Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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Though Shelby essentially allowed it to happen, either way Ada was the one on top. Though the more mischievous pinkette made sure not to stay idle, sliding and squishing her delicious body against Ada as she was mounted, driving her crazy, getting her riled up and making her mind all fuzzy again. But no! Ada wasn't going to give in this time. She was a hentai fighter too dammit, and she was going to prove it!

Though Instinctively, Ada really just wanted to hump Shelby again, she figured it wasn't the best thing to do to get herself stimulated like that again. She worked up the nerve to look the Little Dollie right in her cute, smug face and she knew the next course of action she would take - to lean in to give Shelby a kiss!

But Ada knew better than to stop there, so she worked her way down, using one hand to give one of the Dollie's delightful breasts a squeeze and a fondle, but the Pearl Striker knew this wasn't enough either. So, parting Shelby's legs with her own, Ada hesitated, before pushing down her inhibitions to push her thigh right up against her opponents pussy! She then began to slide it up and down, letting the coat of oil around her leg do most of the work, hopefully giving Shelby a taste of her own medicine as Ada continued to kiss her soft lips and fondle her hefty breasts all at the same time!
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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The Pearl Striker's boldness was surprising, but Shelby definitely didn't hate it. She wasn't shy about returning the kiss either, in fact doing her best to make it as sensual as possible for the audience. Now this was what their viewers really wanted to see. Who was she to deny the people paying her what they wanted? Her tongue danced around inside of Ada's mouth, only breaking away when she needed air. Even then, she allowed some saliva to dribble down onto her bare chest.

Of course, her newly galvanised opponent didn't just stop at kissing. The Little Dollie didn't fight back as her partner squeezed her chest and began to grind her thigh against her pussy. She was still fairly confident that she had this in the bag, so she didn't make much of an effort to stop Ada here. Despite the greenness of her opponent, Ada still had done a decent job pleasuring her, so at this point she figured she should just let the Pearl Striker push her to orgasm.

It wasn't anything she hadn't done in front of the camera.

She did make an effort to grind her own thigh against Ada's own pussy, but it was less of a real attack and more of a slow grind to butter Ada up for Shelby's counterattack once she was forced to climax. Of course, she had things to say.

"Mmm... oh, yeah." She moaned, "You're good for a rookie." She complimented.

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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Plunging in and going at it with Shelby was as exciting as it was overwhelming. Ada really took the girl in, feeling up her breasts, rubbing her leg against her, and passionately exploring her mouth with her own. The kissing was what was really doing it for Ada; Shelby's lips were so soft and plush, and her tongue delightfully danced around the pink pearl-eyed girl's in such a way that Ada could just drown in ecstasy she was feeling, and Shelby subtly grinding her thigh right up against her sex too further enhanced this, giving that little bit of lovely stimulation while Ada was submerged in her lovely body.

And Ada was certainly aware of this sinking feeling, this losing of composure as she sunk into the Little Dollie. But before she was lost completely the Pearl Striker at once stopped herself, immediately breaking the kiss and ceasing her movement so she could compose herself. "Haah, haaaaah~" long, audible pants were let out as while her tongue lolled out of her mouth, an awfully lewd expression painted onto her face. Ada had stopped herself from losing control, but that didn't mean her arousal wasn't absolutely reaching new heights.

To Ada, the next step was obvious. She would reposition herself (clumsily through the oil) and spread Shelby's legs wide open. Then, she gave two of her fingers a long suck, not that she needed it, there was plenty of oil around doing all the lubing necessary, but I guess she must've just enjoyed it for the sake of it (or she was just being a dummy).

Either way, now Ada would go for it, plunging her fingers deep into Shelby's womanhood to begin to give the Little Dollie a fingering!
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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The Little Dollie allowed her opponent to take control for a bit, still not fighting back or resisting. Her confidence was getting to her, so much so that she'd resolved to give the Pearl Striker a bit of a freebie here.

The cute little moans from Ada served to further turn Shelby on, and made her giggle through her own sounds of pleasure. At this point, she was just eager to reach her climax thanks to the rather excellent job that her opponent had managed to do, for a newbie anyhow.

As a pair of oiled and saliva-covered fingers plunged into her depths, she began to pant a little in excitement and arousal. "Uhn... just like that..." She encouraged, skirting her bum over the floor a bit to help the other woman reach her g-spot.

That said, she wasn't completely idle. Her hands moved to take hold of the other pinkette's chest, squeezing the meagre breasts that Ada had to offer. It was a gentle movement, more of a tease than a real attack, and it wasn't long before she moved in towards the pert nipples at the centre.

She began to prod and stimulate the Pearl Striker's nipples, taking the opportunity to push Ada's already breaking self-control even further. Not enough to force her to orgasm, Shelby reminded herself. Not yet.

Speaking of orgasm, she could feel her climax steadily building even as she teased her opponent's body. That warmth in her groin had been slowly growing from a mild tingle to a pounding as she was pushed closer and closer to the edge.

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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"Just keep going...just keep going..." Ada encouraged herself, as Shelby's moans of approval spurred her on as well. The Little Dollie really seemed to like what she was doing, and though that's certainly a GOOD thing, and something one oughta be chuffed about, Ada still couldn't help but feel a little sheepish about it, blushing even harder than she was already.

"Ah!" She squeaked, as Shelby started fiddling with her nipples, making her whole body tingle and twist. It seems like no matter what their position, the lewd little doll would find a way to tease her...

Well Ada wouldn't take it without any consequences, so she would get her revenge by pumping her fingers even harder! As fast as she could, Ada's digits would hammer in and out of Shelby's wet pussy, showing the cocky girl what payback looks like, and bringing her even closer to an orgasm that was undoubtedly coming soon!
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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If Ada had intended for the rise in intensity to be a punishment somehow, she would be sorely mistaken. Shelby was already just riding out this orgasm so she could feel good herself. Adding more pleasure on top of that wasn't exactly the worst penalty that the Little Dollie had suffered in her career.

She continued to play with Ada's breasts, but it was more of an afterthought than anything. Right now, she could feel her groin growing warmer and warmer as the newbie pushed Shelby closer and closer to her first climax of the tournament.

And eventually, the martial artist's efforts would bear fruit. With a final gasp of pleasure, Shelby threw her head back. Her face was twisted in a lewd expression that she did not try to hide. If anything, she wanted to make it abundantly obvious to the cameras and to her opponent just how she was feeling. Not humiliation, no, but lust.

Dripping from her womanhood like a tap came her cum. It stained Ada's hands and lathered Shelby's pussy in the sticky substance, but the Little Dollie didn't seem to mind. If anything, she just seemed to be enjoying the experience, basking in the last couple of moments of this before she got her head back in the game and started going for the win again.

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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Never letting up on her fingering, Ada's treatment of Shelby would soon come to its natural conclusion. The Little Dollie would coat Ada's fingers and the surrounding mat with her juices - a pretty solid orgasm, at least if Shelby's expression was anything to go by.

"Now we're even..." Ada said tersely. Though she was sadly unaware that Shelby didn't think of it as such. No, she just wanted to cum and was more than happy to just let the girl do it. Ada's victory here was hollow, but she didn't question it much, choosing to just be proud of herself for making Shelby cum instead of piecing together how easy the Doll made it for her.

"Hmm" Ada gazed at her cum-covered hand for a moment, not so much admiring her handiwork as it was just feeling a bit embarrassed. Though at the same time, it was pretty damn hot, maybe she would just...

"mmmm..." Ada decided to let loose and began to suck on her soaked fingers. The taste and smell of Shelby's juices putting her in a daze and wrapping her mind in a fog of lust. Focusing on savoring every drop, Ada paid no mind to her opponent, only paying attention to getting her fingers good and clean.
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Ada Jeong v. Shelby "Little Dollie" Marwood

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There was something comfortable about this match. So sure was the Little Dollie in her superiority here, she didn't have to worry about a battle for supremacy. She could relax and allow her opponent a freebie, and it felt great to boot. She had held back nothing about her pleasure because this was not an opponent that she needed the psychological advantage over.

Shelby watched lustfully as Ada sucked on her fingers, licking up the cum that she'd so generously provided. The sight of it made her already erect nipples feel cool, like the cold air was stinging her body. A part of her vaguely acknowledged that it was lust, but her body was already moving. She'd given her opponent a point for the fun of it, but now she needed to reestablish who was really in charge here.

While the other fighter was distracted, she pushed herself up off of the floor into a sitting position. A hungry smile painted her face as she scooted forward. The oil made it easy to close the distance quickly. One of her legs slid underneath Ada's while the other came up on top of her opponent's other leg. If Ada reacted at all to the sudden contact, she'd only smile.

"Ada..." She moaned lewdly, "Let's give the fans a real show..." She pushed herself forward, pressing her pussy against the martial artist's own wet womanhood. She didn't start grinding just yet, though. She wanted to watch Ada really take in what was happening. She wanted Ada to know what was about to happen.

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