Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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Re: Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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2 elimination without taking a single blow, humiliating the girls as if they were ragdolls prepared for Yunaka’s fun. Naomi’s body remained lying in the middle of the ring with no one to come to her aid.

If we add up the time that Sara and Naomi had endured, we barely got to the minute of action in the ring, and Naomi was the leader of the group... Yunaka yelled at the waiting girls who were really scared for the redhead performance not realizing that one of them wasn't in the same place as the others. Hang would appear from behind Yunaka trying with his meager strength a surprise rollout to win this fight in a clever way since with the show of strength of the readhed had become clear that they did not have the slightest chance of winning in a normal body-to-body action.
But the strength of Hang wasn't enough to get to knock down Yunaka’s body to the mat, so she stayed right under her opponent, lying on the canvas with her right arm between the 2 legs of the powerful Yunaka, showing to the whole stadium how pathetic and weak she was, not even a surprise attack was able to connect against such a superior rival. "Thats a fucking joke...right?
Last edited by oWND on Fri Feb 14, 2025 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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Yunaka was a perceptive woman. By the end of her time on the streets, when she got into fights, more of them started with her opponents trying to get the drop on her. So when the former enforcer looked at LieMad, it did not escape her notice that one of them was missing. Nor did the blue-eyed idol, Yunaka believed her name was Hang, escape the redhead's peripheral vision.

Despite Yunaka figuring that none of these idols could probably do much even with a free hit, she was still cautious enough to not take that chance and see if she was wrong. Knowing that Hang was going for her legs, Yunaka would jump over the sneak attack, leaving the idol to fall under her. The former street girl would then come down hard, stomping her feet down on either side of Hang's head, but not actually hitting her. Just sending the message that she easily could have.

Yunaka would then step away from Hang's prone form to the center of the ring. "This is very real," Yunaka said, her voice dropping a solid octave and losing its airy cheer, "and I don't appreciate what you just tried to do." But as soon as it left, the redhead's voice went right back to the tone she had held for the rest of the match before, "So how about we get started on this round properly? Come and try to hang, Hang!"
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Re: Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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Hang was surprised not to be quickly punished for her cowardly attempt to take the victory but despite getting away with it she had to try something, she knew perfectly well that she couldn't win in a normal fight so she would try another desperate action to avoid any physical confrontation with Yunaka.

Despite all her pride and chatter she was really scared so it took several seconds to get a convincing answer, if she wanted to fool her rival who seemed quite intelligent, so a little while of doubt finally decided on a strategy to take the victory.

"Yeah... You got me, sorry... hehe-slut."

And as she rose quickly she would make a desperate low blow to try to win in one fulminant movement.
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Re: Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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Same as before, Yunaka was prepared for more dishonesty from Hang, despite having forgiven the initial attempt. The idol was in perfect position for a low blow, after all. Being on the ground both made Hang look weak, and gave her good angles to target Yunaka's crotch. Sure enough, once Hang had both feet under her, instead of standing up, she sprung forward with her fist.

Being ready for it, Yunaka was more than ready to catch Hang by her wrist. "Oh, that was a very poor decision," she said. With the other members of LieMad, Yunaka was focused on getting through them as quickly as possible. But facing somebody so brazenly willing to try to cheat her and fight dirty, Yunaka would spend a little extra juice in order to send the message that she wasn't to be fucked with.

Yunaka would start by thrice smashing the toe of her boot into Hang's belly, which she knew would would crumple Hang and drop the idol to her knees. Once Hang was weak, Yunaka would stand the pink clad girl against the ropes, crouch down, and then blast the idol with her signature flip kick: Dropped Your Guard. An attack that if it worked, would send Hang flying out of the ring and out of the match. Granted, Hang wouldn't be defeated by ring out, but if the idol wasn't KOed by the hit, Yunaka doubted that she'd be willing to step back in the ring to keep going.
Dropped Your Guard
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Re: Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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Hang’s stomach was burning after the blows that had practically knocked her out and she was brought down on her knees, Yunaka grab her as a ragdoll and put her on the ropes where with a brutal kick was thrown out of the ring falling in a concussive manner onto her neck. The body of the Chinese was shattered with her legs above her head making her body to form a C, her consciousness had abandoned her body and her underwear began to become wet while her body started twitching from the blow.


There was no count by the referee who quickly called medical assistance as she pulled Yunaka away from the ropes to try and protect poor Hang’s inert body from any punshiment.

While the medics carried the broken body of Hang out of the stadium the 2 survivors of LieMad stared at each other, Sakura and Natsumi where horrified and wanted to go home, but then Sakura hugged her friend. "We'll be fine, trust me it all be okey...And sorry.

Sakura pushed Natsumi to the ring making her falling in her butt, she was now the next in the fight. "W-WHAT YOU STUPID BRATT, T-THATS UNFAIR."

She didn’t have time to complain with that challenge called Yunaka ahead of her so she quickly stood up and prepared for the worst.
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Re: Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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Yunaka couldn't help but to feel some pity and sympathy for Hang, as her body landed ass up and unconscious while the idol seemingly lost control of her bladder. She obviously knew that she had no chance against Yunaka in a fair fight, and the way to solve that was to make the fight unfair. But the former street urchin certainly wasn't going to let herself be victimized by unfair tactics regardless.

The ref hadn't needed to get the redhead away from the ropes, as Yunaka had no intentions of going after Hang further. She walked back to the center of the ring and waited for her next opponent. With how blatantly terrified the last two LieMad members were, the Lioness Queen felt comfortable in assuming that neither of them was a secret ace. Not that Yunaka had any intention of letting her guard down because of that assumption.

For the second time this match, one of the LieMad girls threw another of their ranks at Yunaka so that they could delay their own turn. This one was a blonde in green, who looked to have the smallest chest of the idol group. "Don't worry," said Yunaka. "Just don't fight dirty, and I won't treat you like I did Hang, okay?"

When the round started, Yunaka would run past Natsumi as if she were going to the ropes. But once Yunaka was past the blonde, she would cut back early and dive at the idol, wrapping her arms around Natsumi's hips to take her to the ground. Then the redhead would cross the idol's legs over each other, sit on one ankle to push it down, and then pull the other ankle up. Bending Natsumi's legs against each other for a Double Toed Leglock.
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Re: Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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"T...thanks for the warning..."

The crowd didn’t have to be very smart to realize that Natsumi was very scared, and no one could blame her for it, her friends were falling one by one without any possibility to avoid it and the last of them had needed medical help to leave the ring so feeling fear was normal in this situation.

The blonde looked around, towards the ring full of sweat left by the bodies of her fallen friends, to the crowd that seemed to enjoy without any remorse this one-sided beating, and finally to her rival that night... wait where was her ri- And just in that moment Yunaka dived Natsumi body making her fall with a really hard hit.

Before Natsumi could assimilate what was happening, Yunaka had already locked her in a submission where she began to punish her leg.

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Re: Idols vs Monster: LieMad vs Yunaka Rubi

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Yunaka's actual plan had been to trick Natsumi into thinking that she was planning to rebound off of the ropes, and then catch her off guard with the early cutback. But instead, Natsumi just lost track of Yunaka completely. One could argue that the cutback was still useful in that it gave the idol less time to spot the redhead, but realistically, it wouldn't have made a difference.

A couple seconds later, and Yunaka had her Double Toed Leglock submission hold secured. Natsumi shrieked in agony and terror, but unlike her allies who had been locked into submissions previously, the blonde did not immediately surrender. Though Yunaka doubted that it would take much longer, since Natsumi was begging for help.

True to her word, Yunaka would show mercy by not making her hold worse than it already was, which would have been well within her power. Instead she just crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, you've lasted the longest out of your team by now," she said. Though Yunaka was getting somewhat annoyed by how little resistance she was facing. This was so easy that it was starting to feel pointless. "So you wanna make any sort of challenge to me out of that grand accomplishment?"
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