Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen might of been in front of Alaina, but there was more than one way to get the drop on someone. And given Alaina had pushed Karen too far for the raven haired amazon to simply leave it there, she wouldn't exactly waste time.

Hooking her leg under and around the amazons right leg, Karen would suddenly burst forward with hands extended, pushing all the force in the world she could into knocking Alaina flat on her ass!

Noticeably however, regardless of the outcome, she would not pursue. Rather, she'd simply wanted the satisfaction of watching her long hated foe stumble, or perhaps even fall outright.

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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina stated Karen down as she advanced. Karen had certainly gotten faster as Alaina found out, sending her tumbling down onto her back! "Oomph!"

Alaina wasn't what she used to be, no way. However she was smarter and wiser than she used to be. Karen had her leg extended and hooked behind Alaina's to push her down, so Alaina spun and kicked trying to bring Karen down with her via a drop toe hold!

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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Shoving her hated foe down literally upon her butt, Karen didn't waste time in her goading. Immediately raising a hand to literally point and laugh at Alaina, Karen would find egg on her face in place of goading time as Alaina pulled her to the ground besides her.

Caught out but not entirely, Karen would force her hands to land upon the surface, essentially propping the amazon up into a press-up posture, before turning her head to the tiger-print clad middleweight.

"You trying to make me break a fucking chair over your skull again..?" Words of hate once more spewed, as Karen extended the hand nearest to Alaina, to shove her palm in her face!

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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina now remembered why she couldn't stand Karen... her attitude and repugnant nature. As she had a palm shoved in her face she reached out to grab hold with both hands and maneuver her lower body trying to wrap Karen's arm up in a sort of inverted armbar, using her positioning to try to gator-roll or flip Karen onto her back placing her in a regular arm bar!

"Listen Karen, I want to play nice but you won't let me will you? Calm the hell down and when I let go we both go our separate ways. If you are woman enough to face me in the ring so be it." Alaina said in warning, and in offer of a match should Karen desire to accept.

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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Devilish53 »

With Karen turning to watch the beauty scrabble around her arm, Karen would let loose a lowly grunt as Alaina hooked up and over her arm; attempting to gain the position from which to flip the raven haired beauty entirely into the arm-bar she now had the position for, but not the leverage to pull. Especially not with Karen still actively responding to the Amazons grapple.

"Why don't you...play fucking dead instead..." Pulling her torso up forcibly so that she did not need her free arm to prevent her falling flat to the floor, Karen would then bring said free arm to one of the legs that now bound her shoulder and upper frame. Yanking ahold around the foot itself, Karen would attempt a sudden and painful twist; applying expert knowledge not yet seen between her and Alaina, as she worked her foes joint in a textbook armbar break!

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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Highfly »

This was unexpected. Alaina expected Karen to have developed as a wrestler but not this much. Bigger, younger and nastier than Alaina. Rolling back to create space Alaina got up and tried to ready herself.

She had to be smarter. Alaina was still formidable but if she tried to play it off like she was 28 again she was fooling herself.

From Here on out the amazon would have to be calculating.

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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen could be precise and tactile when she wanted to, that much she had shown in LAW itself, despite only competing in one match thus far. The woman knew when to strike best, and often how to strike. She often however, let herself down, with her inner demand for the simple violence. Such as now.

Rising, Karen wouldn't give Alaina the space she sought. Hands up, she wouldn't look for a lock-up with her old-time rival, but instead shoot her hands to the amazons throat. Pressing her against the wall, she'd make sure to shoot metaphorical daggers straight into Alaina's eyes with her gaze, right before her hands began trying to throttle the amazon out-cold there and them.

"Always so...FUCKING...SMUG..."

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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina was pinned against the wall and losing air fast, her head throbbing from being smashed into the wall to boot! This was not looking good at all.

Alaina grunted as she raised her legs up and mule kicked Karen on the abdomen as hard as she Could! "Hands off you angry, petty bitch..." Alaina choked out as she stood st in, regaining her air as well as recovering a bit.

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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen was determined above all else to show her hated foe that the time they had met in the ring was long past them. Karen was a different woman. A much, much more dangerous woman.

Albeit, her method of attack remained the same. Ignoring the brief moment of finesse amidst the arm bar, Karen had resorted to the same forms of attack she had used on Alaina albeit then unsuccessfully in their in-ring match. Only now, she had the power, and figure in general, to employ them on someone of Alaina's level.

Literally throttling the beauty as Alaina's legs shook and stirred, Karen attempted to force the beauty up off her feet in the throttle, determined to put the woman in her place. The kick to the gut would jar her, but memories of herself being victim to Alaina in their match spurred the amazon on. After briefly loosening from the kick, she'd reapply and push upwards on the choke; determined to show the beauty in her hands what she was capable of now!


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Re: Karen Starring/Alaina Sanders - At Long Last

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina kicked and failed to break free! She felt light headed and powerless against Karen, reaching up to try to pry Karen's hands away from her throat, but it was no use. Kicking her legs as she dangled Alaina tried once more to like kick Karen away, this time aiming for her side near Karen's armpit.

Alaina was desperate and if this kept up would be choked out in no time.

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