Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Cleophée apologized a lot since she decided to fight seriously and she could be, since that moment she did nothing but dominate her opponent and it was even avenged in the same way... If not worse! But Cleophée remained an Ysé, being even was not acceptable, she had to remain superior and better than her opponents, especially if she wanted to win!

But everything had an end and her domination too, after giving a few elbows the rocker threw her claws on the French girl's face, blinding her and surprising her just enough for the French girl to be surprised and a little bit of pain by stopping elbowing. Cleophée took a blow to the face the next second, violent enough for her to know it was an elbow, and retreated by rolling to the side.


The White Giantess stroked her nose and rubbed her eyes with her arm before slowly straightening up, looking at Chris with a little more seriousness than at the beginning of the match... The little rocker had just escaped her and she knew she had to be careful with her speed... She then raised both hands to her chest and slightly bent her knees, ready to react as quickly as possible to any type of offensive that Chris was preparing for her.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Chris' escape worked, but unfortunately that was as far as things seemed to get. After taking a few moments to get her own bearings back, Cléophée had recovered about as quickly as Chris had. She wouldn't be able to easily build momentum as she had originally wanted. Sucking at her teeth, the rocker dropped into a similar stance, circling the ring across from her nuisance.

The rocker wasn't known to take her matches slow, but she needed to reassess her strategy. Cléophée was proving to be tougher than she anticipated, much as she hated to admit, so she couldn't just charge in like her start. Especially if the French girl was ready for her.

But she couldn't just keep circling like this either. Someone had to make the first move, and she'd be damned if that would be the upstart.

Biting the bullet, Chris sprang towards Cléophée. Her foot shot out towards Cléophée's stomach, expecting the bitch to catch it. If she did, the rocker would immediately leap up, aiming an enzugiri right to the French girl's head. It was a classic, and she believed herself fast enough to execute it before Cléophée could react.
Golem's Guardians

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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Cleophée looked at Chris seriously and ready to react at any moment, she might be slower but she trusted in her ability to counter people's attacks... After all, she had sparring matches with her big sister who was an excellent boxer!... But Chris wasn't going to settle this with punches but with kicks!

The French girl reacted rather quickly by catching the rocker's kick, but she received a full-on kick to the face before she could even think about what she was going to do next! Cleophée was forced to release her grip as her head and body tilted back.


But Cleophée was moving back, she didn't fall despite the surprise of the blow and quickly, her back crashed against the ropes behind her. The Frenchwoman growled slightly as she raised her head to look at her opponent in front of her and used the ropes to throw herself at full speed towards the rocker, taking advantage of the distance to turn around her and use her hips before launching her Side Kick on Chris' chest!
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Chris smirked as her enzugiri hit cleanly. Even if the irritant had gotten close to her at the gym, she was still much faster than her. Both in physical speed, and move transitions. Cléophée gave her the perfect pivot point, as well as leverage to reach her high up head.

Though the giantess didn't topple. As Chris kipped back up, she saw her opponent lean on the ropes rather than fall again. "Tch. Great," The rocker cursed under her breath, as Cléophée swiftly came back and struck her head with a side kick.

Chris was a tough girl, but unlike the giant lightweight she couldn't keep herself upright from the powerful hit. She quickly toppled, holding the side of her head and hissed in pain. Unlike Cléophée, she wasn't gonna be able to send a blow back.
Golem's Guardians

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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Despite the many blows received to the face, Cleophée remains standing and remains focused on her goal, to win this match! She uses the ropes behind her to return to her opponent at full speed and give her a Side Kick in response to return blow for blow what she had taken. She was ready to start a kicking duel, her fists were clenched indicating that she was ready to defend herself... But the rocker fell to the ground!

Cleophée lowered her guard slightly when she saw Chris collapse, she could follow up with a new hold or blow! The White Giant displays an amused and reassured smile.


But the Frenchwoman had noticed that her opponent's speed was going to be annoying in the rest of this match, fatigue was going to make her movements slower and although she was a Ysé, she was not as resistant as her mother and her big sister. She had to weaken her opponent's best weapons and to do that, Cleophée joined the rocker on the ground and wrapped both of her legs around one of Chris' thighs, then pulling her opponent's leg against her to trap her in an Ankle Lock!
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