Akira Gogata VS Allison Ford 2

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Re: Akira Gogata VS Allison Ford 2

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It wasn't surprising for Allison when Akira took her words with their literally meaning, thanking almost earnestly for her compliments. "I wasn't....I didn't....I meant...ugh..." Allison sighed exasperatedly, stopping short of explaining what she meant. It wouldn't matter anyway. Akira got busy licking every nook and cranny possible from her tongue, and didn't look to be stopping anytime soon.

In fact, when Allison reminded her of their agenda today, about why they both were present here, the blonde behemoth simply paused her thorough taste-testing to nod in acknowledgement, before continuing. This time, she put a special emphasis on her midsection, lapping up any remnants of the alcohol and coating the expanse with her saliva. Allison bit her lips to stifle any moans from bursting out. Despite the stickiness and irritation, the special attention to her abdomen kind of soothed her, and Akira seemed to have caught up on it, running her lingua along the length of her stomach, before flipping her over.

"Mmh~...Gak!...Hhh.." Her relaxed sighed got cut off after being rolled over, from the big bulging bicep of the Kaiju coiling around the slender neck of the raven-haired woman to arch her torso up gently. The sinuous arm pressed hard against her throat, almost causing her to gag before settling into the hold which was more about keeping her in place and cause mild discomfort rather than induce pain.

Akira's sculpted body had enveloped her like a giant plush toy, the possibility of any sort of movement virtually impossible. "Perv? really?me?...aagh... You're the one...who's trying...to get into my pants....ugh...atleast be patient till after the match...oof..." Allison's words strained out of her mouth, the forceful arc and the licks to her cheek rendering her speech taxing to put together. It was now a good time to question where this match was heading, and Allison was feeling certain that the Kaiju wasn't going to get back to the objective anytime soon. It was now upto Allison to knock some sense into the blonde, somehow....

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Re: Akira Gogata VS Allison Ford 2

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Akira didn’t mind being called a perv. So what if she’d become a little slutty since joining the promotion? Everyone in the locker room was a pervert. Whenever Akira was dressing, there was even a girl who asked to lick her abs all the time. She let her too. Why? Because Akira was kinda into it and the bitch was attractive. “I’m not trying to get in your pants…” the kaiju would say as she continued to choke the Avalanche a bit while licking her.

“THIS is me trying to get in your pants.” Akira added before her free hand slid down the back of Allison’s wrestling briefs and gave her butt and firm squeeze.

“…you know you do have a nice ass…ok you’re right. We can do this tonight after the match too…” Akira would tell her opponent as she rubbed the woman’s ass nice and easy. The kaiju would even lean down and start nibbling on her ear. Purring like some kind of giant cat as she nibbled, the blonde woman would miss the point of what Allison was telling her completely as she just started having her way with the avalanche. She wasn’t tasting the booze anymore. She was tasting Allison!

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Re: Akira Gogata VS Allison Ford 2

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Yeah. By now, Allison was certain that this fight was going to take a deep dive into the 'Hentai' domain if she continued to let Akira have her way. Akira probably wouldn't mind it though, and seeing as how she has taken a shine to the raven-haired woman and her soaked, sticky physique; Allison wouldn't be surpised if she snuck her finger up her top or go downwards to the nethers soon!

And just as these thoughts crossed Allison's mind, still trapped in the uncomfortable choke-hold, her bottoms got invaded and the culprit? One large, shredded Kaiju comprised in her entirety of pure muscle."Wha-...No..This isn't...Mmmhn...Ahn~" Allison's body betrayed what was swirling inside the mind from the kneading and squeezing of her ass, which was gentle yet firm, unlike what was expected out of someone of Akira's build. Add to that the incessant yet feather-light nibbling of her ear, the raven-haired woman couldn't help but open her mouth to sigh with her eyes partly shut.

Her hands, which had been thrashing and flailing till now calmned down, now just moving about aimlessly, the sticky mess of liquids coating her arm sleeves and her covered legs as well. Akira certainly knew how to work a body, to push the right buttons but unfortunately, her poor judgement regarding the place to clown was something Allison had objection towards, else if this had been in private she would have returned the favour with her own subtle wiles.

"Yeah, tonight...mgh..you can...ahnn..have you way...mgh..with me...mmmphh...augh~" Soft moans elicited out pointed to Allison not against Akira was doing, but there was one part of what the Kaiju purred into her ear that brought her back from her reverie.

"What...aah...do you mean...oof...after the match...TOO?" Allison would gradually begin to wiggle firecely. Yes, if this continued, the match was going to become an intense fuckfest and Allison, atleast right now, was here to fight and keep the initmate stuff private. And so, hoping that the squiming would give her arms some wiggle room, Allison tried to bring her elbow to the side of the Kaiju's face, who was too busy copping a feel of her ass the booze spread over her.

"Gngh..Oof..Gahh...There's no TOO, there only AFTERWARDS....we ain't going down here in this fight" Couple more rapid-fire clubbing blows should do the trick, effects of which probably enough to let Allison roll away and try to get back to her feet using a nearby set of chairs and a table...

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Re: Akira Gogata VS Allison Ford 2

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Akira could tell Allison was enjoying their little tussle. The way that the avalanche was moaning was a clear giveaway. Of course her opponent wasn’t going to admit it anytime soon. Even as she moaned the woman was trying to squirm her way free. But the kaiju had a firm grip on her prey as she continued nibbling and groping her to no end. Allison was even more flustered when Akira told her they’d have lewd fun both now and tonight.

“Mmmm…no…I’ll have you here and to go…” the kaiju would respond to the avalanche before going right back to licking the woman’s neck. Even biting it a little to be playful.

“Shuuuuussshhh…we can do both…” Akira would say as Allison continued to complain about having sex here. Despite the big blonde woman’s reasoning, however, it seemed like the dark haired fighter was not convinced. Instead of voicing her complaints, Allison would soon go on the offensive to get her point across to the thick skulled kaiju. That being in the form of several elbow shot to her head. Grunting as the woman’s blows connected, Akira would find herself getting somewhat dazed by the hits. Well if Allison wanted to play rough then the kaiju would indulge her. After all, beating on the avalanche a bit would make it easier to have her way with her opponent. So, Akira would shove the woman away across the floor before she started to pull herself up to her feet. Rubbing her head a little, the blonde woman would start to recover herself before putting a pounding on her opponent.

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Re: Akira Gogata VS Allison Ford 2

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Safe to say, had Allison not taken the drastic measure to clocking Akira's face with side elbows, she would have been stripped naked and on the way to be fucked senseless in public, in front of cameras and a delicious fodder for tabloids. She was certain of the possiblity about Akira wanting to have her way with the smaller woman right here when she accepted without hesitation that the Kaiju wanted to devour her twice today, but it became absolutely clear when Akira nibbled and bit at her neck while running her wet lingua over and around the region, causing Allison to let out a suppressed moan, while biting her lip. Her eyes rolled back from the heady mixture of pleasureable feelings.

But that was that for now. Getting back up using a table for support, almost slipping down again, Allison was going to approach Akira and eye a few drinks and shot glasses beside her on another table. Prompty grabbing a couple of glasses, Allison was going to fling the sparkly liquor at Akira's face one after the other and take another couple of them to repeat the action.

Akira was on her knees at present and Allison had a mischievious idea, along the lines of what Akira indulged in. Taking a bottle of whiskey from the nearby table, Allison would empty the contents of the glass container onto the Kaiju's head and then push her foot against the face to shove it crashing down against the floor!

"I''m only human, after all.." Allison raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips into a thin line, like a shrug and looked around the slippery glistening mess both of them had made and then at the form of the Kaiju, whose torso arched backwards over the folded legs, her alluring, sweaty belly calling her her invitingly...
Last edited by Hitman45 on Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Akira Gogata VS Allison Ford 2

Unread post by Caborn »

Akira was surprised as she was suddenly splashed in the face with alcohol. She’d expected Allison’s attack to be more physical. It was only when her eyes started to sting and her vision went blurry that the kaiju realized she was in trouble. “Ah fuck…” the woman said before trying to wipe her eyes clear. What wasn’t helping her was Allison throwing more and more drinks on her. Soon she was just as wet as her opponent, maybe in more ways than one. “…now look who’s being dirty-ack!” Akira began to say before the avalanche would dump a bottle of whiskey on her head while kicking her in the face. Grunting as she was brought down, the blonde woman looked up to find Allison stepping on her face while dumping the rest of the bottle out. Clearly this dirty birdie wasn’t as shy as she pretended to be when Akira was licking her body all over. The woman was practically posing over her like this.

“Well at least you’re being honest about it now…” Akira would say before she grabbed her opponent’s ankle and yanked on it. If Allison wanted to play then the kaiju would let her get a taste. Looking to knock the avalanche on top of her, Akira would try to grab her opponent by her hair and shove the woman’s face against her abs. “Here…you can get a taste this time…” she’d she, smiling a little as she pressed Allison’s face against her muscular body.

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Re: Akira Gogata VS Allison Ford 2

Unread post by Hitman45 »

The reaction on the Kaiju's face said it all. One of bewilderment, surprise and shock as if she didn't expect Allison to react the way she did. It was understandable to an extent seeing as Allison was complaining about the same issue that Akira was facing, but the only difference was that the raven-haired woman was less inclined to make love and more keen to kick butt. The former could always happen later, and not in public eye.

Akira seemed to become more and more disoriented as she got coated with alcohol and thus she couldn't do much when Allison shoved her head donw to the floor. Her belly looked very inviting and alluring from there, all sticky and glistening from the concoction of liquids trailing across the skin and Allison was about to drive her foot into the ripped abs when she felt her foot being yanked.

"Gaah..Ooouff..." Allison landed on her face with a yelp, not expecting Akira to pull something like that from such a suggestive position. But she wasn't content with it and before she knew it, she found herself tasting various flavours of liquor, poured over the container that was the Kaiju's belly! "Skjgnnlkjhh..."Now, this wasn't that bad and Allison wouldn't have minded it somewhere else, but here, her speech got muffled from the inadvertent smooching and slathering of the Kaiju's abs. She tried to pull herself out, but Akira's grip was unyielding and firm, not at all willing to cede.

However, her hands were still free and she wasn't going to sit here tasting the Kaiju's abs all day. Her obliques were going to endure some punishment now, with Allison's face buried in Akira's abs, almost worshipping them with her tongue and teeth. Both her fists were going to be unloaded onto the intended body while Allison was busy, trying to catch off-guard!

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