It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Harmonia held Mollys hand and looked as happy as a cheerful schoolgirl. But actually there was somethjng on her mind and it involved a certain heavy weight in this room. She turned to the bigger woman and smiled. "Oh Astrid, by the way, how about dinner tonight. It's one me, for all of us. But I would love to have a little talk in private to you then I you don't mind?",, she said with a smile and when she saw Sheila reacting to the word dinner she rolled her eyes.

"Of course Sheila-chan, you are invited too. You never forgive me if I would not take you to a family dinner.", she chuckled and ruffled her first friends hair. Harmonia loved Sheila, very much so. She had been her first opponent to not look down on her and gave her one hell of an exciting match. But what Sheila did not know, or did she know, Harmonia wasn't sure if Sheila had really looked behind it, was that Sheila had given her another debut, namely as her heel persona Ace of Spades, were Harmonia tried out how to be a heel. She hadn't talked to anybody about it except Molly now and wanted it to remain that way for now.

George on the other hand shook his head and then agreed bitterly. "Awrigh...Awrigh..., voice work then.", he said and took a seat, puffing his cheeks like a little boy.

And with all the people in place, there was still someone missing as with a big cheer, someone landed on Sheila's back, piggybacking on the Australian as Nico Cardona pumped her fist into the air.
"Oleeeee!", she grinned and held on to her fellow YL with one arm while the other one pointed straight at Sarabeth.
"Gracies! Nico Cardona, the mighty Goleador at your service! Shaken, not stirred!", the yellow ranger cheered and reached out her hand to Sarabeth.
"Whats this here? A group therapy? AA meeting?", she said with a cheerful grin as she still held on to Sheila, putting her head onto the black haired girls.


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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Sarabeth snickered herself when she heard her mother thought she really dyed her hair green in actual solidarity for her favorite color of Ranger. She punched her mom in the shoulder as she laughed out loud a little.

I’m kidding as well. I mostly dyed it for a fresh look in wrestling when I started, but you could say I was playing along with your little joke, mother dearest,” Sarabeth retorted with her hands on her hips and a teasing wink.

Nico would then make herself known wearing her Yellow Lightspeed Ranger uniform and jumped on Sheila’s back nearly toppling all three Young Lioness’s into one pile. She quoted James Bond and stuck her hand out towards Sarabeth as the clockwork wrestler took it in a firm shake. Nico Cardona was someone that Sarabeth had saw in her classes with Tina Kelley and she recently gained admission into a faction known as The Austrian Eagles. Nico is known for her love of futbol, Simpsons, and quoting cinema and for being under some form of tutelage to Harmonia. She was definitely quite the character alright and also a secret perv just like Sarabeth.

Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth. That’s a mouthful I understand, but I’ve been around the block a few times and my name tends to change around in rotation. It gets very confusing,” Sarabeth greeted.

Great, first time I’m meeting this blonde bonanza and she already thinks of us as alcoholics,” Daniel stated to Jonathan.

Nico, can you at least not run off without me, chica? I don’t want security to accidentally throw you out on the streets and mistake you for a rabid fan,” Ryan suggested as he took off his blue helmet revealing his face and himself wearing the Blue Lightspeed Ranger uniform.

You really have your work cut out dealing with her, Ryan,” Jonathan teased his Hispanic friend.

Nico’s great even if she’s inhabiting the souls of Speedy Gonzalez and Zorro all in one young adult girl’s body,” Ryan replied with his own joke getting a chuckle out of Jonathan.

Speaking of rabid fans, where’s Brianna? It seriously can’t take that long to throw off a costume to use the bathroom and come back,” Daniel wondered.

And it’s even worse when I realize she was fangirling back home, before the night of the trip over here, on the way to the airport, on the plane, at the rental car place, on the way over here, and she even fangirled during shoots. I think she knows what she is doing and I even sent Meiyun after her to keep her in check,” Jonathan added.

Jonathan excused himself to go hunting for his wife and the Japanese daughter of a restaurant owner to hopefully make sure his wife wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary or pestering other actors on the set. His wife is a mature woman and a great mother of his two daughters, but even she can have her weak points of controlling her inner nerd.

Meanwhile, William chuckled as Sheila had given him a hug after managing to get Nico off her back and asked him not to miss her stunts.

I’ve been doing a few stunts with you already, little kangaroo. Kinda hard to miss them,” William replied as he patted Sheila’s head.
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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"Oh? You would?" When Harmonia extended the offer of inviting her for dinner, Astrid raised an eyebrow curiously. She wasn't sure exactly what might have prompted the question, but nevertheless, the look on her face softened into a smile just a moment later - Astrid didn't need to know what it was Harmonia had to talk about with her to appreciate such a generous offer. "I'd love to-" But naturally, she was interrupted just a moment later when Sheila caught notice of the plans - and it didn't take her long to look back up at them with a grin across her face. "Oh, oh!! Can I come too!? They have catering here, but it's...ehh, I could go for some real food!"

Then, Astrid heard that Sarabeth had only been joking, and she let out a hearty laugh. "Ah, heh! Yes, of course. I...knew that," she said with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of her head. Hopefully, if she could brush it off as a joke, no one would realize she'd actually fallen for it. But either way, she'd soon be reminded of her surroundings when Nico hopped onto Sheila's back, practically causing the Australian girl to lose her balance as she went toppling forward! "WHOAH-!!" Astrid cried out, trying to stand in between the two of them and Sarabeth before extending her hands to keep them steady. It didn't seem to bother Sheila either way, and she took off bursting into laugher. Laughter that she was happy to share with William as he came closer, right into the Young Lioness's embrace.

She looked up at him with a grin, giggling a little at the mention of the stunts they'd done already. "I mean, yeah, duh! Of course you saw those. But I bet there'll be plenty of time for me to get some solo action in for the next fight scene! I have some moves I wanna show them!" She punched at the air a couple of times. "I mean, there will be time, right?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Sheila," Astrid warned. "I know you're excited, but we should trust the choreographers. They'll highlight our best assets, and they know how to keep us out of anything too dangerous. You do remember what I told you about doing too many top rope moves, right?"

"C'mooooon," Sheila begged, "I've been wrestling long enough! I know how to fall!"

"Meiyun thought that, too, and she still got her leg tangled up in the ropes that one time. I know I'm a little more lenient than some of the traditionalists in the Program, but there's a reason behind starting small and branching out." Then, noting what Jonathan had said, Astrid remembered something - and her head turned toward him as he went to leave. "Actually, that's right...where is Meiyun..?"

Meiyun was indeed still close behind Brianna - and for as much as Brianna took her responsibilities as a mother and a champion in USPW seriously, no one could deny that she was a nerd. A big nerd. Particularly when it came to superheroes - and when she had been watching Power Rangers for as long as she could remember, to be on stage with them and wearing one of the suits herself might as well have been a dream come true. To her, this studio felt like a big convention as much as it did work, and she couldn't help but indulge herself. Right now, she was standing in the costume closet, looking up and down at a Quantron costume on the rack - and grinning from ear to ear all the while.

"'s like it's straight off the screen! They really didn't skip out on any of the details..."

"Uh, I'll take your word for it, I guess..." Meiyun bit her lip anxiously. She was just as much of a nerd herself, and it wasn't hard to get her hyped up for anything involving action, drama, and fighting spirit - but she could at least be counted on to be responsible at least some of the time. "I don't remember these guys. Besides, uh, aren't we supposed to, like...not be back here..?"

Brianna elected to completely ignore the second part of that question. "Well, yeah, they weren't in the Super Sentai version, so you must not've seen them. I guess the Megaranger foot soldiers looked too goofy for us. Speaking of, you and I definitely need to sit down and watch In Space some time-" At that point, however, she heard footsteps coming from the hall, and she jumped back up, going stiff. "E-Er..! Mei, cover for me!"

"What? Me? What am I supposed to do-!?"
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Nico listened what the cute girl had to say and her smile grew wider. "Saaayyy, you are Wills daughter? You with LAW then?", she asked with a flirty grin. "Just asking, so I know whom to challenge next!", she said and hopped down Sheilas back to face Sarabeth proper.
"If your are up for the task! It's no shame to be afraid!", she said with a chuckle and gave her a wink before turning to Ryan.

"Oh Ryan,Ya me conocen. Después de que intenté robar todas las donas, ¡Moni confirmó que yo también era actor! ¡Aquí Moni incluso me puso una etiqueta para que la gente me reconociera!", she said and lifted up a small sign that had been placed around her neck. It read: "Nico Cardona, Actor." and in bigger letters: "Do not feed."

Moni sighed and laughed a little about the commotion. It really felt as if the family all had come together to have a fun time with each other. She pulled Molly in with one arm and smiled as some tears trickled down her face.
"Such a chaos...", she said with a soft sniffle.
"I just love it.", she smiled and gave her fiance a kiss on the forehead.

George had calmed down in the meantime and scratched the backside of his head. "Sorry, darlin... Was a bit 'oo much, hm?", he asked and to appease his girlfriend he waved his hand and let a flower appear that he put onto her jacket. "I will be a prime example of British behaviour now, promise, luv.", he said as he gave Anfield a few scratches. Then one man from the crew appeared.
"Where is the dude who voices the bad guy?"
George suddenly stiffened and turned around.
"Excuse me? You mean the voice actor for the most important role of the villain?", he said and the man shrugged, chewing on some gum.
"Sure, whatever. You know where I can find him?"
George paled and took a deep breath, trying to get on with a tirade about respect and his general opinion on the us as he saw Chelsea from out the corner of his eye and deflated. "I...I come with you. See you later darling.",he said and gave Chelsea a kiss that made all the others grinning in turn. For many of them it still was wild to see Chelsea, their Chelsea to be in love with someone and even seemingly enjoying it.

Nico softly poked Chelseas side. "Ey, Chelsealita, he is gone now. You can stop staring and blushing. But I have to give you something, you got him under control!", she teased her with a giggle before getting a perverted grin.
" take control in bed too?"
Last edited by RedShinigami on Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

Unread post by Pegasus »

Sarabeth gulped and blushed a bit when Nico suggested that Sarabeth was with LAW and essentially threw down a challenge. From the flirty look she gave the Cuckoo, Nico was definitely suggesting something on the more intimate and lewder side of wrestling which made Sarabeth’s face flare up into a full crimson mask. Not a lot of people knew she was a virgin and she only got as far as just kissing girls on dates, but she’s never had sex or even did basic fingering besides to herself when Jessie was out of the dorm. Sure, Sarabeth herself can be perverted, but deep down, she is totally shy around sexual matches of any kind. However, Sarabeth shook her head and composed herself with a nice smirk and hands on her hips looking at Nico confidently. False confidence, but it’ll have to do.

Anytime you want to throw down, sweet lips, I won’t deny you the pleasure,” Sarabeth accepted as she grabbed Nico’s chin and tickled it. Normally, she probably go in for a little kiss, but not around her parents. That would be embarrassing to let them witness her perverted side. As Nico focused on Chelsea, Sarabeth backed up and hugged Astrid’s body tightly shaking her head in her stepmother’s stomach. “Please no hentai! No hentai! No hentai! Don’t let management make me vs. Nico hentai!” Sarabeth whispered in a desperate tone.

Ryan himself had to shake his head as Nico presented the sign to Ryan. Nico is quite the handful recently and even as Harmonia took her under her wing, there was still the challenge to rein her in.

That’s what I’m afraid of, chica. El hecho de que Moni tuviera que poner ese cartel en el primero no alivia mis preocupaciones. Solo compórtate, por favor,” Ryan pleaded. And don’t pry into Chelsea’s private affairs. Exhibit A of your rambunctious behavior.

Meanwhile, Jonathan had checked the women’s restroom and there wasn’t any sign of his wife or Meiyun confirming his suspicions. He checked with directors and actors alike trying to find any possible lead. They weren’t giving Jonathan much to work with as he sighed at how much trouble his wife could get herself into. However, the person making the footsteps wasn’t a security guard ready to throw out Brianna and Mei or a director asking them what they were doing in studio restricted areas. Hank would appear around the corner wearing a navy blue suit with a dark blue, white striped tie and white dress shirt with black shoes and his long grey hair in a small ponytail. He appeared to be talking to a late 60s Italian man with long grey hair wearing a green, black-buttoned dress shirt, a red and green scarf, black slacks, and black dress shoes.

What did I tell ya, Martin? I told you that my wrestlers would make some pretty good actors. Their abilities hide their inexperience and they are capable of taking their own stunts,” Hank boasted before he gasped noticing Brianna and Meiyun.

I truly thank you, Hank. It saved me costs I would’ve had to make finding new kids to agree to wear spandex and actually know how to act. Hollywood has no shortage, but the films are consistently getting terrible with hidden gems being the saving grace,” Martin replied as he would also noticed the girls. “Well, this is unprecedented. Any reason you two happened to be in a off limits area?
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Between Sheila barging into the conversation, Nico hopping onto her back, and Jonathan taking off to look for Meiyun and his wife...things were undoubtedly getting out of hand. And when Molly saw all of it playing out before her eyes, she took in a gulp as the color drained away from her nervous face. She had known her friends for years now - what felt like forever. She was well acquainted with their antics, and how much of a handful they could be. But surely this was different. Chelsea and Sarabeth were here as guests - it should've been their responsibility to make them feel welcomed and at home. Molly knew plenty about having to reign people in, dealing with both her sister and her fiance and their famous tempers, so she was always on the lookout for anyone acting out of turn. So too, she knew that if the set was this much of a madhouse, they weren't exactly putting their best faces to the world. She didn't want Chelsea and Sarabeth to think that they'd let everything go to pot. Well...Sarabeth might get a kick out of that, but Chelsea's patience was clearly wearing thin, and this wouldn't do her any favors.

If there was anything that calmed Molly down, though, it was the support of her loving fiance - and when Harmonia came closer to put her arm against the younger Forster sister's shoulder, Molly let out a sigh, drawing the tension out of her muscles in the process and letting them fall slack. "Ah, heh, yeah...I guess you could say that," she muttered to herself. If Harmonia didn't mind, she thought with a chuckle, it couldn't be all that bad. Besides...this sort of chaos was what her friends were all about. For better or was still them.

Sheila, on the other hand, looked back just in time to see Sarabeth tickling Nico under the chin. She might've just been playing around, and she might have just now gotten to meet the blonde, but such nuances were lost on Sheila - and she let out a loud gasp, clasping her hands to her mouth. "Oh my god!! Really?! You two are IN LOVE!? I had no idea!!" she cried - in the process, drawing more than a few sets of eyes her way from the cast and crew. And likely not making Sarabeth's predicament any easier - when Astrid heard it, she paused for a moment, staring off into space, before looking back down at her stepdaughter as she hugged her sides. Clearly, this was getting a little too out of control for her.

"Don't worry," Astrid whispered to Sarabeth, bringing her hand up to ruffle her hair, and keeping her voice soft enough so that only she would hear. "You don't need to do anything you aren't ready for. The management will only book you for that sort of stuff if you're okay with it. And if they overstep their boundaries...they'll surely listen to a champion." She paused for just a moment, reflecting on how she wasn't a champion any more with a note of sourness, before reminding herself there were bigger priorities - and with that, she looked over at Sheila. "Er, that's enough, Sheila," she said. "We'll talk this through later, okay?"

Chelsea had also gotten a bit flustered when George had started to make a scene - but just like her sister, she knew when to calm down, too. And when her boyfriend produced a flower from his sleeve, the smile on her face grew just a little wider, and her blush deepened. George had managed to do the unthinkable when it came to bringing out her softer side, and gestures like this reminded her of just how much he loved her and just how much he cared. She couldn't be mad at him for long.

When he stepped out to the recording studio, Chelsea waved to him. "Good luck!" she cheered, and the smile on her face was that of a proud and supportive partner, without a hint of irony or embarrassment. But in case anyone believed this wasn't the same Chelsea soon as Nico approached her, that temper came back.

"Starin' and..?" She blinked a few times before her eyes narrowed in rage. "Oi! I am not! Wha' ay ye lewkin' at? It's rude ter stare!" And when Nico dropped her next question, Chelsea's face practically went as red as a tomato. Instinctively, her hand clasped to her mouth - but she stomped her foot on the ground a moment later, shooting the Catalan girl a glare. "WHA'!? God, I'm not answerin' dat, like! Dun ye 'uv better things ter buvver perfectly reasonable people mindin' their own business about!?"

Across the studio, Brianna and Meiyun would be engaged in their own adventure - and one that was quickly growing out of control for them, too. They didn't have a chance to make themselves scarce before they turned to come face to face with Hank Strongbow Williams - one of the big names behind the scenes in this project, and the CEO and commissioner of WFPW. Which, in Meiyun's case, was a particularly alarming fact, considering she had just recently signed a deal to take part in an excursion to his company - and now he'd already seen her get herself into hot water. Not in wrestling, sure, but still!

In that moment, everything came to a screeching halt. For a few seconds, Brianna and Meiyun stared out blankly into space, trying to think of excuses. But it didn't take long for them to speak up. "Oh-! Uh! Hank, sir! I almost didn't see you here! I swear, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, it's just...uh..!"

Meiyun, on the other hand, jumped right to jabbing a finger in Brianna's direction. "Don't blame me! She started it!"

"What..!? Mei-! Whose side are you on!?"
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