body. Wrapping her arms around Hiromi bringing her in what seemed to be a bearhug. In reality Lady Rhea would assume a semi squatting position, placing Hiromi's legs well around Lady Rhea's waist. Now grabbing Hiromi's right up and pulling it behind her back, while also hooking her arm around Hiromi's neck choking her. Those in the audience that knew of Lady Rhea would know this move is her famous Wings of Light!

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Re: Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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Wheezing after being speared, Hiromi tried to gather her thoughts and recover, but it seemed that Lady Rhea wasn't going to give her such luxury as she decided to pull her back up. She groaned, unable to stop her opponent from pulling her up. She tried to focus on recovery and getting away from her opponent's grasp, but it looked like she didn't have enough strength to do so as her opponent set her up for something that could bring an end to this match.

Before she knew it, Hiromi was held in such an uncomfortable position, where her arm was pulled behind her back while her head was trapped in the hold, choking her. Breathing became extremely difficult, and before long, she found herself unable to breathe. "Haakhhh... gaaghhh..." Her mouth was wide open. Struggling was futile now, and her vision slowly became blurry. "C-can't... b-breathe..." She whimpered. While she didn't seem to be tapping out, it was clear that her consciousness was starting to fade as she remained trapped in the hold.

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Re: Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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Lady Rhea had successfully ensnared Hiromi in one of her famous holds. All that was left was to forcibly take the fight out of Hiromi. Lady Rhea herself feeling the fact that Hiromi was choking. Hearing her whimpers for air. My, if it is air that you want. I suggest you resign your position in this match. Proudly said by the saint.

As if to make another show of her power, Lady Rhea would slowly take Hiromi’s flailing body around the ring. Electing to take her near to the ropes, in which one of the cameramen would use this chance to get a close up on the hold. Now all at home and in the arena could see that Hiromi was getting the life choked out of her by Lady Rhea. “Official, I deem this match over come look over my fallen opponent” In a odd turn of events Lady Rhea declared her own victory.

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Re: Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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Everything became blurrier and blurrier for Hiromi the longer she was held in the submission hold. She didn't even notice that Lady Rhea was saying as she lost her awareness to her surroundings. While the referee didn't immediately declare Lady Rhea the winner, she checked on the Japanese wrestler who was held in the hold, and soon enough, Hiromi went limp, drooling as her eyes rolled up. It was clear that she had lost her consciousness as she was trapped in the nasty choke.

The referee urged Lady Rhea to let go of Hiromi so that she could check on her whether she could continue the fight or not, though from the look of it, it didn't look like she could continue the fight anymore.

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Re: Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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Lady Rhea was jerking Hiromi’s body within the hold, that way she could add more pressure. Though unbeknownst to Lady Rhea, Hiromi had already lost her consciousness. Drooling as her body went limp from the hold. It was only until the referee pleaded Lady Rhea to release Hiromi, did Lady Rhea realize Hiromi was already beaten.

Lady Rhea’s expression changed as she dropped Hiromi’s limp body. Letting it fall on the ring floor. While Lady Rhea held not malice her opponent, a part of her wished Hiromi would’ve lasted longer in her hold.

All that was left was to proclaim her victory. To do this Lady Rhea placed her boot on Hiromi’s chest. Ordering the referee to begin the count. Once the count began Lady Rhea would look to her sides and take in the cheers of her supporters. Now raising her arm up high already proclaiming victory.

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Re: Hiromi Rondo vs Lady Rhea

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Hiromi was dropped onto the mat, and she remained unconscious even as Lady Rhea was declared the victor of this match. She had been beaten quite thoroughly by her opponent, and it was a pretty quick match too. It was clear how outclassed she was to the other woman, and this would become another loss under her belt.

As Lady Rhea celebrated her victory, Hiromi was checked by the ringside crew to see if she was alright or not. She was shaken awake by them, though in her current condition, she couldn't get herself up on her own. So, she was helped by them to head backstage so that she could receive her treatment. Sure, she might recover from this, but this experience wouldn't be something that she could forget for the rest of her life.

Winner: Lady Rhea via knockout!

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