Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

Shops are opening, traffic is heavy, the streets are packed. For Tokyo, another day begins. For everyone involved, the longest 24 hours of their lives starts too...
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Re: Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

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*While it wasn't abundantly evident for the local audience, at least on the surface, Jess was remarkably clever in times of stressful circumstances- She always believed that masquerading around as some country bumpkin would provide her with the perfect shroud to keep her lurking genius concealed from the casual observer, and when the time was appropriate, she could ambush anyone foolhardy enough to test her unflinching mettle. Unbeknownst to Stacy, having willingly charged headlong into this brilliantly crafted trap, Jess was about to introduce this obdurate captain to the pandora's box of pain she had just inadvertently unleashed.*

"Hmm..and ya'll shoudda just walked away..." *With a wry stretching across her countenance, Jess artfully sidestepped the oncoming attack while pivoting on the ball of her right foot, swaying her gargantuan body sideways to keep herself bladed with Stacy's figure. Once the ruthless major's fist had kissed nothing but the air around her, the ginger giantess delightfully lurched forward, snagging her by the flanks of her ornate jacket and hoisting the svelte figure upwards and over her head, forcing an astonished, unison gasp from the crowd.* " did she..?!" *One patron muttered, shocked at what he was witnessing. However, this was nothing knew for the colossal cowgirl- She had tamed many a wayward bull back in her prime, never hesitating to be the living embodiment of the phrase "Take the bull by the horns". Once she had firmly locked in her backbreaker, Jess gave the audience a malevolent snicker, relishing the moment she had been waiting for the moment she had laid eyes upon her surly captive.*
"Now, lemme hear ya'll squeal like the piggy you are!" *Jess demanded, wrenching against Stacy's spine in an attempt to snap her like the scrawny twig that she was, all the while the bar patrons were whipped up in a frenzy from all the intense action unfurling. Just as it seemed like the owner of the fine establishment these vixens were tussling in was about to pull the plug on this entire skirmish, nearly every customer within sight started lining up for another round! Evidently, cheap alcohol compliments attractive female's fighting each other quite well, well enough in fact that the bartender quietly locked the doors and closed the blinds, giving the girls their own, personal fighting arena!*

"Are yah seein this, kiddo? They're here tah watch you get beaten to a bloody pulp, and I'm gonna deliver on that!" *Jess's crimson pupils burned with a sadistic glow to them, only serving to amplify the sheer devastation of the torture rack she was applying while intentionally making Stacy's plump orbs jiggle from the occasional jump, immediately gaining the audience's approval from such a mortifying move.*

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Re: Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

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Stacy had it all planned out in her head. The Texan dared to challenge the demonic soldier’s strength, inviting her to try to land another violent strike on her cow-hide attire person. The Major could already envision her fist smashing into Jess’s drunken face with the same amount of malice that her foe’s own punch to the face held, Jess’s bones and cartilage buckling under the pressure as she toppled backwards and smashed into…something. It really didn’t matter to Stacy, so long as the Crimson Crusher got a taste of the bars semi-clean floor with a mixer of blood!

Stacy swung her fist, carrying a force like a wrecking ball moving to destroy the entire side of a building. All of it was focused on that smug grin Jess kept giving the Major, the focal point of her rage and wounded pride. The second Stacy’s fist looked about ready to impact against the cow girl’s thick skull, she disappeared. It took a split second for Stacy to realize what Jess had had planned, but by then it was far too late. She was caught the moment she moved against hey towering foe. Her eyes widened in surprise and anger as she felt a pair of powerful hands grasp her jacket and hoist her up like she wasn’t even a person, but a pile of hay. Before she could mount any type of defense, she found herself sprawled out onto her opponents’ broad shoulders, her demonic cap floating to the ground as she was tilted into position for a backbreaker. Weakly, Stacy tried to reach out for it, like she needed the cap.

But then the screaming started.

Jess had given the Major her marching orders and she was forced to follow them as the woman bent her back in a sharp angle. Stacy’s scream was amplified by the closed space, and seemed to send the audience in a frenzy as the searing pain cut through the center of her spine. She tried to squirm out of the Sadist’s hold, but she was locked in tight, and her struggles only encouraged the Crimson woman to put even more pressure of Stacy’s back.

It wasn’t until the first round of agony that she noticed there was a large crowd watching them like a spectacle. The Major’s suffering was on full display, along with her body, and the crowd was eating it up. The harder Jess pushed on her back breaker, the more skin was showing from the Major, her abs and suffering face already on full display thanks to her shredded tank top she wore. Her face turned red, embarrassed that she was being publicly humiliated, and after her gargantuan opponent’s lashing words about how everyone was wanting to see her beaten and bloody, it was all she could do to not tear up from the pain and degradation.

Stacy clenched her shark toothed jaw, mustering as much energy and will as she could. She didn’t bother trying to fight against the hold anymore, Jess was too strong for that. Instead, the Major freed one of her gloved hands, and attempted to rake it right across the red heads eyes in a violent swipe. She wasn’t sure if it would free her, and she knew it would make Jess angry as all hell, but the villains were not always known to be smart. Major Hazard just wanted some retribution for her humiliation.

“Go to…Hell,…B-Bitch!”

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Re: Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

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*Like an insignificant mosquito to a fly trap, Stacy had blundered directly into Jess's hands, and now she would reap what she sowed ten fold courtesy of the crimson goliath's unquenchable ire. As the seconds ticked by, her grip only became tighter and firmer, only serving to amplify the unfathomably painful submission maneuver Jess had synched in against her helpless adversary. It seemed as though she had extinguished all hope of the malevolent major redeeming herself in the eyes of the inebriated audience, however, she reignited her chances of escaping by taking a vicious, yet uncontrolled, swipe at Jess's hazel eyes. One, stray finger managed to find itself near the outskirts of Jess's pupil, jamming itself directly into the center of her unprotected eyeball!*

"GGGRRHHH!" *Regardless of how impervious she might have appeared to be, no amount of training would be sufficient enough to mitigate the damage done to her vulnerable face, and before she knew it, the unfettered anguish coaxed Jess into tossing Stacy nearly halfway across the bar in a fit of violent rage! However, she wasn't about to dash towards her incapacitated target- The jab at her cornea had effectively caused her to momentarily pause, attempting to assess the damage Stacy had inflicted before traversing through the bar to put her wellbeing in even more jeopardy. Continuing to growl in a guttural tone from her fresh wound, Jess decided to keep her eyelid shut due to the realistic fear of being rendered blind in that particular eye, sacrificing vision over safety.

"I..I'm sendin yah there first, you callous fuck!" *The vermillion monster snapped back, her retort coming just a little later than she had wanted, but it arrived nonetheless. Glancing around the crowd with her solitary eye, she had the brilliant epiphany to start utilizing the available weapons that littered the pub. snatching a nearby chair by one of its legs, she hoisted it high into the air before pointing it in Stacy's general direction, give or take a few inches due to the lack of reliable depth perception.* "And this here chair is gunna be what does it!" *She declared, disregarding her earlier caution as she began to proceed towards her target.*

"Oh fuck, is that cowgirl nuts?!" *Someone screamed, unable to process just how stubborn Jess was in regards to emerging victorious in this little scuffle- Unbeknownst to the infuriated ginger, her damaged merchandise had a trickle of blood running down the side of her face, but due to the seething hatred flowing through her veins Jess hardly paid any attention to it- She only desired to make the haughty captain suffer, and she would only be content if she was the one to administer the beating.*

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Re: Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

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Human instinct was difficult to overcome even with years of training. An example is that mankind has a natural instinctual fear of sudden loud noises, the deep recesses of the brain focused on its own survival. Overriding the logical parts and instead flooding them with fear driven adrenaline to push out the notorious “Fight or flight” response buried in everyone and every living thing. No matter how much one trains to ignore those natural responses, they are there all the same. Stacy was well aware of all of this information, and was counting on it to save her from further agony. When something as vital as an eye is attacked, the human brain will do all it can to protect its vision. Fear of going blind was a powerful motivator, one that would possibly overwhelm the need to break a person over your shoulders.

The Trickster of Hell was dead on. The Violent cowgirl screamed in pain and bucked like a bull, tossing the major across the room like a broken ragdoll. Stacy would not be blessed with a soft landing, as patrons scurried away to avoid colliding with the Demonic Major’s form, only a pool table deciding to break her fall for her. She impacted the wooden table, which groaned and cracked before finally splintering in two, bits of pointed wood jabbing into the Major’s skin and coat as Jess continued to holler in a berserk rage. Fresh, piercing pain from the broken pool table mixed with the dull heavy hammering in the Major’s back. She could feel small trickles of blood running down her body and face, particularly around her mouth and back.

She tried to take in a breath, and choked on her own blood, falling into a coughing fit as her body expelled some of the life-giving liquid. Stacy was surprised she had gotten this bad so fast. She was a Major of the Devils army, and yet this cow girl had already reduced her to this crumpled state, her cold blood dripping out of her mouth and staining her grey torn up tank top.

Like the undead monster she based her villainous character off of, Stacy seemed to slowly rise from the ground like a demon crawling from a bit of Hell. A few of the patrons gasped in surprise to see that she was even still alive, much less standing and willing to continue this vicious brawl. Something alien was sticking in her back, and one of her gloved hands moved behind her back to yank it out. A long splinter of wood was what remained in her hand, and after giving it a slight glance she chucked it over her shoulder, focusing her attention on the woman who had thrown her across the room.

“I wonder…did you say…something similar before that top tier bitch…put you down? Or were you…*GCK*…crying and hollering like you just were?” Despite Jess picking up a heavy wooden chair and swinging it around with one hand, displaying her power for all to see, Stacy didn’t flinch. Instead, she slowly bent down to pick up a pool cue, ignoring the pain in her back and snapping the top off to make a jagged wooden spear. It was far from lethal, unless aimed at a vital spot like the neck, but the puncture was sure to hurt. Even with the drinks, the patrons would likely start to worry about each of the girl’s safety.

“I won’t be sent back to my realm by such pitiful trash as you, you pathetic cycloptic whore. I will only be sent back by one with the power to rival my Demonic Master, a power of which you will never obtain. You are a weak willed, sad, muscle headed grunt that isn’t good enough to lick the cows hit off my show. So just fall over, like the cow to the slaughter.

Stacy moved forward, her weapon and shark-toothed at the ready. As soon as she was close enough, the Major would move to jab her larger opponent with her makeshift spear, owning the same objective as her hell horned foe. To do as much damage ass possible before toppling over from blood loss.

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Re: Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

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*If it hand't been for her drunken fury, Jess would have immediately scoffed at the insignificant threat Stacy posed to her- Sure, she was an unruly juggernaut of unbridled rage, but even the crimson typhoon knew when to dial her aggression back once it reached a certain threshold. However, the purported captain of satan's army had convinced herself that fueling the latent rage that lurked within a southern tank of a woman was a bright idea, and now, she was going to reap the consequences of that fatal mistake. As Jess honed in on the wounded woman, she noticed her tactful strategy regarding snagging a makeshift weapon, rivaling Jess's own decision.*

"Grrrhh..fer someone that constantly boasts about bein all that and a bag of chips, yer certainly reliant on gimmicks tah get the job done." *The ginger leviathan snickered, as she started to slam the chair against the ground in a rhythmic fashion to generate a tincture of momentum for what she was about to execute- Given the massive amount of distance separating herself and her intended target, Jess knew she had a huge gap of space to cover in a short period of time. While envisioning this in her mind and trying to put her thoughts into motion would be nearly impossible, that had never stopped the intrepid farmer before, and it certainly wouldn't impede her now.*

"So, howsa bout I show yah how we handle disrespectful cunts like yerself in Texas?" *She growled in a rather guttural cadence, extending the chair out sideways while bullrushing her opponent in a frenzied charge to utilize her momentum, trying to clean Stacy's clock with a clothesline while using the chair to augment the pain said attack would bring! Unfortunately, Stacy's deadly accuracy prevented such a plan from transpiring, the blunt impact sending the woman staggering backwards and nearly tripping over her unsteady feet.*

"Ggnnhh..s..still..r..refusing tah go down I see..."
*Jess chuckled in a menacing fashion, the alcohol combined with her personal masochism beginning to add to her overall resiliency, as each ounce of pain that Stacy relentlessly poured onto her merely serving to create a larger and crazier version of the previous Jess she had become so acquainted with.* "T..too bad fer you..I ain't budgin neither!"

*With a mighty shout that rattled the inner walls of the humble pub, causing the vast majority of the inebriated customers to scatter in terror, Jess hoisted her makeshift weapon high into the air before swinging it in a gigantic circle, attempting to toss the enormous projectile directly towards the haughty militant, keen on cracking her target square across the skull!*

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Re: Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

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The sharp and dull pain that coiled itself around Stacy’s body was ever present, insuring that each and every movement she made was pure agony in one way or another. Her limbs seemed heavy to her, like they were being weighed down by an invisible force while her back stung with the constant stabs of thousands of wooden splinters her jacket could not protect her from. Her joints seemed to suffer, with a rather uncomfortable pain residing in her right elbow. The Major’s breath came in hot, labored breathes as her chest continued to rise and fall with a steady, if painful rhythm. It was foolish for anyone in the woman’s state to continue fighting, but no patrons moved to stop her as she snapped the pool cue’s tip of, insuring a pointed end. She rested on her makeshift weapon for only a second as her large foe continued with her taunts, smacking the floor rhythmically like the drums of war.

But still, The Major smiled.

Her imagination ran wild with the scenario. This pain and suffering she was enduring was not because of the Texan’s vicious blows, but merely the Demon Major’s body going through a transformation. Her twisted mind gave a fictitious explanation for each and every pain her body was enduring: Those stabbing splinters in her back? Merely demonic quills beginning to protrude from her spine. The aches in her joints? Strain from the demonic muscles mass she was acquiring from the Dark Lord. The broken cue? A spear made from the most wicked of Beelzebub’s monsters! Stacy could imagine what her ferocious form looked like, and despite the pain, her delusions seemed to keep her upright for the moment.

The Major, convinced she had “transformed” herself into an even worse threat than before, watched Jess with manic eyes, like a starving person looking at a full course meal. Blood continued to stream out between her razor-sharp teeth, but it was slowly getting dilute with her own drool. Stacy was hungry to test her power, though her body begged for her to stop. She was not listening to anything but her fantasy, and she had roped everyone else into her sick imagination. Even as the Crimson stampede came charging at the Hazardous Major, she seemed fine with attacking head on, thrusting her darkness fused weapon at the beast that dare stand against her. Her weapon made pointed contact, and the Crimson cow retreated, if for just a moment the shock of the impact ran up Stacy’s arms, and her muscles screamed for a break, threatening to give out all together if this should continue further. She ignored such pitiful pleas, looking to push her attack and clobber the poor fool who had dared to challenge a Major of her caliber!

Jess returned with a bellow that could rival one of Stacy’s fantastical “Death Behemoths”, monsters she had created in her imagination that were the size of buildings and had no less then ten mouths from which their victims’ screams could be heard. Stacy pushed through the wail that terrified the other patrons, her frenzied eyes looking to devour her prey even though her body wished to join the others in their retreat. Closer and closer, the Major approached, her pool cue already destroyed with the first attack, yet she clung to it as if it were still viable. Jess had released her catapult attack, the chair flying towards Stacy’s face. Only one arm moved to defend the Demons features before the chair impacted, sending Stacy flying backwards despite her forward momentum.

The cold, hard floor had earned a new crack on it as Stacy impacted against it with enough force to rock the tables that surrounded her. For a moment, the Major lay completely still, only the tips of her fingers twitching slightly. A few nearby drinkers approached, seeing if the beautiful woman was still alive. It was only after a fatigued groan that the woman in the demonic jacket began to move, much slower then before. The demon rolled onto her stomach, the damage to her back becoming obvious as blood, splinters, and holes now covered the back of her jacket. Her eyes still had violence within them, but fatigue was quickly extinguishing whatever was left.

Stacy began to try to lift herself off the floor, but could not get beyond her knees. Her once powerful arms wobbled as they tried to push her off the floor, but could not succeed. Her body was shutting down, no longer obeying her brains orders as her legs turned to jelly, and her muscles protested going any further with her wild plans.

“O-on…your…feet, soldier!” she groaned to herself, trying to get herself up, “Coward! Get…UP!

No matter what she did, she seemed unable to get off her hands and knees. Her shoes would not grip the floor, lazily rubbing against it like a cat worshiping its owner. Her back was turned towards the violent Texan, unaware that she was completely at her foe’s mercy.

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Re: Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

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*She might not have been in the most reliably coherent frame of mind, but Jess was articulate enough to realize precisely what was going on- Given the amount of energy she had exerted while brawling with the indomitable Stacy, supposed demon general or not, she noticed the earlier vivacity the malevolent entity had nearly been entirely extinguished, albeit semi-present with a handful of guttural growls and plaintive moans from the chair shot that rattled her to her core. Even though the crimson crusher was someone to be feared and reviled if ever encountered, and for good reason, she wasn't the merciless type, and Stacy appeared to be in no condition to continue this melee. As the wounded rancher limped towards her adversary, one tentative yet meaningful step after another, she reached the prostrated woman before looming overtop of her with an impressed beam stretching from ear to sweat-soaked ear.*

"H..hey..." *She began, the word in its entirety taking nearly a full breath to properly announce.* "D..don' ashamed..o.of yourself, darlin~" *As if she were attempting to express her undying appreciation for the profoundly memorable fight she had the privilege of participating in.* "I..if this is just a slivah of what yer capable of, then please, considah me indebted to yah." *However, Jess still had a victory to claim as her own, and she knew Stacy wasn't about to just roll over and allow her to claim it- She wasn't the type of woman to allow that to be her reality, and the ginger giantess held more respect for her than to even bother to ask. So, without squandering another, solitary second Jess lurched forward and snagged the exhausted woman within her grasp, hoisting her high above the ground, wedging her face between her victim's voluptuous legs to prepare her for a well-timed powerbomb through an adjacent, rounded table!*
"Don't hold any hard feelings against me, sugah~" *With a sultry nod and a wink that trailed after her gentle plea, Jess held the extra weight in mid-air for a brief period of time, which must have felt like an eternity for her foe, considering what was inevitably going to happen, before finally delivering the mammoth slam through the inanimate object!* "CCCRRACCCK!" *Went the flimsy piece of material, sending ripples of unmitigated anguish throughout the otherwise silent crowd, causing the onlookers to wince from the sheer horror of what they were witnessing, while a handful of them continued to gawk in morbid amusement.*

"Now, just hold still fer me for...oh, about three seconds~" *Jess chuckled, still somehow maintaining a vestige of her southern charm through this exhausting ordeal as she rolled Stacy up for an easy pin. Fortuitously enough, the bartender noticed the unique hold Jess had captured Stacy inside of, and began counting by slamming the mahogany countertop with the palm of his hand.*

"ONE..." *He began, already well aware that Stacy was in no position to kick out, this count only serving as a formality.* "TWO..." *He continued, all the while Jess couldn't contain her giddiness despite the blood continuing to trickle down her olive-skinned face from the earlier injury she had sustained.* "THREE!" *And as the final seconds passed, the ginger bulldozer picked up the nearly lifeless Stacy and propped her body up against a nearby barstool, giving her a gentle kiss against her forehead as a souvenir to remember her by.*

"Iff'n ya'll evah need me fer anything, swing by The Gem's Haven- I'll be more'n happy to help yah~"
*Without a tincture of sarcasm within her voice, Jess gave her fond confidant a light pat on her weary head before starting towards the door, as the drunken patrons gave both herself and the captain a standing ovation for their outstanding performance. Surprisingly, this entire altercation only took around an hour, but the triumphant texan still felt the sensation of inebriation weighing her down- This was going to be an eventful day, indeed.*

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Re: Tokyo Brawl- Jess vs Stacy!

Unread post by Armada »

Stacy lay on the floor, unable to move any more than to raise herself off the cold surface just enough to prostrate herself in a disgustingly shameful manner. No matter how much she wanted to, no matter how much she screamed at herself, her own body refused to heed her orders, her arms turning into concrete and her legs like free range gelatin she had for breakfast. The savage blow to her skull did something, it was far more effective then she predicted, but why? She was the Devil Kings Major! Surely a couple blows to the head, a few crashes against foreign objects, and violent vertigo would not be enough to stop her! It would be a few hours before she realized the extent of her damage, but adrenaline seemed to eb away at the pain, if only just a little bit.

The Major could hear her foe approaching, felt the vibrations of every step she took grow stronger as she drew closer. Even with the fear of further humiliation building inside of her, her body still refused to move, still refused to obey its master. Stacy couldn’t bear to watch Jess approach, letting her head drop to the floor, her long hair like a veil hiding the cut face underneath.

Why won’t it work? MOVE DAMNIT!

She once again gave her body an order, but still it did nothing. A stronger force began to build up inside, fear, sorrow, regret. She was supposed to be powerful! One of the fiercest in her Army, and she was reduced to this by a drunk typhoon who had been in a fight previously. There was no way this was Jess’s 100% standard power, but she still crushed the Major like a gnat. Now, not even the Major’s own body would obey her commands. She had failed, spectacularly. The shark teeth that were bared were clenched so tight, they threatened to shatter in on themselves as a single tear rolled down one of the demons’ cheeks. Her reputation was gone, her strength sapped, and her body deserted her. She was alone, and about to receive her cleansing flame of pain.

On her knees, Stacy must have seemed insignificant to the Crimson Crusher. The Ginger Giant blocked out the overhead lights, casting a shadow that enveloped The Major’s form in cold, discriminating darkness. When the demon looked back up at the cowgirl, any self-pity or heartache was hidden away, just a lashing look that announced Stacy’s desire to continue. Even as the belle spoke with her charming accent, Stacy continue to try and stand, growling and grunting in wasted effort, the taste of copper filling her mouth, and a tiny red strain slipping between her teeth and pooling on the floor. She ignored the Texan’s praise, looking as if she intended to continue that fight until one of them couldn’t move anymore. Her legs finally began to respond, and finally the Major was beginning to ascend.

But The crowd, Jess, and even Stacy herself knew it was too late.

Like prey getting snatched up by a predator, the Bull Bashing Belle picked Stacy up with seemingly no effort, wrapping her demonic foes things around her head in preparation for a massive powerbomb. The Demon’s head dipped down, her golden eyes glaring at the snickering woman’s face in between her thighs. She was helpless, too tired to move at all, and knowing what was coming next just made it seem to take forever. Sadly, the small pause would finally end, and Stacy would be brought back down to hell in the most brutal, yet fastest way possible. A silent scream escaped her lips as the table was obliterated upon impact, and the Sadistic soldier finally went limp, her eye glazed over, hardly any consciousness still dancing in them.
A silent scream escaped her lips
Stacy did not feel Jess’s weight, she simply struggled to breath for a few seconds. The Hazardous general was folded as easy as a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer, not so much as a noise of resistance stood against Jess’s victory, and soon the Texan would take hold of her win, the Demon laying in a pool of shattered wood, blood, and plastic.


The thin thread of consciousness that kept Stacy awake hardly registered that Jess had scooped her up and was beginning to carry her, before finally propping her up in a bar stool. The kiss on the forehead was…surprisingly sweet but completely unexpected…was it even real? Stacy wasn’t even sure if this was all just a dream anymore. Her head felt like it was filled with water, and she didn’t understand why the bucking brute was suddenly being nice to her.

Gems Haven? What’s…that?

Before Stacy could comprehend any of her own questions, her large opponent was gone, and she was alone. Applause seemed to be erupting around her as she slowly grew more and more aware of her surroundings. Her brain felt as if it was trying to punch its way out of her skull, and when she went to rub her head, she found wood splinters were tangled in her hair, and her cap was missing. With a heavy sigh, Stacy scooped up her demonic cap, and slowly limped away towards the restroom, looking to clean herself up and at least look presentable for her soldiers. Whatever they thought of her now, She kne that she would have to salvage what she could if she ever wanted to be their true Major in battle.

Winner by pinfall: Jess Mcleary!

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