Nico Mendez vs Zane Lambert

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Re: Nico Mendez vs Zane Lambert

Unread post by Aeri »

While she hadn’t exactly fought someone in a matter like this, Nico was no stranger to what to do to stimulate people. Of course, in PRACTICE, she was a total virgin.. but in theory she was rather adept, and her thighs demonstrated it, slickly working his cock to milk him!

“Cowgirls are quite adept at.. milking, you know..”

She chuckled at her own joke, but suddenly..! Her top was torn apart, breasts spilling out and a small gasp escaping her.. before her breath was stolen away by a kiss, her hips grabbed and pulled onto his lap. Nico melted into it, a moan just barely held back.. but suddenly even that was forced out when Zane pumped into her, a groan of pleasure escaping her, but knocking some sense into her too..!

“..k-kh.. get.. off..!” She protested weakly, her hands gripping his own to try and push him on his back!
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Re: Nico Mendez vs Zane Lambert

Unread post by Bare »

Ignoring the words of Nico in favor of pressing his lips against Nico's to shush her up he would grab her hips as well and pulling her up along with him, using the position to his advantage to start thrusting his hips up into her, thrusting in and out non stop against Nico's pussy while messaging her breasts roughly.

Stimulating her in three different ways and by the sound of it, driving her crazy in the process. Hearing the sounds of her moans only made him more excited as she tried to push him away by pressing her hands against his own. Smirking at her with a lewd expression he'd chuckle slightly.

"I'm adept at milking in my own way." He shot back to her before using the grip of their hands to fall back, but turn over as he did so in order to push Nico down onto her back with Zane on top. If successful he would continue pounding into Nico with increasing speed, especially since he'd have a better vantage point from here!

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