"J..just hold still, this won't hurt at all..for me, anyway~" *Noticing that the vice grip around her body had dwindled drastically, Gambit slithered her opposite arm vertically alongside Astrid's mandible and facial cheek, attempting to dig her immaculate nails into her chubby face for leverage. Once they were dug in deep, Gambit sluggishly stood to her unsteady feet while keeping Astrid firmly locked inside of her oddly positioned, all before suddenly plummeting back into the canvas for a wicked stone cold stunner, devised exclusively to send Astrid crashing into the floor with enough raw force to snap her in half! If her move managed to connected without any form of interference, Gambit would need to linger against the ring mat herself in order to try and recuperate, this impromptu assault having significantly drained her of any expendable energy!*