The B&P Special: Jackie Masters (D) vs. Nico Cardona

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Re: The B&P Special: Jackie Masters (D) vs. Nico Cardona

Unread post by godjacob »

Indeed, Jackie managed to get the feisty blonde off her and took a second to catch her breath, normally she wouldn’t complain about such a position but there was time and place for it and about to be pinned was neither the time nor the place.

She knew that Nico would respond quickly, she did manage to flip her off her but between them Nico would need less time to recover, so even as Jackie worked her off, she shifted to her knees.

Sure enough, she was right as Nico quickly crouched ahead of her and jumped forward, trying to slam into Jackie, and if she was successful try to press that bussom onto her. Oh this woman knows her body..., Jackie thought to herself. However, she wouldn’t get the chance this time, as Jackie quickly rolled to the side to avoid being slammed into.

As she rolled, she turned and rocked her hip aiming to slam her hip and bitt into Nico, using some powerful force to strike at her foe while she caught her breath. A maneuver taught at her Foxez Gym, before she’d try to slam Nico and drive her into the corner!

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Re: The B&P Special: Jackie Masters (D) vs. Nico Cardona

Unread post by RedShinigami »

When the catalonian duracell bunny called Nico Cardona got into motion then it was almost impossibe to stop her highly energetic, fast and technical attacks, like a mosquito, flying around her prey, stinging where she could, before she retreated.

She was shoved off from Jackie, her pin attempt broken as she immediatly got back to her feer, jumping forward and tried to get the other Blonde back under her again, only for Jackie to roll out of the way! "Que?!", she gasped and slammed into the canvas facefirst. "Ooofff... Ouch...",she groaned and shook her head, trying to get back into the game as a hip attack from her opponent forced her back down.

She would have landed back on the canvas but with her opponent right at her heels, she got another hard hit that sent her spiraling into the corner were she came to a rest, laying on the floor, her arms over the ropes!
"Not bad..."

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Re: The B&P Special: Jackie Masters (D) vs. Nico Cardona

Unread post by godjacob »

Jackie seemed to grin a bit, she managed to avoid Nico's quick maneuver and her own momentum seemed to take her for a tumble. Combined with her little hip check and she had her crashed to the corner and on the ropes, quite in the most literal sense!

"Oh you ain't seen nothing yet~" Jackie declared with a bit of spunk and pride, quickly moving over Nico as she was slumped on the corner, and before she had a chance to recover she swayed her hips side to side and gave her a nice view of her juicy booty. And indeed, she aimed to do more than just show if off to her foe as she flashed an evil grin behind her before she pressed her cheeks right into her face for a stinkface!

"Get a nice taste of it baby~" Jackie said with a wink, playfully teasing her as she pressed and wiggled her cheeks right into the face of Nico against the corner, seemed Nico was not the only one who knew how to use her assets.

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Re: The B&P Special: Jackie Masters (D) vs. Nico Cardona

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Nico got sent into the corner, her arms draped over the ropes as she slowly came back to her senses, shaking her pretty head as Jackie seemed ready to go for the next move.

She declared that the Catalonian had aint seen nothing yet and another Simpsons Episode crosses her geekish mind when hearing the taunt. Namely the time Homer harrassed the Band Bachman Turner Overdrive to play only his favourite songs. She had to fight the clear urge to reenact the whole scene and instead bit her cheek.

Luckily for her or maybe not, Jackie was about to shut down any way of verbal communication anyway by getting her admittedly sexy, shapely behind right before Nicos face and then pressed it onto it.

"Mffffff!", Nico moaned and slammed her boots onto the canvas while getting her head pressed deeply into the nice behind of Jackie, her head getting moved from side to side as if she tried to say no, when she indeed was all too keen on it.

Nico did'nt even fought it that much, rather wrapping her arms around the others Blondes tighes and press her face deeper into it. "Hmmmm <3~"

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Re: The B&P Special: Jackie Masters (D) vs. Nico Cardona

Unread post by godjacob »

Oh Jackie was feeling it now, Nico seemed to be caught flat footed with her dodge and slam to the corner, and now she was in prime position to press her advantage…quite literally at that!

She swayed and pressed her butt in Nico’s face, the stinkface working to really rub in her domination as the referee watching seemed to have a blush and members of the crowd seemed to be going crazy about this little display. And they seemed to not be alone, as Nico had taken to the smother in stride and actually grabbed her thighs pressing deeper into it!

“Oh my oh my, what a dirty girl you are. I like that~” Jackie said back with a wink and really pressed her cheeks into Nico’s face, giving the sensual blonde all she could handle and more while rocking her hips side to side feeling the mutual arousal.

She made sure to really give her a face full, pressing her booty right against her face, trying to squish her face into it which Nico seemed happy to help her with.

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