On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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Big Tiddy Goth
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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Charlotte had the smother on deep and hard. Swan could do little as those prime cheeks did their work. Even the protests were music to the smaller gobby Jailbird's ears.

"Bloody 'ell, keep moaning that is makin me all hot an bovvered!"

The camera loomed closer much to the delight of the convict team. Charlotte turned to grin into the lens. She pointed to her rear that was sealed like a vacuum over Swan's pretty features.

"You see this? This is what happens when you try to fight the Jailbirds!"

With that it didnt take long for Swan to pass out. Charlotte pulled herself forward and her rear left her victims visage with a SLLUURRRPPP such was the sweat and lack of air. Charlotte raised her hands in the air, as did Roxy and Jayden, the only real time that they showed any unity. The crowd booed, this a total lynching and even the ref girl was scared to claim the convicts as winners

The trio left Swan seated in the corner and poor Ducky flat out on the canvas. This would not be the last time the teams ran into one another and the LAW universe knew it
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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Swan's face spent quite a good deal of time sealed between Charlotte's massive, round asscheeks, the smallest Jailbird delivering one hell of a stinkface to the luchadora until she was out cold from being smothered by Charlotte's ass! And finally, Charlotte would slowly remove her ass from Swan's face, the Jailbirds finished with their after match beatdown on the victorious team of the Wings, leaving them both passed out and limp in the ring, a statement to the tag team division!

Even though Ducky and Swan had won the match, it was clear that the Jailbirds had used the numbers game to even things up after the match, and now both face wrestlers were down and out, smothered out cold!

While Ducky and Swan lay limp, the Jailbirds would celebrate their after-match destruction of the Wings of Wrestling, the heel trio quite pleased with how they had humiliated the duo! This had been a good match for Ducky and Swan, but the aftermath was sure to haunt them, and it was almost guaranteed that these two teams would meet again in the future!

Winners Via Pinfall: The Wings of Wrestling

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