Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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The spear was the exclamation point. Putting Eirina down for the 10 count of necessary. Was it needed, no, Kyoko could have done anything to end the match, she did that because she wanted to prove a point. Eirina had come this close twice to unseating her , and had stopped her agaisnt Yuki. She was one of the toughest rivals she had faced so far. Putting her down and establishing she was not her better was essential. Rolling out of the ring to grab Eirina she would lift her up and try to force her back into the ring.

"Now its over..." She would mutter to her foe as she climbed after her going for the final pin as she grabbed her leg and lifted it up in the air holding it with both legs as her back laid agaisnt Eirinas chest looking at the ref. Some fans encouraged Eirina to get up and keep fighting, really wanting to see her unseat Kyoko but for some the last move looked to be too much to overcome.


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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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At this point, Eirina had no fight left in her as she laid in undignified manner outside the ring, with her limbs spread on the floor. Kyoko could just leave her there and let her be counted out in a ten count, but the Belly Queen wasn't that kind of person who would go for such a cheap finish. Kyoko went out of the ring to retrieve Eirina, pulling her up before pushing her back into the ring. Having nothing left in her, Eirina didn't fight back, and she was laid into the ring where Kyoko would finally seize her victory over her.

Then, Kyoko went for the pin, lifting one of her legs. Despite the encouragement from the crowd, Eirina remained insensate, with her only breathing shallowly. Her mind had shut down due to everything that she had taken earlier, and there was nothing she could do to fight back. The Belly Queen remained unseated, and her dominance was still maintained despite some close calls earlier.



And that's the end of it, and the referee called for the bell, ending the match with Kyoko's victory. Just like their first match, the match ended with Kyoko's victory over Eirina.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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The bell came with the three and Kyoko let Eirina's leg go as she rolled off the Frau Doktor. Sitting up and wiping her face after the hellacious match she endured, another victorious one and another defense of her belt. The ref came and handed her the title as Kyoko brought it close and held it against her, hugging her prize like it was the most important thing ever. Her smile never went away and as she stood up she raised it over her head proud of her victory, once again taking a pose over Eirina's figure before looking down at her other prize. Looking at the ref she pointed at something outside for her to get the ref looked confused for a second but did so regardless getting the pink collar from the outside and bringing it in to hand to Kyoko. The Belly Queen smiled at the gift before moving down next to Eirina.

"Don't worry. I haven't forgotten you.." Kyoko said moving to put the collar over Eirina's neck and grabbing the end to stand up and pull on it to try and force her up to her knees a bit. "You make a great youll probably make an ever better prisoner..Now that you know who's in charge.."

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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Eirina once again lost to Kyoko, and as her clarity returned back to her, she couldn't help but curse herself and her unluckiness. And she knew that she would be Kyoko's prisoner for 24 hours, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Nnh..." Eirina let out a weak groan as she felt Kyoko putting the pink collar around her neck, which signified her as a prisoner of war for Kyoko. Resignation filled Eirina's mind as she looked forward to just get over it, hoping that she would have better luck next time. She had to admit that Kyoko was a very powerful foe, as evidenced by her victory over her.

But, before Kyoko could bring Eirina out of the arena, suddenly a song was played before a cerulean-haired young woman stepped out.


The woman, Yuki Onna, or Yukina Aogami, looked serious as she stepped down to the ramp, eyes still fixed on Kyoko, who had just defeated Eirina. In her hand was a microphone. Once her music died out, she brought the microphone to her mouth as she started speaking.

"Kyoko-san, I won't allow you to take her..." Yuki told Kyoko. "I'm not letting her be taken like this because of my loss. I won't accept it..." She still believed that it was her fault that Kyoko was put in this situation, and she would not allow the one who had saved her to become Kyoko's prisoner, knowing what kind of sadistic person she was after enduring the humiliation post-match sometime ago.

The crowd was getting wild as Yuki made her appearance. From her choice of outfit, it didn't look like she was here to fight, but anything could change.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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Kyoko reveled in the sight in front of her Eirina forced to wear the collar knowing there was nothing she could do about it. Having been bested not once but twice by the Belly Queen, with that victory cemented here she tugged on the collar for a second. "Come one, im not wasting my 24 hours on them. Your mine now." She said triumphantly as she began to make her way to the ramp but hadn't even left the ring fully when Yuki's music started playing coming out looking determined and clothed in a way that showed she wasnt going to fight, or at least it didnt look practical for one. Kyoko looked annoyed for a second before she smirked and took up a mic of her own sitting on the ring post she brought Eirina close with her other hand.

"Aww were you watching? Well isn't that just adorable. Here to be your knight in shining armors little hero... *cough*..unfortunately I missed the part where you had a say in the manner...Unless you suddenly gained some power backstage there's jackshit you can do about it. I had your ass beat and if you removed that shirt I'd be willing to bet the bruises are still lingering on that stomach. I could do it again but why would I need to..If you forgot, this is a POW match. and I won.." Kyoko would grab Eirina's head and pull it close to hers patting her prisoner's cheek. "That means Eirina's mine and that isn't something you can stop. Plus think about how disrespectful to Eirina that is, She agreed to this match and if I lost you'd be all smiles and congratulations, are you saying Eirina is unable to make her own decisions, that she shouldn't be a women of her word. Thats not very respectful at all is it Eirina?" Kyoko said mockingly bringing the mic to Eirina's face knowing this whole situation had to be worse for her.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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Eirina was barely aware of what was going on, so even though she was able to hear Yuki's voice, she was unable to react to it. She could only moan weakly as Kyoko pulled her, looking truly devastated after her second loss against the Belly Queen. As for Yuki, her brow scrunched up after hearing Kyoko's response. She tried to come up with a biting response, but then she figured out that Kyoko was right.

"Ngh... b-but..." Yuki said. She looked at Eirina who was put under Kyoko's mercy, and she was struggling to keep her emotions under control. "I..." Looking back at Kyoko, the cerulean-haired beauty looked absolutely dejected, knowing that Eirina would end up being Kyoko's prisoner, and she would not be able to do anything about it.

Taking a deep breath, Yuki closed her eyes tightly before she put the microphone down before she got herself on her knees. Then, she put her hands on the ramp before she lowered her forehead to the ground, bowing her head in a begging manner. "Please... please don't take her. J-just take me instead..." She offered to take Eirina's place as Kyoko's prisoner, begging Kyoko to spare her savior from that fate.

Meanwhile, Eirina was starting to regain full awareness, and she was able to hear what Yuki was saying. "Y-Yuki-chan...?" She gave the cerulean-haired cutie a look of disbelief as she offered herself to be taken instead.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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The Frau Doktor looked to be the true example of helpless which probably made the whole thing all the better for her as Kyoko knew it was entirely at her hands. And then seeing Yuki's face crunch up in in annoyance over how helpless she felt to actually stop her made for a bit of a bonus. She was getting ready to tug on the collar once more and bring her victim home when Yuki came forward and got on her hands and knees in front of the Belly Queen begging Kyoko to take her as her POW and leave Eirina out of it. A heartwarming gesture for sure and one Eirina finally responded to but it mostly just made Kyoko scowl.

"You show me nothing but disrespect and now that things dont go your way you think you can appeal to my mercy to get a better result?" Kyoko muttered bitterly staring holes into Yuki as she stayed there. "I dont work that way. I'm the best thing LAW has and until people start to realize it, there all gonna fell the wrath of whatever the hell I feel like doing. Besides there's nothing you got that I want. Your a cute exotic thing sure but so is Eirina and even sexier then you, theres nothing you have she isn't a step up in. Plus after this match I'm far too into the idea of having her to take a runner up's prize. So get out of my way, Eirina's still mind."

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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When she thought that she could try to appeal to Kyoko's mercy, Yuki got nothing but scorn from the Belly Queen, and she let out a whimper, looking absolutely dejected. "B-but..." She tried to reason, but she knew that Kyoko was right. There was no reason for Kyoko to have Yuki taking Eirina's place, and she certainly knew that this wasn't what Eirina would want. Still, she desperately wanted to save Eirina, just like what she did to her some time ago. "P-please... please reconsi-"

"T-that's enough, Yuki-chan..." Suddenly, Eirina spoke. She sounded weak, but at the very least, she could speak. She looked absolutely terrible, but she gave Yuki a look before she shook her head. "It's my loss. I gotta accept it... and you have to accept it as well..."

"E-Eirina-san... b-but..." Yuki tried to reason, but Eirina shook her head some more.

"This has nothing to do with you anymore. Now go," Eirina ordered, and Yuki had no other choice. Looking miserable, Yuki slowly got back up on her feet before she made her exit, leaving behind Kyoko and Eirina. Once Yuki's gone, Eirina sighed before she looked at the one who would take her prisoner.

"...Let's just get this over with," Eirina said in resignation. Since she was Kyoko's prisoner, there's nothing she could do about it. All she had to look forward to was being brought home by the Belly Queen, who would keep her for 24 hours.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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Kyoko wasnt budging but from the looks of it Yuki wasnt going to either. Ready to try and continue to shoot down her pleas Eirina of all people cut her off, showing her own sense of honor and her refusal to let herself be taken off the hook for her mistakes, and pretty much pleading with Yuki to let things take there course and stop getting involved while Yuki was clearly not okay with leaving Eirina she complied out of respect for her with Eirina herself just wanting to get the whole thing over with.

"Oh dont sound so upset Eirina. Afterall You get to be with me for a whole day. Nothing but all of the fun things I can think of." Kyoko leaned down and kisses Eirina for a full minute trying to show one last bit of dominance in front of everyone before breaking it and pulling on the collar. "Now lets go, the sooner we get home the sooner the fun starts." She said leading the way as she walked Eirina home letting everyone get a good final shot of the Frau Doktor body. Now property of the Belly Queen for 24 hours.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima II - Domination

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Eirina was about to say something sarcastic to Kyoko when the Belly Queen kissed her on her lips for a full minute, which left her breathless and a little more docile and compliant to her temporary mistress. Soon after Kyoko broke the pin, Eirina gasped out, breathing heavily before the collar that was around her neck was tugged. "Mrgh!!"

As she was led by Kyoko as she brought her home, she sighed again. Well, this was the price that she had to pay for losing. Better get used to it, she thought to herself. "Can't wait," Eirina deadpanned in sarcastic manner as she followed Kyoko, becoming her property for full 24 hours.

Winner and still the Belly Queen: Kyoko Akan!

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